Alliance: I, the new rancher of the canyon!

Chapter 7 Canyon Butterfly Effect

Chapter 7 Canyon Butterfly Effect
The psychological game of high ranks has already begun from the moment the A-pawn line is tied.

Most gamers who can reach the master rank have already established confidence in their own operations.At least before the blind monk player was picked up, he believed that his temporary reaction speed could avoid the prince's EQ second company.

Besides, there is only a 50% probability that there will be people in this Schrödinger bush hidden in the mist!

Greater possibility: The prince should go to the bottom lane to gank.

It's a pity that the blind monk made a wrong bet.

Because of the wrong judgment of the gank route, the blind monk lost the first red buff of this round.But fortunately, he didn't mess up his position because of this. With the advantage of passive skills, he sneakily took down the newly refreshed dragon by himself.


Accompanied by the wailing of the little dragon, the twisted dryad who had been secretly happily counting saplings in the grass on the road on the red side split open. "Fuck! This prince is sick! Why have you been wandering on the road for 5 minutes?"

Because the blind monk lost the first half of the wild area.Twisted Dryad had to insert his eye stone, which was extremely precious in the early stage, in the grass near his own wild area to prevent gank.

This also indirectly caused this wave of princes who were detoured by the river to fly with a set of combos, and then the weapon master jumped up with a combo without explaining, so they could only reluctantly hand in the flash.

"There are so many soldiers, only TP can go online!"

Seeing the prince and the weapon master push the line of soldiers into the tower, the Twisted Treant player was filled with anger, and reluctantly used TP.

In this way, it is impossible to support the bot lane and go around the back within 3 minutes.

'Ding, ding. '

Using a fist made from a clumsy tree trunk, he carefully repaired the tower knife.

Seeing the gold coins coming into the account little by little, he was about to save enough money for the next ruby, and he was a small step closer to the divine costume.This wonderful sound, the gold coins shining with charming light, for a moment, the Twisted Dryad player felt that his soul was slowly sublimating. "Ah... this is happiness!"

"Ting Ting, Ting."

But there was a faint sound of iron knocking behind him, ruthlessly interrupting this beautiful reverie.


Looking back with doubts, he saw a strong man wearing a blue-purple cloak breaking the line of troops in front of the second tower.

Whoops, shit!
Under the fluctuating mood of the Twisted Treant player, his hands trembled slightly, and the rhythm of his well-repaired knife suddenly became chaotic, one knife was missed, and another knife was missed...

Twisted Dryad: Blind monk, are you still here to gank?Everyone else is starting to break the line!
Blind Monk: You should develop well first.

At this moment, the blind monk player is also very annoyed. Ever since he was accidentally counter-crouched in the last wave, he has found that his jungle area seems to be a little out of control: the prince on the opposite side actually punished his crimson beak in front of him. bird!

The prince didn't farm in the wild himself, and indirectly hired a blind monk to work crazily.

For the dignity of a jungler, this is like standing on the street and being slapped in the face!
But the equipment level is not as high as others, so what can I do?
The Blind Monk player could only choose to retreat again and again, but secretly held a breath of comfort in his heart.

After all... As the old saying goes, take a step back and the sky will be brighter!
So the next time.

After handing over f6, let the three wolves, and after making the hand, the three wolves still have to fight for their own blue buff.

The anger accumulated again and again, and finally it was unbearable.

Blind Monk: Assist to help you put some vision in the opposite wild area, and buy two more real eyes.

Since you can't beat them, you choose to join. Although it is a bit dangerous to swap wild areas, but you have displacement, it is not a big problem.

The assistant Fengnv originally refused, but after seeing the complete fall of the wild area, she finally chose to be forced to agree.

So, the money that should have been spent on equipment was spent on two real eyes.

A series of chain reactions made this game strange...

2 minute later.

The card Twisted was in the bottom lane position after opening up, and the yellow card was given to Fengnvnv, who cooperated with the bottom lane duo to win the first blood.Carter, who was trying to support him, saw this scene and could only choose to retreat.

At almost the same moment, the Twisted Dryad who was on the road was also fooled by the acting skills of the weapon master who pretended to return to the city in the grass.

Because the weapon master has been deliberately stuck in the line of troops, Dashu can only use saplings to mend the line in embarrassment. After seeing the weapon master finally returning to the city, he is going to go forward and secretly repair a cannon cart.As a result, the weapon master who suddenly appeared and the prince who came to gank again took the head.

After this wave of ganks, Dashu's mentality also changed subtly.

[Everyone] (Twisted Treant): Go to your father?
[Everyone] (Twisted Dryad): I am the only one in this round, you are sick!Don't grab the next road and stare at me?
[Everyone] Shark, Rogue: Isn't it because you are the cutest in this game?
[Everyone] Shark, prodigy: Don't be cowardly, big tree.

"Brothers, don't swipe the screen, listen to me carefully."

After Langgun finished typing, he rejected the behavior of the water friends in the live broadcast room to continue to boo and taunt the player on the opposite side, and explained by the way. "Until now, we can only see that our jungler's hand speed is not bad. I need to put some pressure on the opponent and see how the team battles are handled in the later stage, so as to accurately judge the true strength of this jungler."

Under the refresh screen of '666' and 'this wave of stability', the advantage of the blue side in this game is gradually expanding under the operation of the prince.

"Huh, huh."

The moment a small dragon appeared in the canyon with its huge wings flashing, almost everyone's eyes were focused on this place.

Because Xiaolong can provide additional hero attributes, it is extremely important in terms of strategic resources.

It was in line with Langgun's guess: the jungle prince of his family didn't seem to know what counseling was at all, and before he could say that the big tree opposite had TP, he raised his weapon and stabbed it out, and started to kill dragons.

Seeing this scene, the wave stick quickly stopped his obscene jamming behavior, and moved closer to the big tree that was huddled in the tower and was ready to TP at any time.

Hey, I don't have TP, but I have vertigo!
The blood volume of the giant dragon hovering in the air kept dropping, and at the same time, there was constant interference from the skills of the blue side.When the blood line dropped to one-third, the blind monk was so nervous that he could hardly feel his own breathing, and his eyes were fixed on the dragon pit.

This time, he wants to prove his worth as the son of the dragon!

The white fluorescent light accurately kicked the little dragon with little remaining HP, and at the same time, a red beam of teleportation light lit up at the blue buff grass in the river.

The second stage of the echo kick went down, but it was a step too late. The prince used the reserved Q skill and punishment to directly take down the dragon.

The one who greeted the blind monk was the Bianyang who assisted Lulu.

The situation was originally good, but the wave stick hastily yelled. "Oops! The opposite big tree TP has passed by, be careful!"

At the same moment as the last sound of the wave stick ended, among the red light pillars in the grass, a huge figure carrying countless vines rushed towards the dragon pit.

Team battles are imminent!

(End of this chapter)

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