Chapter 84 Killing the Son-in-Law (12)


When Xie's carriage arrived at the entrance of Lin's alley, Lin Aotian, who was beaten to pieces, was being supported by two women, one old and one young, to go out.

The wide and heavy gown covered the marks on his body, but judging from the walking posture and the wrinkled or hideous expression on his face from time to time, it seems that the injury was not serious.

Jin Yan burst out laughing, "You're so injured, you still go outside to seek medical treatment?"

After speaking, Jin Yan felt something was wrong, "From last night to now, has the Lin family invited a doctor? What did Uncle Wang go out for yesterday?"

Three servant girls: "..."

Although the lady didn't ask, how could she know everything?
The housekeeper did go out yesterday, and after Pearl and Wang Huwei came back, he took people out again.

The Lin family took Lin Ao out to seek medical treatment at this moment, obviously no doctor came to the door last night.

And the only one who can make all the doctors in Lin'an City obey orders is the Xie family.

"It's said that Jiang is still old and spicy. He really deserves to be the housekeeper most trusted by Dad, and he is thorough in handling things." Jin Yan said with emotion.

What she neglected, the housekeeper made up for her.

Seeing that Lin Aotian and the others were about to walk out of the alley, Jin Yan said something to Hu Po, and Hu Po told the driver.

The carriage moved significantly faster.

Soon, the horse neighed.

A woman's frightened scream came from ahead.

Followed by the man's cry of pain and impatient resentment.

Jin Yan hurriedly raised the curtain of the car, and the first thing he saw was Lin Aotian, who was pouting his buttocks and laying his face on the ground, paying her respects reverently.

Lin's mother Li and niece Li Xin'er fell on both sides.

"Lin Ao, you knew I was coming, and you actually gave me such a big gift." Jin Yan raised his voice pretending to be pleasantly surprised.

The three servant girls covered their mouths and laughed lightly, but Lin Ao outside were all dumbfounded.

Why is Xie Jinyan here so early in the morning?

Lin Ao was still there in a daze, but Li Xiner who was beside him had already reacted quickly.

Probably because she didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of her "rival in love", she got up and quickly straightened her clothes, straightened her hair, and then went to help Lin Ao with a worried face, "Cousin, how are you? Did you fall?" Does it hurt?"

Lin Ao who was pinched to the wound: "..."

Your arm was kicked until it lost a piece of flesh. I stuck my nails in it to see if it hurts!
Lin Ao rolled his eyes speechlessly.

The cousin is pretty and pretty, but she is not smart enough.

He endured the pain and tried to stand up straighter so that his posture would look more upright, but subconsciously lowered his head to prevent Jin Yan from seeing his distressed appearance.

Feeling that the already handsome cosmos couldn't accommodate him, Lin Ao said, "Miss, why did you come here suddenly? Don't let anyone know, so we can sweep the couch and greet you."

Jin Yan also endured the nausea and said: "I didn't arrange it in advance, of course I wanted to give you a surprise, don't you think it's not enough surprise?"

Lin Ao: "..."

Still surprised?
That's fucking scary as hell!
Suddenly, Jin Yan said "Oh", "Lin Ao, what's the matter with your face? I must have misunderstood someone. How could Lin Ao have the pig's head that you now look like after being steamed, fried, fried, and roasted."

Both Mother Lin and Li Xiner looked at Jin Yan angrily.

One is critical and dissatisfied, and the other is full of jealousy.

But Lin Ao is doubting life.

fuck fuck fuck!
Is this fucking human?
The one who was beaten into a pig's head was your fiancé!
You just don't care about his injury, but you still laugh at him mercilessly and sprinkle salt on his wound in cold blood, do you think it's appropriate?

 Lin Ao: Do ​​you think it is suitable?

  Jin Yan: Appropriate, very appropriate~
(End of this chapter)

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