Call of the Deer

Chapter 425 At Catapult, Tie Yingwei Appears

Chapter 425 At Catapult, Tie Yingwei Appears

In Jinyang City, Ezhou, the spring rain is full of blood, the golden thunder cracks the armor soldiers, the city is cold in the middle of the night, and the naked clothes are wet!
Meng Tian made a fake show, braved the rain, and attacked Jinyang City day and night, which lasted for a day and a night.

When the sun was rising, the war drums continued like spring thunder; under the sound of sobbing horns, the Great Qin Army rushed towards Jinyang City without hesitation.
One day and one night, there were many corpses under the city of Jinyang, and the [-] Qin army was buried under the city of Jinyang forever.

Although the Hu people took advantage of the advantages of the city, they still suffered heavy losses. The [-] army lost more than [-] people, and all of them dragged their tired bodies and leaned against the battlements, enjoying the rare sunrise.

"Marshal, this Meng Tian actually attacked the city, it was beyond the general's expectation."

Hei Chi Chang Zhi followed behind Mao Dun, and said with emotion, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"That's right, this Meng Tian really deserves to be the head of the four great commanders under the command of the Great Qin King. What pedestrians can't and dare not do, they are indeed courageous. Getting along with each other in different places, I may not dare to do so."

Mao Dun didn't look back, looked up at the densely packed tents in the coalition barracks outside the city, and said with emotion.

"Marshal, the Great Qin army has begun to attack the city again."

At this moment, Hei Chi Chang Zhi suddenly discovered that countless soldiers walked out of the Great Qin Army barracks, heading towards Jinyang City.

"Huh? What's going on? This Mengtian just finished his attack in the morning, but he made a comeback again. Is there some kind of conspiracy? Notify the warriors to prepare for the battle."

Mao Dun saw that Meng Tian had sent soldiers again, he couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in Meng Tian's gourd, he was quite surprised!

In fact, Meng Tian made a comeback at lightning speed again, because Pei Xingjian rushed to Jinyang City with the catapult of Bei Minghao borrowed and Meng Tian.

And now that the siege weapon has arrived, Meng Tian naturally doesn't want to waste any more time. Only by taking Jinyang City as soon as possible can he feel at ease, after all, changes will happen later.

The 30 troops spread out like locusts and rushed towards the three city walls, determined to break through Jinyang City in one fell swoop.

Meng Tian led an army of [-] to attack the south gate, Pei Xingjian led an army of [-] to attack the west gate, Gao Xingzhou and Li Xin led an army of [-] to attack the north gate, and attacked from three sides, leaving behind the east gate.

In this way, it will help disintegrate the fighting spirit of the Hu people. Otherwise, the Hu people will probably swear to defend Jinyang City in order to survive if they have no way out.

At that time, even if Jinyang City is captured, the Great Qin Army will suffer heavy casualties, which he does not want to see.

It is true that beheading Maodun had an objective blow to Hu's morale, but he didn't want to exchange the lives of his soldiers for it.

After all, he is not an overlord, and he doesn't have the ability to be irresistible and treat the city gates as nothing.

Looking at the Great Qin Army that was rushing over like locusts, the corners of Mao Dun's eyes twitched, and he thought to himself: Is it right for me to stick to Jinyang City?

"Warriors, for the grassland's tomorrow, shoot me arrows!"


All the Hu people drew their bows full of arrows and aimed at the charging Da Qin army. With a sound of "咻", the flying arrows pierced the sky and went straight into the crowd.
"Puff puff"

After all, it is a living target. Although it is charging quickly, there are many soldiers in Daqin, so how could it be shot by flying arrows?
"Brother, the Hu people's archers are too powerful, and our army has already suffered a lot of casualties."

Meng Yi looked at many of the Great Qin Army warriors who fell on the ground, his heart was bleeding, and he asked Meng Tian for instructions.
"Well, it's time to order the soldiers to push out the catapult. Today I want to see for myself how destructive this legendary catapult is."

