Pets of the last days are king

Chapter 110 The power of the king!

Chapter 110 The power of the king!
"Micara, fight or go?"

The black clouds overwhelmed the city and wanted to destroy it. Even Zorro felt a little guilty in such a scene, and asked in a low voice.

"Look at the situation first, can you leave without even seeing the other party's appearance." Mi Jialuo said lightly.

"Damn! Then let's fight! Isn't it just a group of bats!" Zorro roared to cheer himself up.

The flying speed of the mutated bat swarm was extremely fast, and after such a short effort, they had already roared over, engulfing the two of them in an instant.

Each mutant bat is the size of a manhole cover, not only has sharp teeth, but also has claws on its wings, it is simply a terrifying killing machine.

A lightning-like flash of cross sword lighted up, piercing through the crowd of bats, killing at least 20 mutated bats.

But for the number of bat groups, it is no different from a drop in the bucket.

"Damn! These mutated bats are disgusting! Mijia Luo, think of a way!" Zoro swung his sword like rain, and each sword brought a sword light, but even so, he was tortured by the terrifying bat swarm. Unbearable, we can only fight and retreat.

But Mijialuo was much more unrestrained, floating in mid-air in the center of the bat swarm, surrounded by a mass of dense wind blades, and those bats were smashed to pieces immediately when they collided.

After hearing Zorro's wailing, Mijiaro was unmoved, and said calmly, "Come on, I have to accumulate energy and wait for the king to come."

"Damn it!" Zoro wished to raise his middle finger to Mijia Luo when he heard it, "Storm Angel", the feeling is that the little brother asked me to come, and you are waiting to fight the boss.

Well, there is no way, who made you the boss.

[Swordsman] Zoro suddenly put the sword back into its sheath, and stopped strangely, as if time had stopped suddenly.


Accompanied by a sharp shout, Zoro drew his sword again and slashed out, accompanied by a huge sword light nearly 50 meters long, like a mighty long river, instantly piercing through the dense crowd of bats from bottom to top, and then Suddenly cut off.

With this sword, at least hundreds of mutated bats were killed.

However, Zorro didn't intend to end at all. Holding the long sword horizontally, he slashed horizontally again.


Another 50-meter-long bright sword light broke through the swarm of bats, and swept a 360-degree circle with Zorro as the center.

Hundreds of mutated bats were chopped into pieces in an instant, and even the entire group of bats was divided into two, unable to be closed!

"My uncle doesn't show his power, treat me like a sick cat!"

Zoro roared, frantically swinging the 1.5-meter long sword, streaks of terrifying sword light pierced Changhong, instantly killing the mutated bat swarm.

Within 5 minutes, almost nothing was wiped out.

[Swordsman] Zorro deserves to be the top combat power of the Twelve Apostles!Once it breaks out, it is really unstoppable and unreasonable.

The bat swarm in a camp that could be easily destroyed was wiped out like this, but neither Zorro nor Mijaro could see any relief or excitement on their faces, because they both knew that this was just a tentative appetizer .

That king-level mutated life hasn't really made a move yet!

"It's in that direction." Mijia Luo pointed out, "Come on, let's meet the newly born king for a while."

"Are you sure? Hai Ji only asked us to check the information." Zoro put the sword back into its sheath, and the force of the vigorous activation just now actually consumed a lot.

"Of course, I really want to know who is stronger between me and the king-level mutant life." Mi Jialuo said coldly, and flew directly in mid-air.

As the strongest fighting force of the Sanctuary Company, No. 1 of the Twelve Apostles, Mijialuo has not lost a single defeat since he became an evolutionary, and he has not even encountered a threatening opponent. That is to say, he is actually I have no idea how powerful I am.

This time, it is a good opportunity.

Zorro looked at Mijiaro's back, shook his head, and thought he was abnormal, but still followed.

After advancing about another kilometer, Mijialuo in the air suddenly stopped, his eye sockets showed a dignified look, and beside him, two huge tornado storms appeared out of thin air.

"Oh?" Zorro was stunned for a moment, then he also felt something, his eyes fixed on the end of the horizon.

I saw a huge shadow rising from the horizon, approaching Mijialuo and Zorro step by step from far to near.

That terrifying aura seemed to have lowered even the sky. If it was an ordinary person, he might not even be able to stand still.

It was a giant bear walking upright!The body is huge, like a hill.

Every step he takes, the vast earth shakes, as if it wants to shatter a person's heart.

And behind that giant bear, a black tide continuously emerged from the end of the horizon. It was an army of countless mutant beasts, surrendering to their king.

Finally, the giant bear roared again, fell on all fours, and charged.

That momentum, a bear, is an unstoppable army!

Mijialuo's hair stood up all of a sudden, his eyes locked on the king's giant bear, and with a wave of his hands, two huge tornado storms roared away at his side. Looking carefully, the edges of the tornado are all extremely sharp wind blades. Everything that passed was cut and chopped.

However, the giant bear didn't dodge or dodge at all, and directly slammed into it. No matter how powerful the storm was, could it blow the mountains standing on the ground?


Therefore, the giant bear was not injured at all. Its front paws slapped suddenly, and the two terrifying huge tornadoes were directly scattered!

This scene made Mijia Luo's pupils shrink, and the hair on the back of his neck stood on end.At the same time, a feeling of fear and excitement arose in my heart, and I looked back and shouted:
"Zoro, withdraw immediately! Go back to the company and report what you saw!"

Zoro was stunned. Although Mijiaro's strength was far above him, he thought he could see the upper limit of Mijiaro, but from the scene just now, he couldn't see the upper limit of the king-level mutant bear at all. It is so strong that it is impossible to judge.If Mi Jialuo stays here, isn't that courting death?
Can't help asking, "Are you sure? Let's escape together, the chance of success is better."

"Escape? Who said I want to escape!" Mijia Luo's eyes suddenly burst into an unprecedented look, "This is the goal I want to challenge!"

After all, an unprecedented huge whirlwind suddenly rolled up under Mi Jialuo's feet, reaching the sky, and he was in the center of the storm, rushing towards the roaring giant bear.

"Damn it, madman!"

Zoro cursed loudly, and didn't dare to stay for a moment, otherwise, not to mention the king bear, even Mijiaro's storm could easily destroy him.

Only now did he discover that he had never seen the upper limit of [Storm Angel].

In the blink of an eye, Zorro had already run more than ten kilometers, and there were continuous thunderous noises behind him, but he didn't dare to turn his head back.

About half an hour later, he had already run about 100 kilometers, and there was a faint roar of a giant bear in his ears, and there was no more sound after that.

 The king-level life finally appeared!Please recommend! PS: Thanks to clement001 and Liuli Xinhu for their rewards ~ clement001’s reward will be added on Sunday, and the third update on Sunday ~
(End of this chapter)

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