Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 125 Evolves Again!

Chapter 125 Evolves Again!

The angry white tiger jumped back and stood proudly on the ground, suddenly its momentum changed.

In Chen Feng's astonished eyes, he saw that under the white tiger's feet, countless gravels rose into the air, floating in mid-air 1-2 meters above the ground.

"What, what's the situation!"

Chen Feng was shocked. It seemed that this white tiger was not only physically strong, but also seemed to have some special abilities.

This was just the beginning, the white tiger's hair stood on end, and the domineering aura of the king of beasts was undoubtedly displayed in the eyes of the white tiger, and once again let out a roar that resounded through the sky.

In a radius of a hundred miles, except for Chen Feng's four pets, almost all the mutant beasts trembled and prostrated themselves on the ground.

With a roar, all beasts surrender!

This is the king of beasts!
However, Xiao Huang, who was opposite it, was unafraid, and even had a hint of contempt in his eyes, clearly saying: "The king of all beasts? Have you asked me?"

Originally, the evolution level of this mutated white tiger was 3, but Xiao Huang's current evolution level was only 2.3. From the perspective of evolution level, he was in a suppressed position.

But when it comes to real combat power, they are indistinguishable and have the upper hand.

However, to Xiao Huang's surprise, the white tiger's aura is still rising, and it seems that it is far from reaching its limit.

The white tiger's left front paw suddenly slapped the ground, and the gravel floating in the air was like a dense storm of bullets, hitting at the positions of Chen Feng, Xiao Huang and others at the same time.


Xiao Huang flickered in the void, directly flashed all these gravels, and directly slaughtered the white tiger.

"I rely on you, Xiao Huang!"

Chen Feng let out a howl, and with Xiao Huang's slap, only he and Tony were the only targets of the gravel.

Fortunately, Zolzhuoni in the sky did not forget his master, he exhaled fire and ice, one after the other, erected a wall of ice and a wall of fire in front of Chen Feng, and evaporated all the broken stones.


Chen Feng heaved a sigh of relief, it is really not easy to capture this mutated white tiger alive!

Xiao Huang once again killed the white tiger within one meter of the body, and the two collided like two miniature tyrannosaurs, even the ground trembled.

But this time, Xiao Huang found that the strength, speed, and reaction of this big white cat were suddenly much stronger than before.Not only did it dodge all the attacks, but it also left a scar on Xiao Huang's front leg. If it wasn't for Xiao Huang's extremely fast speed, once he was bitten, his life would be in danger.

Suddenly, the white tiger's figure seemed to pause, and a huge phantom appeared behind it, and at the same time, its claws slapped suddenly, as if two lightning bolts were brought down from the sky.

This blow was earth-shattering!
Xiao Huang didn't expect Baihu to have such a hand at all, and was hit on the chest, and flew out backwards with a bang, and flew for more than 50 meters before stopping and crawling on the ground.

"Little yellow!"

Chen Feng let out a concerned roar, feeling extremely regretful in his heart, he knew in his heart that Xiao Huang's strength was far more than that, it was precisely because of his order to live that Xiao Huang could not let go of all his hands and feet to fight.

If something happened to Xiao Huang, then Chen Feng would never forgive himself. From the moment he was reborn, he made a vow that he would protect Xiao Huang in this life.

"You big bug, you dare to hurt Xiao Huang, die for me!"

Chen Feng's eyes were red, he took the [Terminator] in his hand at once, switched to cutting mode, and aimed at the white tiger to use his big killer.

"Master, wait a minute! This big cat is handed over to me!"

However, at the last moment when Chen Feng pulled the trigger, Xiao Huang's voice suddenly came from his consciousness.

"What!? Xiao Huang, are you okay!"

Chen Feng was stunned, and immediately turned his head to look, only to see that Xiao Huang had stood up again, and it seemed...somewhat different.


After Xiao Huang stood up again, his gaze became extremely sharp, staring at the white tiger not far away like an arrow, and then suddenly raised his head to the sky and howled.

This time, the white tiger was frightened, originally he was planning to take advantage of the victory to pursue him, but he suddenly felt the fatal danger, so he stopped, his tiger eyes fixed on Xiao Huang.


Only the bones of Xiao Huang's whole body made crisp sounds one after another. The front paws first swelled by three inches, and then the whole body. Under the soaring size, the muscles became stronger, and the terrifying power could be felt through the hair.

The yellow mane on the back of the neck also swelled instantly, extending from the neck along the back to the tail, like a big yellow dragon.

But under the back, the whole body is still white.It can be said that the yellow robe is added to the body, and the four feet are on the snow.


Xiao Huang once again raised his head to the sky and roared loudly, all the living beings in a radius of a hundred miles were trembling, feeling their souls trembling, even the white tiger had a feeling of wanting to bow down.

This is the real king of all souls!

"This... Could it be that Xiao Huang has evolved again?"

Chen Feng hurriedly called up the system page to take a look, sure enough!

"Contract Pet: Xiao Huang"

"Breed: unknown."

"Evolution Level: Level 3."

"Special Ability: Hunter's Instinct. The body is extremely strong, it can hunt and kill targets with high efficiency, and has a strong tracking ability, and can always find the target."

"Special ability: soul communication. Can ignore language barriers, and directly communicate with the master's consciousness."

"Special ability: King's coercion (upgraded from soul shock). You can exert coercion on the target to make it obey Xiao Huang's orders. If the target is stronger, the effect will be weakened."

"Special ability: void flickering. It can tear the void and move instantly. The maximum distance does not exceed 20 meters. It requires a lot of energy."

"Special ability: Devour. After killing the target, you can devour the opponent's soul to replenish your own energy."

King of coercion!
After Xiao Huang evolved, this ability was upgraded again.

If it was an ordinary mutant beast, Xiao Huang would lose his mind immediately if he stared at it, but the white tiger is different, it is also the king of all beasts and has its own dignity.

Therefore, even in the face of Xiao Huang's kingly coercion, he just feels a little slower in his movements.

But this is enough!

The re-evolved Xiao Huang rushed towards the white tiger.

Chen Feng was shocked to find that his eyes couldn't keep up with Xiao Huang's speed.

There is also Baihu who has the same feeling!
The white tiger was suddenly knocked to the ground by a yellow shadow, unable to even dodge or counterattack.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Huang's front paws slapped the white tiger's left and right cheeks in a row, it was like a slap in the face.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow- ” why this big dog is so fierce all of a sudden!
Of course, this ravage made Bai Hu suffocate in his heart, always looking for opportunities to fight back.

Suddenly, Baihu felt the pressure on his body loosen, and quickly jumped back to open the distance. Before the counterattack that had been brewing for a long time was launched, he saw the opposite Xiao Huang standing proudly on the ground, and a huge phantom also appeared behind him!


Book friend group number: 419209566, there will be 200 people soon, waiting for you!
 Xiao Huang has evolved again, and I am afraid of going crazy, so please vote for the author to suppress the shock~

(End of this chapter)

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