Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 111: Teleportation

Chapter 111: Teleportation
If there is still a department like the Earthquake Bureau in this year, a message will be released 5 minutes ago: "A magnitude 150 earthquake occurred in Pennsylvania. The epicenter is located in the wilderness [-] kilometers northwest of Lake City. The depth of the epicenter is unknown. It seems shallow."

However, things like the Earthquake Bureau have long since disappeared from the old era, so most people don't know what happened just now.

Maybe some sensitive people could feel the ground under their feet tremble slightly, such as Xiu, but they didn't take it seriously, let alone think that it was related to a battle hundreds of kilometers away.

Except for one person, Annie.

While this was happening, Amendment and Anne were sipping rum and ice cream in the camp bistro.

Of course, the rum belongs to Hugh and the ice cream to Annie.

"Hey, do you know that Pikachu, that chubby Sherlock Holmes, recently discovered an underground cave full of crystals not far from the camp. The scenery there is so beautiful, do you want to take a look? ?”

Xiu dangled the wine glass in front of him, while happily chatting with Annie.

"Really? But, there won't be any weird things there, right? I don't want to fight those mutated bugs." Annie's eyes lit up first, and then she said worriedly.

"Don't worry, we've already found out that there are absolutely no such disgusting mutated bugs," Xiu assured, patting his chest.

"That's good, we can go tomorrow!" Annie scooped a scoop of ice cream and put it into her mouth. This strawberry-flavored ice cream was made by Miss Amanda herself. It is very popular on the farm, and the supply is even in short supply.

Just when Xiu was clenching his fists under the table, Annie suddenly thought of something: "Oh no, tomorrow I promised Michelle that I will accompany her to Mr. Flamingo's place to feed the lamb, you know Is it? Michelle and I raise a sheep, which is very cute."

"Oh, that's okay, we can go together! As for that underground cave, we can go there next time." Xiu swallowed a big gulp of rum, pretending nothing had happened, but secretly thought in his heart—raising sheep?I don't know how you will feel when you eat it in the future.

The manager of the bar is Powell, who also works as a bartender and waiter. This former construction worker was tired of dealing with the construction site every day, so he took the initiative to apply to Chen Feng to run a bar in the camp.

Chen Feng agreed. Although it is the end of the world, people still need to relax their spirits.Ever since, this small bar called Twilight Corner was born.

Powell stood behind the bar every day, watching the people coming and going in the camp. In just one month, he actually had some insight into the world.

At this moment, in his eyes, the young couple in front of him are like a pair of lovers, but if they want to achieve a true result, both sides have to endure a greater test.

Seeing that the ice cream in Annie's cup was gone, he couldn't help asking, "Hey, would you like some more vanilla ice cream, this is the newest product, Professor Pete recently cultivated a batch of vanilla, which was picked up by Miss Amanda Ask for it and make it into ice cream, definitely not to be missed.”

Annie's eyes lit up, she nodded her head, "Okay!"

"Oh, I forgot, you just ate up your ice cream quota today." Powell first spread his hands, a little regretful, and then turned his attention to Xiu.

The young man knew that it was time for him to perform, so he puffed out his chest and said, "Hey, Brother Powell, I still have a quota, use mine, Annie can eat whatever she wants by my side."

"Aha~" Powell blinked at Xiu, and turned to serve ice cream.

Xiu felt Annie's happy gaze beside him, and he was happier than eating ice cream himself.

After a while, the ice cream was brought up, the color was very beautiful, and Powell specially made a torch shape, which looked great.

Annie took the ice cream happily, her eyes were like a child seeing candy, she took a big mouthful of it with a spoon and brought it to her mouth, but suddenly put it down.

Both Powell and Xiu were taken aback.

Ok?Why don't you eat it?
"Did you hear the roar of the bear?" Annie suddenly became serious.

"Bear roar? How is it possible."

"The boss doesn't seem to have a bear among his pets, does he?"

The two looked at each other.

Annie stood up suddenly, and pushed the ice cream back to Powell, "Save it for me first, I have to go to the boss now."

"I'll go with you!" Xiu said immediately.

The two ran out of the bar in a hurry, leaving Powell who was a little unresponsive. He touched his bald head, "Young people nowadays, the way of dating is really unique..."

At Dusk Farm, it might be difficult for others to find Feng Chen, but for Annie, it was very easy.

The boss's footsteps are like fireflies in the dark night, no matter how you cover them up, they can't hide the dazzling brilliance.

Chen Feng was riding a horse with Bonnie in the wilderness, and by the way, he was going to confirm the specific construction location of the second city wall.

Like many of Chen Feng's pets, apart from the owner, the only person Tony accepted to ride on his back was Bonnie.This made Xiao Nizi very excited.

From a long distance, Chen Feng saw Xiu and Annie rushing over on a motorcycle, he quickly motioned for Tony to stop, got off the horse, then turned around and hugged Bonnie.

Seeing this scene, Xiu couldn't help but envy - when will he be able to hold Annie like that.

"Is there something unexpected?"

Seeing that the motorcycle was parked and the two of them got off, Chen Feng asked first.

"Boss, I heard the roar of a giant bear. From the sound, I felt incomparably powerful and hated humans, and the earth and the storm were trembling." Speaking of what she just heard, Annie's voice Unconsciously, he trembled a little, making the whole thing even more terrifying.

"Giant bear? Earth? Storm?" Chen Feng frowned, he vaguely grasped something, but couldn't clearly present it.

"Boss, would you like me to help you?" Bonnie asked softly from the side.

"You?" Chen Feng was startled for a moment, and then realized that Bonnie should be able to use her ability to make what Annie heard more clearly, "Okay, let me let go of my mental power first."

With Chen Feng's permission, Bonnie's abilities were instantly activated. She is now a 2-star evolutionary, and her psychic abilities have been further expanded.

She first read Annie's memory when she heard the bear roar, converted it into a picture, and then transmitted it to Chen Feng's consciousness.And all this, Annie is almost unaware of.

In the picture sent by Bonnie, Chen Feng could see a blurry shadow of a giant bear, as high as a six-story building, every movement seemed to cause a small earthquake, and there was also a huge tornado, as if Even the air itself can be torn to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the bear roar that Annie heard echoed clearly in Chen Feng's consciousness, and it lingered for a long time.

Chen Feng opened his eyes, his expression became a little more solemn, "Go back to the camp immediately." He said.

That painting has already explained everything, that giant bear is a newly born king-level mutant life, and the terrifying tornado obviously belongs to [Storm Angel] Mijialuo.

In other words, not long ago, a fierce battle took place between the two strongest beings on the North American continent!
 There were 470 recommendation votes yesterday, only the last 30 votes, please recommend! PS: The name of the protagonist's force will be revealed in the next chapter.


(End of this chapter)

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