Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 57 Lin Chen's Shocking Pit!

Chapter 57 Lin Chen's Shocking Pit!
Of course, if you have your own offline direct sales store, you can make more profits when selling things.

Therefore, the direct sales store of Shuguang Electronics is actually related to the next development of the entire company group, and no compromise is allowed!
In this regard, the scene fell into a full minute of silence, and no one really left on the spot after Lin Chen said that sentence.

Instead, they stayed where they were one by one, as if they were not the ones who shouted their strong opposition just now. Obviously, although these people objected, it was not an absolutely unacceptable objection.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Lin Chen's mouth, and then he said with a smile:

"Since everyone has tacitly agreed that Suguang Electronics can directly sell the store, let us continue."

It was said that those who opposed just now seemed to be slapped in the face, and their faces were as ugly as they wanted.

Because they have implicitly agreed that Sugon Electronics' directly-operated stores can also sell Sugon A1 mobile phones, which is really helpless.

But there is no way, Sugon A1 mobile phone is too cost-effective and it is destined to be a hot seller!
It is resistant to falling, good quality, the music is moving, the screen is super big, and you can play Nintendo Candy games...

Of course, the most important thing is that the price is only 1600 yuan, and the most expensive gold version is only 1800 yuan.

The combination of these selling points and advantages is naturally doomed that this phone will be a big hit, so even though this face was slapped, they still couldn't refuse it!
The reality is so helpless. Although they are very unhappy that Suguang Electronics' direct sales store can sell Suguang A1 mobile phones, they still love it in the face of the temptation of money.

At this moment, beside the crowd, Huang Hua, the general manager of Shuguang Trading Company, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When the scene was uproarious just now, his mood really sank to the bottom, but he didn't expect that these people in front of him were just playing tricks and making noise.

Thinking of this, he looked at Lin Chen with admiration. Huang Hua believed that he couldn't help but give in under the situation just now.

But I didn't expect Lin Chen to be able to withstand such pressure, which is really admirable.

It can only be said that the master is worthy of being a master, and he is always someone he needs to learn from.

However, at this time, everyone did not know that Lin Chen had buried a huge pit in the dark, which was enough to make all the dealers want to vomit blood.

This astonishing pit is the Shuguang Electronics direct sales store. It is not just a physical chain store, it will also be able to sell products online in the future!

Because at that time, the distribution contract marked "Shuguang Electronics Direct Store", but "Shuguang Electronics Direct Store" did not clearly indicate that it could not be sold online.

Therefore, it is possible for Shuguang Company to open a directly-operated store of Suguang Electronics, and even if those dealers know about it at that time, they will have no way to regret it.

Because those people have already signed the subcontracting and distribution contract, the Sugon A1 mobile phone has already been sold, forming a stable and profitable channel.

As long as the Sugon A1 mobile phone has an amazing price-performance ratio, as long as the Sugon A1 mobile phone can be sold quickly to make a lot of money.

Even if the dealers found out this fact that made them vomit blood, they would definitely endure it, and no one would make trouble with money.

And Lin Chen has already been invisible in this, gradually building an independent, controllable and stable Shuguang Electronics direct store.

When those dealers found that there were more and more Sugon Electronics directly-operated stores, and their role was getting lower and lower, and finally Sugon mobile phones could completely get rid of their control through online sales.

Even if they want to repent, there is nothing they can do. It is a done deal, and no one will have trouble with money.

So this is an amazing pit that Lin Chen hides in the dark!
This huge pit is a huge pit for others, but it is a wise strategy for Suguang Company.

One is to be able to establish a stable and controllable sales channel in your own hands, and the other is to have an online shopping mall similar to Jingdong!
Many things in Jingdong are more valuable than Taobao in later generations, but why do many people prefer to buy valuables such as home appliances, mobile phones, computers, refrigerators, washing machines, etc. in Jingdong instead of Taobao?

The reason for this is that although the phenomenon of counterfeit and defective goods has decreased a lot in recent years, Tao Bao still has a good reputation.

And the biggest advantage of Jingdong is that they purchase first-hand products directly from manufacturers, which is more stable and controllable, and makes people believe that they are genuine products, and they dare to issue invoices and facilitate returns.

Therefore, people like to buy many valuable things at Jingdong, or directly on the official website of a certain brand of mobile phone.

Gossip aside, Lin Chen will definitely not reveal this shocking pit on purpose at this time. After all, there is no chance, and Lin Chen can't provoke the patience of these dealers one after another.

After all, he still has to rely on these guys to help him sell mobile phones, at least until he completes the construction of national channels, he has to sit down with these guys to share fruit.

In this regard, people at this time did not know about Lin Chen's shocking crater, and only saw Lin Chen continue to say when the people continued to remain silent:

"Many people now may think that 20% of our brand shares is a bit too much, but I would say that not only is it not much, but it is profitable.

Take KFC as an example. Their brand investment is just to give a brand and a set of standards, and you have to own 70% of the shares. This is the real overlord contract.

However, the Sugon Electronics Direct Store is different. The Sugon Electronics Direct Store has more discounts under the same circumstances, that is to say, the purchase price is lower.

In addition, the direct sales store of Shuguang Electronics not only sells mobile phones, but also an after-sales service store, which can also earn a lot of profits. In the end, the direct sales store of Suguang Electronics will earn more profits!
As for the short-term low popularity of Sugon Electronics direct sales stores, with the super cost-effectiveness of Sugon A1 mobile phone, do we need to worry about the source of customers? "

Hearing Lin Chen's words, many people at the scene nodded slightly.

With Sugon A1 mobile phone sales and after-sales maintenance business, Sugon Electronics Direct Store does have natural traffic.

However, whether this model will work is also a questionable existence. Can selling Sugon A1 mobile phones and providing after-sales services really make money?

Lin Chen also gave an answer to this, only to see that the projection screen behind him changed instantly, and a video appeared on it.

"A Sugon A1 mobile phone?"

"Hello, give me a Sugon A1 mobile phone."


In fact, as the picture came out, there was also a noisy sound in the video.

The mobile phone store owners and dealers at the scene saw this scene with slightly surprised expressions in their eyes.

Because there are hundreds of people rushing to buy the Sugon A1 mobile phone in a store of hundreds of square meters!

"How could there be so many people, this is definitely a trust!"

(End of this chapter)

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