Call of the Deer

Chapter 426 Wolf soldiers dispatched, Meng Tian's wrath

Chapter 426 Wolf soldiers dispatched, Meng Tian's wrath

(Today's Chapter 2 is going to be recommended recently. To a book friend, give me some help, give me a push, edit to see the effect, if the effect is not good, don't recommend it to me, now I will update it, In a few days, try to change three times a day. I hope that all friends can give me a helping hand. I thank you in advance. Of course, I will work hard to live up to everyone's expectations of me.)

Seeing the city gate bursting open, Mao Dun's eyes were bloodshot, and he was frightened and angry. He never thought that the 3000-odd Great Qin Army in this area would stop Hu Qi, the sky he was famous for.

Although Tiancang Huqi is good at riding and fighting, his individual combat ability is also one of the best among the grassland warriors.

This kind of result made him really unacceptable, and at the same time, he became more and more uneasy.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, the Great Khan uses the golden eagle to send a message a thousand miles away, asking you to abandon Jinyang City and retreat to the Stork City."

At this critical juncture, a bodyguard rushed over to report to Mao Dun.

"What? What did you say? Say it again!"

Hearing the words, Maodu was frightened and angry, thinking that he had heard wrongly, he yelled, and stared at the guard with fierce eyes, like a wild beast that chooses people to eat.

"Khan wants you to abandon Jinyang City and retreat to Stork City!"



"If you dare to lie about the military situation before the battle, you will be killed without mercy!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, Mao Dun slashed out his knife like lightning. With one blow, blood spattered, and the guard who sent the message was immediately beheaded.

With red eyes, Mao Dun stared viciously at the barbarians present, roaring full of evil spirit.

At this moment, Mao Dun was like a bloody Shura, exuding a frightening aura, and under the blood on his face, there was a pair of cold eyes that made their souls tremble.

"The warriors of the grassland, for the sake of the women and sons on the grassland, follow me to kill the enemy and drive the Han people out of Jinyang City, kill them."

After finishing speaking, he raised his saber and rushed into the formation of Iron Eagles. He wanted to regain control of the city gate and lower the city gate again.

At this moment, Mao Dun's heart was full of killing intent, Jinyang City was so easy to give up, he couldn't do it, and he was not reconciled.

Tiancang Huqi under his command suffered a lot of casualties, but in the end Jinyang City fell, so why would he have any face?What face is there to be one of the Seven Heroes of the Grassland?

With the opening of the south city gate, the barbarians at the west city gate and the north city gate were in a state of chaos because of this, Pei Xingjian and Gao Xingyi broke through the city gate in one fell swoop and entered the city.

"Marshal, it's not good, the north gate of the west city has also fallen, and the Daqin army has already entered the city."

At this moment, Hei Chi Chang Zhi was covered in blood, especially on his left arm, which was stained red with blood, and was bleeding all the time, and rushed to complain.

"Waste. Could it be that Jinyang City really can't be defended? Ah, I'm not reconciled."

Mao Dun had already woken up from his anger at this time, looking at the Tie Ying Rui Shi, who was no less elite than Huang Jin and cowardly Xue Jun, he felt timid.

Because in just a quarter of an hour, more than [-] Tiancang Huqi under his command died, while the Tieying Ruishi, on the other hand, only killed or injured hundreds of people, and the difference is conceivable. ?

"Commander, retreat, leave the green hills here, don't worry about running out of firewood, and in the coming day, go to Central Continent, and finally cut off the head of King Qin personally, and present it in front of the commander's tent!"

Hei Chi Changzhi acts calmly, is courageous and resourceful, knows how to advance and retreat, and understands the situation; seeing that the Great Qin Army has already entered Jinyang City, he knows that the general situation is over and there is no way to recover, so he hastily came to report.

But after listening to Hei Chi Chang Zhi's words, Mo Dun showed hesitation and struggle on his face.

"Marshal, retreat, now swearing to the death and stubbornly resisting is a dead end. If you want to seek death, do you want these tens of thousands of innocent, loyal and brave grassland warriors to die with you?"

Seeing that Maodun was still hesitating, Hei Chi Changzhi immediately reprimanded him angrily.

After Mao Dun finished listening, he turned his head to look at the tens of thousands of Canghuqi who were eagerly looking at him, and fell silent.
"Hey, the loss of this battle is the arrangement of the Great God of Longevity. It is not a crime of war, so retreat."

