Chapter 125 Welcome to My Site
The enchantment of the enchanter can only be fixed at the position where the ability is cast, so seeing that Luo Xiaran has no intention of resisting, Wu Jie ordered the enchanter to cancel the enchantment.

And taking advantage of this time, Luo Xiaran noticed the enchanter who was hiding behind everyone.Don't look at the invisible and intangible ability of enchantment, but it is really nothing in front of people with psychic abilities.

But because of what Wu Jie had in hand, Luo Xiaran didn't plan to fight back now.Let Wu Jie take them into the car, and then the group gradually left.

It's a pity that Luo Xiaran didn't get the things in Duobao Pavilion on the spot. Although it was impossible to let Wu Jie's people go, Luo Xiaran would not even reveal her secrets.

After the vehicle drove for about 10 minutes, Wu Jie's target was not in the inner city, but on the edge of the outer city.It was also because of this that he dared to lure Luo Xiaran out after he learned that Jun Lie had left the safe zone.

As long as he took Luo Xiaran out of the safe zone before Jun Lie came back, Wu Jie didn't think Jun Lie would be able to find them easily in such chaos outside.

What's more, Wu Jie didn't intend to save Luo Xiaran's life, even if she was indeed Wu Jie's favorite, it's fine if she just had fun, staying would only be a trouble, Wu Jie didn't think Luo Xiaran could be used by him.

I have to say that Wu Jie is also a smart person, but he is too eager for quick success and thinks too highly of himself, thinking that he is invincible in the world with a cherished supernatural being beside him.Even if Luo Xiaran's depth was not revealed, she would do it on her own, no matter what the consequences would be.

When I got out of the car, there were rows of apartments in front of me.It's just that although Wu Jie and others walked into the apartment, they didn't go upstairs, but went into the basement.In order to save mental powers, Luo Xiaran did not use them at this time and let Wu Jie and the others act.

There are a lot of sundries piled up in the basement, and under a pile of cardboard boxes, a staircase leading to the ground appears in front of everyone.

"Welcome to my underground casino." Wu Jie said as he led people down.Since there was no electricity, there were candles on the sides of the stairs. After walking down about [-] steps, my eyes suddenly opened up.

The smell underneath was not pleasant, the smell of damp and moldy, tobacco and alcohol, etc., made Luo Xiaran frowned uncontrollably.

The entire basement is about the size of a basketball court, and there are bad vest tables, pool tables, etc., and materials collected by Wu Jie and others are piled up on the tables.

While Luo Xiaran was looking at it, a dozen or so naked and scarred girls came out from the corner, and skillfully clung to the returning men, letting them do whatever they wanted.

"What would Miss Luo want to drink?" Wu Jie sat on the sofa, two girls knelt at his feet, one pressed his legs for him, and the other brought him a glass of wine.

"No need, does Mr. Wu live here? The air is not circulated and there are too many people, but it is very unhealthy. I don't know where Mr. Wu's things are stored. If I don't see it with my own eyes, I can't bid. Luo Xiaran pulled Ma Jianing to sit down as if she hadn't heard the groans that sounded behind her and said.

I just turned on my mental power and checked it out, but the entire basement is only this big, and I didn't find anything else.Moreover, Wu Jie's manpower is too small, presumably the other party has other sites.

It seems that I think Wu Jie is too simple, right?It's interesting to play like this, Luo Xiaran smiled with the corners of her mouth curled up, if you come to scare the chickens and monkeys, the next business will surely come in a big way...

 Timely release~Please collect and recommend~

(End of this chapter)

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