Chapter 326 The Way to End

Li Kaiyun became anxious, and quickly knelt on the ground and hugged his leg.

"Boss, boss, you can't leave us alone. I know that you and Manru have an unusual relationship. I beg you to say something nice to her and let her let us go. You are the richest man now , is the celebrity in front of the chief, you must have a way to save us, please boss..."

Li Kaiyun rushed to Li Kaijing again, persuading him: "Brother, don't be so stubborn. We begged grandpa to sue grandma for an afternoon, but no one would stand up and say a word. Those big brothers who were enshrined in the past have all succeeded You are like a coward, avoiding us. What are you waiting for, please beg my boss."

Seeing my brother say it all.

Li Kaijing was stunned instantly.

I have worked so hard to manage my contacts for so many years.

When it is really difficult.

Not a bit of bird use!
The various relationships that I spent to maintain all fell apart.

People like them will only add to the icing on the cake, never give a helping hand.

Now that something happened to the Li family, everyone can't avoid it.

Li Kaijing knew.

All this is because he failed to become the second in command of the cabinet.

Many people thought that he fell out of favor.

In addition, Jingyun Group had accidents one after another.

First, the major banks urged to repay the loan, and then the tax bureau came to check the accounts with great fanfare.

This sent a clear signal to the outside world.

The higher ups are going to attack the Li family.

At this time, who would dare to get angry?

If you help the Li brothers, you are going against the above, which means you have a relationship with the Li family.

Maybe they will be investigated together.

It's over, it's over!
Li Kaijing knew that his official career had come to an end.

Even if the tax bureau can't find any evidence, the above will not reuse themselves.

If it is found out that he has extracted huge profits from Jingyun Group.

It is estimated that it will be sentenced to indefinite period.

If the younger brother's murder was also found out.

Maybe he will be sentenced to death...

Thinking of this, Li Kaijing's face turned pale.

He staggered towards Ye Duan.

Kneeling down with a plop.

"Mr. Ye, I beg you, let my brother go, he is like a child now, it's so pitiful..."


Li Kaijing patted his younger brother on the shoulder and walked to the window.

The window was jerked open.

jumped down...

A few seconds later, there was a muffled sound on the ground.

Only then did Li Kaiyun come to his senses, crying and shouting, he ran to the window: "Brother...Brother..."

Ye Duan was also stunned.

I really didn't expect that Li Kaijing would bid farewell to the world in such a way.

He is a smart man!

Daxia has always followed the principle of "the dead are the greatest".

A person who has made a mistake will not be held accountable as long as he is dead.

Entire families can also be preserved.

Li Kaijing chose to commit suicide, probably to find a way out for his younger brother.

After his death, all investigations about him may stop.

Ye Duan was feeling emotional.

Li Kaiyun crawled over weeping.

Pulling Ye Duan's leg, he said, "Boss, my brother is dead... woo woo woo... I only have you as a relative now..."


The leaf segments are instantly petrified.

Could it be that Li Kaiyun has really turned into a child, is this the rhythm of recognizing relatives?
Ye Duan called Wu Neng.

Let him and Li Kaiyun deal with Li Kaijing's funeral together.

Party j is also here.

It is preliminarily determined that Li Kaijing committed suicide.

The body was taken overnight to the crematorium.

The sprinkler is also here.

Rinse the ground well.

Because it was night, it didn't attract much attention.

Everything is like nothing happened.

Ye Duan called Zhong Manru and immediately told her about Li Kaijing's death.

Zhong Manru was also shocked.

He ordered his subordinates to suspend the investigation of Jingyun Group and wait for the notice from above.

After all, Li Kaijing is the person in charge of the Ministry of Commerce.

His death must give a definite conclusion.

Then an announcement can be made to the outside world.

It is up to the cabinet to decide whether it is an accidental death, or fear, crime, or suicide.

The nature of the two kinds of death is also quite different.

Ye Duan has no time to take care of these.

The grievances between him and brothers Li Kaijing and Li Kaiyun were over.

Unjust is doomed to destruction!
Li Kaijing used his power to seek personal gain, and relied on his own identity to seek personal gain for Jingyun Group.

It turned out to be a suicide.

It can be regarded as self-inflicted.

Li Kaiyun is arrogant and domineering, and he does not hesitate to pay for murder for his own self-interest.

He made small moves behind his back many times to trouble Ye Duan.

Not only did he lose his wife, but he also lost the Jingyun Group.

It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his army.

Now that he has become a "erha", he is already considered lucky among the lucky ones.

As for whether the cabinet will hold him accountable.

Depends on his own creation...

Ye Duan returned to the hotel.

Before coming to his room, he knocked on the door.

The person who opened the door.

startled him.

"Little fairy?!"

That's right, the person who opened the door was Ding Xueer.

"Uncle~ you are back, come in quickly."

Ye Duan entered the room and quickly asked, "Xue'er, didn't you say you won't be back tonight?"

"I miss you, it's meaningless to stay at my mother's house, so I'll come back~"

"Oh, no one has been here since you came back, right?"

Ye Duan looked around.

Did not see the figure of the apprentice.

Only then did I feel a little more at ease.

It would be embarrassing if there were both of them.


Ding Xueer replied, "Sister Pingping is here."

"Huh? Did you see her?"

"She's taking a bath."

"What? Take a shower?"

Ye Duan complained endlessly.

I listened in front of the bathroom door, and sure enough there was the sound of running water.

Just now I thought Pingping was gone.

Turns out she was taking a shower.

Ye Duan returned to his little wife, seeing her happy face, as if nothing happened.

I'm not so worried anymore.

It seems that the two did not quarrel.

That's good, that's good.

Ye Duan kept comforting himself, and asked tentatively, "Xue'er, are you and Sister Pingping... getting along well?"

"Okay, Miss Pingping is all right, and she even gave me a gift."

Ding Xueer said.

He took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on his face.

"Uncle~ Am I cool?"

"Cool, cool."

Ye Duan pulled his little wife to his side, and took a closer look at her sunglasses.

It was the pair of 360 million LOTOS sunglasses that Pingping picked at the SKP mall this afternoon.

Pingping is so generous.

Such precious glasses were actually given to the little fairy.

What a good sister!
I have to buy another pair for her later, and I can't let Pingping do good deeds and suffer.

Ding Xueer took off her sunglasses and put them back in the box.

At this time.

He Shiping came out of the shower.

Seeing Ye Duan, he hurriedly greeted him, "Master~ are you back?"

Ding Xueer hastily let go and let go of Ye Duan.

She blushed and said to He Shiping: "Sister Pingping, have you finished taking a shower?"

"Well, Xue'er, go and wash."

Ding Xueer glanced at Ye Duan and went to the bathroom with a sad face.

Ye Duan immediately pulled He Shiping and asked, "Pingping, what's going on?"

"It's not your fault. You brought me back even though the golden house was a treasure, isn't it embarrassing?"

"Pingping, it's all my fault this time. It's true that Xueer has been with me these few nights. She sent me a text message today to tell me she won't be coming tonight, but I didn't expect her to come again, so... I'm sorry, Pingping, you Don't be angry, it's all my fault..."

Ye Duan blamed himself very much.

Drooping his head listlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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