"Warriors, the commander has ordered you all to withdraw from Jinyang City and retreat in the direction of Guancheng."

Seeing Maodun finally put down, Hei Chi Chang Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and then gave a loud shout.

"Marshal, let the wolf soldiers out. This will delay us and allow the warriors of the grassland to evacuate safely."

Black-toothed Changzhi looked at the Great Qin Army that was about to enter the city, hesitated to speak, hesitated, then gritted his teeth and asked Maodun.

"Well, for the safety of the prairie warriors, we can only sacrifice the wolf soldiers, and let the wolf soldiers die for our army."

Mao Dun looked at the Great Qin Army that was about to enter the city, his eyes flashed sharply, and he said unwillingly.

Afterwards, the Hu people quickly thought about the withdrawal of the Dongcheng people, and at this time Meng Tian finally came in.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!"

At this moment, suddenly the howling of wolves resounded in the city, Meng Tian's war horse was frightened and almost threw Meng Tian off.

"What's going on? Why are wolves howling in the city? Could it be that the barbarians raised wolves in the city?"

"Meng Zhui, send an order to tell the soldiers to be careful, there are wolves in the city"

In order to be cautious, Meng Tian still told Da Qin Jun to be more careful.


"Ow Oo"

At this moment, a shrill howl sounded in the city, and then countless howls of wolves came from far and near to them.

"No, everyone, get ready, a pack of wolves is coming."

As soon as Meng Tian heard the howling of wolves, he knew that the pack of wolves were coming towards them. Although he wondered why there were so many wolves in the city, it was obviously not something he should consider at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, the dust was flying in front of it, almost like a cavalry crossing the border.

Taking a closer look, there are hundreds of wolves, with blood red eyes, rushing towards them viciously.

"How come there are so many wolves? What's going on here?"

Meng Tian was also frightened by this scene, he was dumbfounded, and whispered to Ai Ai.

This is not a grassland and a forest, but a city, and there are so many wolves raised here, the way of this barbarian is really hard for him to understand.

"Report to the commander, the Hu people have retreated from the east gate, and we are chasing...this."

At this moment, a personal guard suddenly came from behind to report, and then Ebi was frightened by the wolves that rushed towards the Great Qin Army.

"The warriors of the Great Qin Army, the thieves are shameless. They used wild wolves to block us. They have already run away. In order to catch up with them, kill these wolves for me. Kill them."

With Meng Tian's roar, the Daqin army escaped from the panic and helplessness at the beginning, each with a weapon in hand, and slashed at the wolves fiercely.

In an instant, the Great Qin Army and the wolves fell into a melee, and they fought hand-to-hand. The soldiers of the Great Qin Army seemed to be crazy, and without reservation, they tried all their strength and slashed at the wild wolves.
About half an hour passed, and the entire street was covered in blood, from wild wolves and from the Great Qin Army.

But at this moment, Jinyang City was finally captured by Meng Tian's army, and all the barbarians in the city were captured before they could leave.

From a rough look, the number of wild wolves is about [-], and the Great Qin Army lost more than [-] people in this battle.

But at this time, the hundreds of wolves finally killed them all, but Meng Tian's face was ashen, and his whole body exuded a cold murderous aura.

This intimidating aura surged in his body, like a dragon about to come out of the abyss, exuding a dangerous aura.

"General, the 30 Liming people in the city, old and young, women and children, have all been fed to wild wolves by barbarians, leaving no bones left."

Speaking of this, the person in charge of statistics did not dare to continue.


"According to the people in the city, those people were all killed by wild wolves."


Meng Tian yelled angrily, and smashed his fist on the table case, the table case was smashed into pieces immediately, and sawdust flew everywhere.
"I, Meng Tian, ​​swear to the heavens that if I don't kill the bandits, I swear that I won't be a human being!"

Meng Tian stood up, bit his finger, and swore to God, his face was full of anger and killing intent.

His anger can flood three rivers and five mountains, his anger can burn down a hundred thousand mountains and forests, and his anger must be extinguished with the blood of barbarians.

"Pass down the order that all the barbarians captured in this battle will be taken outside the city and subjected to all kinds of torture to make them pay for their sins! Execute immediately!"

Meng Tian roared angrily, this time, he was really intent on killing, his killing intent was overwhelming.
(End of this chapter)

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