Chapter 85 Killing the Son-in-Law (13)

Lin Ao was very angry, and wanted to refute Jin Yan, but forgot that he had been deliberately avoiding Jin Yan's sight.

When he raised his head, he froze in place.

He had seen so many beauties in his previous life, but none of them could compare with the girl in front of him.

Lianying leaning on the red building is really beautiful.

But she has been immersed in Fireworks and Willow Alley all year round, and her gestures and gestures will inevitably be stained with the atmosphere there, making her seem a little frivolous.

Cousin Li Xiner is pure and pleasant, but she can only be called Xiaojiabiyu, not a noble person.

Only Miss Xie's family, the moment he saw her, all the words in the world that could be used to describe a woman's beautiful face flooded into his mind.

Lin Ao stared straight at Jin Yan, and the rebuttal he was about to blurt out was forgotten by him.

At this moment, he realized.

God made him reborn, maybe it was for him to marry the person in front of him.

However, Jin Yan stepped back in disgust, covering half of his face with a handkerchief, the disgust in his eyes was about to turn into substance, "It's fine if you look like a pig, but if you're still so sluggish, you won't be out of your mind, right?"

In a word, Lin Ao was brought back to the real world.

He looked at Jin Yan in disbelief.

Obviously born so beautiful, so beautiful and delicate that people dare not look directly at her.

Obviously, he has the same body temperature of 37 degrees as him, and flows the same warm blood.

How to say it is so cold!
So sad?
Seeing Lin Ao's sullen and wanting to complain expression made Jin Yan feel happy in his heart.

She deliberately said: "It seems that the brain is really broken. My Xie family's son-in-law, even if he is a son-in-law, he can't be a fool. Hu Po, let someone send a letter to Daddy, just say Lin Ao..."

"Miss, Miss! I'm not out of my mind, I'm not stupid, I'm normal! Really!" Lin Ao said eagerly.

After waking up in the body of "Lin Ao", he planned to divorce the Xie family, and slapped the Xie family in the face, as a repayment for taking Lin Ao's body.

But now he only thinks that Lin Ao is too superficial.

The Xie family is as rich as the enemy!
Miss Xie was born beautiful!

If you marry Xie's family, you can get the full support of Xie's family, and you can let the most beautiful woman in the world bear children for him. In the end, his children will inherit all the family business of Xie's family. This is definitely a script for a winner in life what!

As for Lin Ao's concerns.

Ha ha.

Is reputation that important?

Are the eyes and opinions of others so unbearable?

What happened to the door-to-door son-in-law?
Don't you just eat soft rice?
Soft and toothless, there is nothing you can't eat!
In his previous life, his father was a soft rice man who was described by others as having nothing but his figure and appearance.

But my father never cared about those false names, he has always endured the humiliation, and with his "sincerity", he tricked his grandparents into marrying his mother.

In the end, the father was even softer than he was. He raised several mistresses outside and gave birth to a bunch of illegitimate children. He angered his grandpa and grandma to death, took away his mother's power, drove his son out of the house, and successfully inherited the grandpa's family. billions of assets!

Although he was a poor and ridiculous cannon fodder in his father's script, what did it matter?

Father is a thing of the past.

Next, he will perfectly reproduce his father's counterattack road!

Maybe in a few thousand years, he will become the originator of Ruanfanmen.

At that time, even a father who was good at disguising and acting had to call him Patriarch!

Rang owed his mother and his father to be his disciples, which can be regarded as revenge for his father's murder of his grandfather's family.

Presumably grandpa, grandma and mother will be able to smile at Jiuquan!
 Lin Ao: I am so filial!
  Eat melon readers: Yes yes yes!So filial!Filial piety is dead!

(End of this chapter)

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