Chapter 245 Transfer Ability
A team of five people from Juncheng was left to look after Luo Xiaran in the small building, and then Jun Lie led ten people towards Wu Yanan's resting place.In order to prevent Wu Yan'an and others from being aware of it, the ten people spread out to show a tendency to encircle, and gradually surrounded the people in the middle.

However, Jun Lie did not hide his figure, and when the other nine people arrived at their positions safely, Jun Lie walked towards the inside openly.Naturally, such Jun Lie was quickly discovered and attacked.

The snow on the ground was thick, which made it impossible for the earth-type supernatural powers to manipulate the land smoothly, so the supernatural powers guarding outside the door held guns and shot at Jun Lie, but the bullets froze in mid-air due to Jun Lie's gold-type supernatural power , and then shifted direction to attack the opponent again.

The bullet itself is not big, and because of the shooting, the speed is very fast, and because of Jun Lie's blessing with supernatural powers, the bullet quickly and powerfully hit the opponent's forehead without waiting for the opponent to dodge.

There were only two people guarding the downstairs. After one was dealt with with the gold-type ability, the other died soon after under Jun Lie's fireball.After the high-temperature fireball burned, there was a slight smell of barbecue in the air.

Because of the gunshot, several people upstairs rushed out of the room.And Wu Yan'an brought Jin Feiya, who had performed supernatural powers, to leave through the back door, but was blocked by Jun Lie's people in the corridor.

The two sides were at a stalemate, and Jun Lie's men didn't seem to attack at all.Wu Yan'an hesitated for a moment, then brought Jin Feiya back to the main entrance.At this time, at the main entrance, Jun Lie had already dealt with the five men who ran out of the building.

Although they are all tall and strong, and they also have supernatural powers, it is a pity that it is probably because Jin Feiya took something from them for Wu Yanan. you.

Looking at the team members lying on the ground, Wu Yan'an gritted his teeth, glared at Jun Lie and said, "Young Master Jun, what are you doing? Isn't what you want already left to you?!"

Wu Yan'an was wondering if Pang Wei's people found out that he was still alive, but when he saw Jun Lie, he couldn't help but wonder if Jun Lie came to replace Luo Xiaran because of what he did to Luo Xiaran before. Xia Ran's revenge or to prevent the resurgence of Luo Xia Ran's old relationship with her, so she wiped out the roots.

"Miss Jin, I didn't expect you to be a special ability user. I don't know if I can give you some pointers as to why the two recovered so quickly. If I am satisfied, I can let you two leave immediately. Of course, your loss is not impossible. Make up for it." Jun Lie glanced at Wu Yan'an indifferently, then looked at Jin Feiya and said.If it weren't for Jin Feiya's special ability, how could he have the time to talk nonsense with other women.

"I can transfer what I need from others, and I can also transfer what I have to others." Seeing the impatience on Jun Lie's face, Jin Feiya replied in a very timely manner.

I didn't expect that Jun Lie's people would keep staring at them. Now it seems that the person who sent someone to bring their surviving team members over was probably Jun Lie's people.Although Jun Lie's purpose could not be ascertained, Jin Feiya knew very well that with her and Wu Yan'an now, there was nothing he could do to Jun Lie, let alone the existence of other people around.

I just hope that Jun Lie can keep his promise and let the two of them leave after she answers.It's a pity that her current ability level is too low, otherwise she would transfer a different ability to Wu Yan'an, and she wouldn't be in the current situation...

 Timely release~Transfer abilities, transfer physical strength, energy, blood, and even abilities, but unfortunately the female supporting ability is insufficient~
(End of this chapter)

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