Seeing that the Qin army was not far from the city wall, Meng Tian knew that it was time for the catapults to show their power, so he immediately ordered the use of catapults.

Soon, more than 20 catapults were pushed out, like twenty giants, lying behind the Qin army.

"Master, what do you think that is?"

Just when Heizhi Changzhi and Maodun gave the order to rectify the barbarians for defense, they inadvertently caught a glimpse of the catapults displayed behind the Great Qin Army, waiting in full force, and asked with a little surprise.

"Huh? Is that a catapult?"

Mao Dun followed Hei Chi Chang's gaze, and when he saw the catapult, his expression changed suddenly with an extremely uncertain tone.


Chang Yi of Hei Fang felt very puzzled when he heard this unfamiliar term.

"I'm not sure, it's just that Herashi Ouyang received information some time ago, saying that King Yanhuang of Dongzhou had a siege weapon called a catapult, which could throw huge stones from outside the city onto the city wall. .”

Mao Dun had never seen a catapult before, but seeing Meng Tian so solemnly regard this thing as the finale, he had no choice but to treat this thing as a catapult

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"


But before Mao Dun could say anything, Meng Tian had already ordered the soldiers to throw stones over.

The huge stone fell directly on Jinyang City, the city wall trembled, and the sand and stone on the wall shattered, even cracked in some places.
More stones fell directly on the barbarians above the city wall, and there were screams immediately, like hell on earth, the ground was full of broken corpses, the miserable situation was unsightly.

"Quick, hide, hide quickly."

Looking at this world-ending scene, Mao Dun opened his mouth wide, was dumbfounded, hurriedly woke up immediately, and yelled angrily.

On the contrary, when Meng Tian saw the catapult still throwing pieces of stones onto the city wall, he was also shocked and speechless, and it took him a long time to reply, and he sighed with emotion.

"Hey, no wonder King Yanhuang is so powerful in Dongzhou that the other princes can't hold their heads up. The power of this catapult is enough to make other princes intimidated. This King Yanhuang will definitely become His Majesty's strongest opponent in the future."

"Meng Yi obeys the order, I order you to immediately lead the iron eagle warriors to attack Jinyang City, open the city gate at all costs, and let our soldiers enter Jinyang City."

"The last general takes orders!"

Meng Yi took the order and rushed towards Jinyang City with three thousand iron eagle warriors.

The three thousand iron eagle warriors were all wearing heavy armor, but their movements were extremely vigorous, and they were not at all tired by the heavy armor..
At this time, on the city wall of Jinyang, there were gravels and corpses everywhere, blood donations flowed, staining the city wall red.

The [-] barbarians were all under the catapults and hid behind the city wall at this time, not daring to stand up, for fear of being crushed by the huge boulders falling from the sky.
But the Great Qin army was so happy that there were no barbarian obstacles along the way. Meng Yi led three thousand iron eagle warriors and climbed the city wall like a broken bamboo.

"Warriors, drive these damned traitors off the wall for me"

When Mao Dun saw Meng Yi leading the Great Qin Army to the city wall, he was shocked and turned pale. He shouted angrily, and with a scimitar in his hand, he killed him.

"Meng Mourning, take a team of people and go open the city gate for me, and I will stop them."

At such an urgent moment, Meng Yi yelled angrily, and with a spear in his hand, he went towards Maodun.

The two fought for dozens of rounds, and it was hard to tell the winner. On the other hand, Tie Yingruishi, like the Great Wall of Steel, firmly stopped the barbarians.


With a roar, the gate of Jinyang City was finally pried open by the Great Qin Army.

"Soldiers, the gate of Jinyang City has been opened, follow me and rush in, kill all the Hu thieves, kill."

When Meng Tian saw the city gate opened, he was overjoyed immediately, roared furiously, held a long sword in his hand, rode his horse and rushed towards the city gate
(End of this chapter)

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