Chapter 126 A Special Sheep
"Haha, Miss Luo, don't worry. I'm here as a guest anyway, how about having a meal first? It may not be as fresh as the ones made in your restaurant, but the taste will definitely not be bad." Wu Jie patted and was preparing for the meal. The head of the girl who beat her leg pinched her face and said to Luo Xiaran.

It's a pity to kill such a beautiful person.While feeling emotional in his heart, he became more determined to deal with Luo Xiaran.After all, a beautiful woman is a good bargaining chip. Who knows why the Jun family raised Luo Xiaran?Wu Jie didn't dare to take the risk of keeping Luo Xiaran by his side.

"Oh? Then I'll be disrespectful." Sensing that the enchantment ability was opened again, Luo Xiaran raised her eyebrows and stopped talking.There is no good banquet, but I don't know what good things Wu Jie will use to entertain her.

The girl whose face was pinched got up and left blankly. After about three to five minutes, she came back with a few plates of barbecue.Although the girl was always cautious, there was a hint of jealousy and gloating in the way she looked at Luo Xiaran and Ma Jianing.

"Miss Luo, try it quickly. This is a filial piety from the subordinates. The meat is delicious and the taste is very good. I guarantee that you will want to eat after this meal." While pouring wine for Luo Xiaran and Ma Jianing, Wu Jie couldn't wait to speak. .

The people sent by Wu Jie inspected it many times. Luo Xiaran's store only had frozen meat, but his meat was all fresh, and special seasoning was added to it. Wu Jie was not worried that a little girl like Luo Xiaran could Notice something.

"Why is this so embarrassing, Mr. Wu please first." Taking the wine glass from Wu Jie, Luo Xiaran handed it to Ma Jianing first, and then asked with a smile: "I don't know what kind of meat this is. If it is easy to catch, I will I want to introduce some in the store."

"It's easy to say, but it's a special kind of sheep. There are fat and thin. I like fatter ones. Unfortunately, there is no food to eat now, so I'm getting thinner and thinner." Wu Jie understands that Luo Xiaran is not Maybe you can eat what you prepared without worry, and while talking, you put a piece of meat in your mouth and chew it, squinting your eyes and savoring it.

"Yeah, I don't know when this danger will end." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran turned her wrist, feeling a chill in her heart.If he hadn't thought of it before, after hearing Wu Jie's words now, Luo Xiaran had a guess in his heart.

The so-called special sheep in Wu Jie's mouth is probably the two-legged sheep.Two-legged sheep refers to human beings. Although Luo Xiaran has never eaten human beings, she has heard of them for a long time.It's just that I didn't expect that in less than half a year after the end of the world, some people would start eating the same kind.

Sure enough, it's not a good thing!Let alone let him go!Luo Xiaran gritted her teeth, thinking quietly in her heart.They should have cut the meat from other survivors, and they didn't know how long they had eaten it. No wonder they were still so full of fat.

"Miss Luo is right, but because of the danger, we humans should watch over and help each other." Wu Jie sighed with emotion, and then said: "Miss Luo, you are welcome, move your chopsticks and try."

"Mr. Wu is polite, we only came out after dinner, you can eat as long as you want, I don't like meat very much, let alone barbecue meat will grow meat." Luo Xiaran said with refusal.Luo Xiaran felt nauseous at the thought of two-legged sheep.

"Miss Luo, that's wrong. You can do whatever you want. How can you do it if you don't accompany me to eat?" At this moment, Wu Jie became a little impatient.The white flour was put in the meat, which made Wu Jie feel a sense of ecstasy in his heart, and when he got up, he wanted to pounce on Luo Xiaran.

Wu Jie probably didn't expect that the girl who had always been obedient and ravaged by others would increase the dose because she was jealous of Luo Xiaran's glamor and let him be the first to get hit.After all, he has an addiction himself, and now he is even more angry.

 Timely release~There are always some people who hurt others for their own sake...

(End of this chapter)

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