Chapter 6

"Professional film blind?"

"As long as you can win, you can be a dog!"

"Good guy, I'm direct good guy!"

"Have the anchor learned it? This is the top game understanding!"

"How much shield does this W skill add! How much extra damage can it add?"

"Look at the blind monk, look at you, is the ball used?"

Seeing the dull expression on the anchor's sluggish expression when he carefully checked the equipment attributes of the fiery incense burner with a serious face, the water friends in the live broadcast room laughed like crazy.

"666, Online Teaching Bureau."

"Brother Stick, why are you still serious?"

"Brother Stick is what you can call?"

"The King of Sticks is no longer suitable for the top laner, switch careers and go to the support position!"

After seeing clearly the attribute bonuses provided by the fiery incense burner, the streamer, the host, was also speechless for a while.But thinking about the team battle in Dalongkeng, and the sudden thick shield, it seems that there is really nothing wrong with this outfit.

This blind monk can be regarded as understanding the game!

It's really mixed and lying, the cycle of reincarnation is endless...


Just when Lang Gun felt embarrassed, the opponent surrendered.After all, in the situation of being pentakilled and losing the dragon, stubborn resistance will only affect the mentality, it is better to end the game quickly.

"Okay, this round was successfully won."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lang stick directly changed the subject. "What else happened just now! How do I remember it's important?"

Sure enough, after the topic was changed in an instant, the words 'Delevingne' and 'Professional Team' began to appear on the barrage...

"Oh, I remember."

Lang stick coughed lightly and typed quickly in the chat room.

Sharks, wave sticks: Delevingne!
Shark, Rogue: Do you know, this game is waiting for you to go online, I am desperate!
The person whose ID was 'excuse' still remained silent, but his profile picture didn't dim, obviously he didn't leave immediately.

Seeing that there was a show, Lang Gun didn't continue to be courteous.

Type directly to ask: So, add a friend?
In the barrage'? ? ? ' During the greeting, the wave stick didn't wait for the other party's answer, raised his hand and clicked the button to add friends without hesitation.After waiting for about two or three seconds, the two parties became friends in the game.

Sharks, wave sticks: come to a game?

The same trick, after speaking, invite the game directly without waiting for the other party to answer.

Countless predecessors have proved one thing: as long as you work hard enough, there will always be a day of success.

This time the other party did not refuse.

Not long after, the game room was ready for one upper and one wilderness.

While the game was waiting for the match, Langgun explained to the water friends in the live broadcast room with a smile. "Let's not talk to him about playing professionally. This kind of thing needs to be cautious. We will observe a few rounds before we talk about it."

Accompanied by the barrage' still observing Grandma Li? ''Damn it!Actually embraced the thigh "Pay attention to the face" to refresh the screen, "Zheng!" With the sound of gold and iron, the game officially entered the selection interface.

"Ahem, good brother, can you hear me?"

In this game, the host of the game, Langgu, was lucky enough to be ranked first, so he took advantage of the opportunity to sell his favor. "What do you want to play, I will help you choose. Blind monk?"

While speaking, the hero has been pre-selected to the blind monk.

Excuse: No, you go first.

Lang stick nodded and made another comment. "Very confident, it seems that the hero pool is not shallow. But the character is too introverted, which is quite different from the reckless style in the game!"

Soon, Langgun once again chose the top laner hero Panacea Weapon Master.

When Zhang Chuyan on the fourth floor was choosing a hero, he first observed the lineup for this round, and finally decided on the jungler for this round.The spear in his hand hit the ground with a wave, stirring up a strong wind, and the red cloak behind him fluttered in the wind.

"Those who violate our German state will be punished even though they are far away!"

Domineering voice, with an unquestionable firm attitude.

The game is about to start:
Zhang Chuyan and the others were randomly assigned to the blue side in this round: Top Lane Weapon Master, Mid Lane Card, Jungle Prince, AD Big Mouth, and Support Lulu.

Red team lineup: Dashu is selected for the top laner, Katerina is selected for the mid laner, blind monk is the jungler, the AD policewoman is added, and a wind girl is added as an assistant.

"Ting! Ting!"

After the game started, one by one heroes settled down in the spring water.

[The enemy still has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield]

"Good brother, hey! Top Dan Dashu, this hero is easy to catch!"

Since he wanted to invite the other party to play professionally, he naturally needed to see more clearly, and the wave stick also said in a teasing tone. "Once he hugs the old tree with its roots, you can just pick him up and fly for a meal. At that time, the head will be yours, and then I will help you invade their wild area."

God is so big and easy to catch...

Zhang Chuyan raised eyebrows and remained silent for two seconds.

It's just that the last game was disconnected due to a power outage. In a sense, this passer-by top laner was cheated. He didn't like to be owed favors, so he agreed to play a single game with this passer-by top laner.Don't worry too much about the details, just get the victory as quickly as possible.

Excuses (Prince of Demacia): 1
At the beginning of the game, Zhang Chuyan quickly removed the red buff with the help of the bot laners, and with the red tasseled spear on his shoulder, he went straight to the three wolves in his blue buff wild area.

This time, it was not in a hurry to collect the wolf souls of the three wolves to improve their own attributes, but because the blind monk was also not slow in clearing the wild, so there was no need to rush there to waste time.

The mid laner Carter player is relatively weak in the early stage, so it is not worth gank to hide under the tower.

After brushing the three wolves by walking and pulling, and then killing the blue buff, he just went to the river to eat river crabs. His blood volume has been kept in a very healthy state, and then he squatted back in the grass in the middle.

It didn't take long.

Because the card's line-clearing ability is good, this round was deliberately played more aggressively. After the two sides fought each other with a single-pass skill, the blood line dropped below half blood, and Carter was hit a few more A's because of his short hand. The blood volume is even more dangerous to about one-third.So the blind monk who had finished brushing the toad monster and the three wolves all the way, and hadn't finished brushing f6 gave up the jungle and tried to come over to 'warn'.

When approaching the bushes, he even took two steps in a feint, apparently very vigilant.

But the moment the blind monk put his eyes in the bushes, he was shocked.He only vaguely noticed a figure in the grass, and then saw a red tassel flashing in front of him, and he was picked up on the spot.

What a quick EQ rerun!

Immediately after leveling A, the W skill slows down and resets the basic attack. Seeing that the blood volume drops rapidly, the cards behind it start to cut cards again. Teammate Carter, who came to meet him, jumped over there.

With only half blood, the blind monk could only watch with hatred as the prince wiped out the remaining f6 in his family.

As for the red buff?

Looking at the back of the red cloak that disappeared into the mystery of vision, and then looking at the situation in the middle, this is almost more uncomfortable than dying!
The blind monk player sighed and finally chose to press the return button.


(End of this chapter)

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