Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 246 How about playing a game

Chapter 246 How about a fight

"Well, transfer? It's really a good ability, Ran Ran will like it." Hearing this, Jun Lie pondered in his heart, and then turned his attention to Wu Yan'an.

Being stared at by Jun Lie, Wu Yan'an couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.He didn't feel it when he had the ability before, but now that he has lost the ability, Jun Lie's aura is too oppressive for him.

But losing is not losing. Although he was a little apprehensive, the expression on Wu Yan'an's face remained the same as before, and even the slightly outraged anger from the questioning just now disappeared without a trace.

"How about a fight? When you blocked me from getting in touch with Ranran, did you expect such a day to come?" If he hadn't accidentally met Luo Xiaran at the Jewelry Gambling Conference, he wouldn't have arranged for human protection , Jun Lie couldn't imagine what would happen to Luo Xiaran's family of three in the last days.

After all, neither Luo Xiaran nor Chu Xinrui have offensive abilities. Although Luo Zhaoxian's gold-type abilities are relatively strong, he is still old after all. Besides, Luo Xiaran has too many secrets. Can Luo Zhaoxian protect them well? Still a problem.

The most important thing is that Wu Yan'an himself is coveting the Luo family's property in private. If he knew Luo Xiaran's secret early in the morning, would he have done something? Who can tell clearly?
Thinking of the possibility of Luo Xiaran being deceived by Wu Yan'an, and then giving everything for such a hypocritical man, Jun Lie couldn't help but feel angry.

Anyway, he was the one who had to be dealt with, and Jun Lie didn't want to give Wu Yan'an any pleasure.When the cat catches the mouse, what he likes most is teasing.And Luo Xiaran doesn't want Wu Yan'an to die quickly, does she?
"Master Jun is in a difficult situation. I have not recovered from my injury." Wu Yan'an frowned and said in refusal.Even if he wished that a bolt of lightning would strike Jun Lie to death, it was a pity that Wu Yan'an's lightning ability had been abolished, and now he couldn't even release a little lightning, let alone a match with Jun Lie.

"Well, it's just hurting the ability. We don't need the ability. 1V1, no ability, no weapon, just boxing. Mr. Wu won't even dare to compare with this?" Jun Lie looked contemptuously. Following Wu Yan'an, he said in a provocative way.

Few men probably could tolerate being looked down upon by someone stronger than themselves, so even though Wu Yan'an knew that Jun Lie said that on purpose, he still nodded in agreement.

It's just a competition of fists and kicks. The Jun family is indeed a generation of soldiers, but as far as Wu Yanan knows, Jun Lie left the army early to work hard outside, and even engaged in smuggling business in private.And he himself is also proficient in fighting, even if he faces Jun Lie, he probably won't lose too badly based on his physical strength alone.

In fact, Wu Yan'an knew very well that the reason why Jun Lie wanted to fight him alone was because of Luo Xiaran.So Wu Yan'an didn't think that Jun Lie would kill him because of a woman, besides, he didn't do anything to hurt Luo Xiaran, did he?
After thinking it over, Wu Yan'an let go of Jin Feiya, took two steps towards Jun Lie, and took a stance.

"It can't be resolved after a while. In order not to frighten Miss Jin, please ask Miss Jin to go upstairs to rest." Jun Lie gave the members guarding the corridor entrance a look, and then said.

From Jun Lie's point of view, Jinfeiya is already a dead person at this time, not to mention the living supernatural core is useful.

 Scheduled release~ A battle has been deleted, deleted, rewritten and rewritten all day long, heart-stuck~ Thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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