Chapter 327 Love You Forever
Seeing the master's appearance, He Shiping was very distressed, so she comforted him: "It's okay, master, and I'm not angry. Anyway, the two of us are master-student relationship, and it doesn't matter, as long as we don't be your girlfriend."

"Pingping, you just need to understand, I can't help it either."


After He Shiping finished speaking, she began to pack her things.

Ye Duan asked puzzledly: "Pingping, why are you packing up?"

"I'm going to open another room."

"Pingping, I'm sorry, thank you for your hard work."

"Master~ You must not say that, whoever we are with whom."

Ye Duan was also extremely moved.

He hugged He Shiping tightly in his arms.

Ding Xueer didn't even notice when she came out of the bathroom.

"Cough cough..."

The little fairy fake coughed twice.

The two were startled and separated quickly.

"Xue'er, I have to work overtime at night. I'm afraid I'll disturb your rest, so I'll open another room."

He Shiping picked up her luggage and left.

Ding Xueer heard that Ye Duan was going back to Shanghai in two days.

The little face immediately became cloudy and overcast.

Both eyes fluttered and flickered, and I wanted to cry.

"Uncle~ I don't want you to go, I want to hug you to sleep every day~~"

He Shiping listened.

I just feel goosebumps all over my body.

The little girls nowadays are really pushing the waves forward.

There is no shame in talking about love.

He Shiping smiled bitterly with her master, and walked out of the room with her luggage.

Ye Duan originally wanted to go out to see off his apprentice.

But he was hugged tightly by the little wife, unable to move his feet.

It is also more than enough and not enough.

"Little fairy, don't be sad. If the relationship lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night. It's a good time for us young people to study hard and work hard, and we can't be too indulging in the love of our children. Don't you think ?”

"I don't listen, I don't listen, people just want to be with you!"

Ding Xueer seemed to be a different person.

He kept acting coquettishly.

The mood today is obviously not right.

Was it stimulated by something?
Ye Duan was also puzzled.

The little fairy was quite obedient before, what happened today?
"Xue'er, stop crying."

Ye Duan picked up his little wife.

Put it on the soft Simmons bed.

I saw crystal clear teardrops hanging on her fair little face.

Under the illumination of the light, it becomes more and more charming.

It looks very aggrieved.

Ye Duan gently wiped away her tears, and asked distressedly: "Who bullied my darling?"

"Uncle~ No one bullies me. With you protecting me, who dares to bully me? I just feel uncomfortable. The longer I stay with you, the less I want to be separated from you. When I think of you going back to the magic capital , I feel so uncomfortable that I want to cry~~"

Ding Xueer held Ye Duan's hand tightly.

I don't want to be apart for a second.

Ye Duan lay beside his little wife, kissed her on the forehead, and said softly: "Xue'er, love is like this, invisible and intangible, but it affects every cell of a person.

When you really fall in love with someone, you will think about him all the time, when you are happy, when you are sad, eat delicious food, hear the music you like, you will think of him and want to share with him .When you can't see him, you will miss him very much.

When I saw him, I wanted to hold his hand, lie in his arms, and stay in the same room with him until the end of time. "

"Uncle~ You are so right, do you feel the same way? Do you also feel this way?"

"Yeah, I'm in this state now, thinking about you all the time. But my love is different from yours.

Your love may be in the primary stage of love, while my love may be in a higher stage. "

Ye Duan's words confused Ding Xue'er.

What primary stage, advanced stage?
"Uncle, are there different stages of love?"

"I think so. Besides the ones I mentioned just now, I have more wishes. I want you to live happily every day, and I want to fulfill your dreams and pursuits.

I think you are a pure angel who gave me all the most precious things you have, not only your chastity, but also your unreserved love.

If I don't cherish you and pamper you with all my heart, then I'll be a bastard and a scumbag. "

"Uncle~ You are not a scumbag! Although I am young and cannot understand many things for the time being, I understand in my heart that you want to be a perfect man, that's why you broke your heart for me.

Uncle~ I will never make trouble for no reason anymore, and strive to be an obedient baby~~"

Ding Xueer understood.

Ye Duan was very moved, and a warm current surged up in his heart.

Now even the little wife is so sensible.

I really became the happiest man in the world.

What do successful men lack the most?

"Xue'er, I'm so touched that you can think like this."

Ye Duan wanted to retract his outstretched hand.

But was rejected by the little wife: "Uncle~ I like you like this~~"

"Then don't say I bullied you."

"No~ Uncle, have I gone bad?"

"It seems to be so lost, but I like it, hehe."

Ye Duan was delighted to hear this.

The cute and lustful little fairy is even more addictive.

A restless heart is hidden under the pure appearance.

A huge contrast will bring a huge surprise.

Huaichun girl, who can resist?

Ding Xue'er was a little shy, and complained to Ye Duan: "Uncle blames you for taking me to drive every day. I used to be pure, but now I have learned badly from following you. You will pay me~~"

"I will definitely accompany you tonight, do you want me to accompany your sister Pingping?"

Ye Duan was about to get up as he said that.

Ding Xue'er quickly grabbed him: "Don't go, uncle, I want you to accompany me, hey~"

"Hey, I'm going to take a shower, Smelly Baby, you wait for me first."

Only then did the little fairy let go.

Ye Duan went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When he came back, the little wife was already asleep.

Ye Duan squatted at the head of the bed, carefully sizing up her angelic face.

Curved eyebrows are as thin as a crescent moon.

Long eyelashes are attached to the eyelids.

The pretty nose let out an even breathing sound.

The rosy lips were also tightly closed.

The pink face is full of collagen.

Everywhere is filled with the atmosphere of an 18-year-old girl.

These are the spirits scattered in the world, the Juliet in Romeo's eyes, and Ye Duan's heart.

I couldn't bear to wake her up.

Ye Duan got into the bed lightly.

Slowly approaching the little wife's body.

As soon as you touch it, you feel silky smooth.

It is said that women in sleep are more likely to be happy.

Ye Duan decided to give it a try.

as predicted.

As soon as Jinfeng Yulu met, they won but countless on earth.

Ye Duan just hugged his little wife from behind.

She let out an intoxicating whisper.

"Uncle~ what are you doing?"

Consciousness is between waking up and not waking up.

Everything is so hazy.

"Xue'er, I love you to death."

Ye Duan completely fell in love with his little wife.

This is the trap of love.

The prey flock to them.

Because by tomorrow, he might have to withdraw.

This is the eve of parting.

Every minute and every second is precious.

Ding Xueer murmured, "Uncle, I want you to love me forever~~"

(End of this chapter)

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