Chapter 854
The Hotel Pano had been leveled by a violent explosion that lit up the night sky in Agatz.

In the hotel courtyard, where the explosion occurred, under the cover of flames and smoke, a circle of hemispherical shields glowed slightly.

The radius of the light shield is about 7 meters (20 feet). The outside is turned upside down, but the inside is calm, unaffected by the explosion, and the raging flames are isolated from the outside, and the temperature is suitable.

Tangning stared at the scene of the explosion through the mask, and the spell scroll in her hand had already been reduced to ashes.

As soon as the phone rang, she unfolded the scroll and opened the "refuge cabin" around herself, enveloping Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, Ma Yun, Qi Tian and Wang Daqing.

After just a few seconds, a whole ton of CL-20 explosives was transmitted along the communication network, and immediately detonated, blowing up the entire Pano Hotel.

Such a powerful destructive force cannot destroy the protective cover of the "shelter hut".

The people hiding in the protective cover escaped the catastrophe without any risk.

Seeing the indescribably terrifying scene outside through the transparent shield, as if they were in the catastrophe of the end of the world, the young special police officers were deeply shocked.

Gao Fei was the first to calm down, walked up to Tangning, and whispered, "Sister Tang, what are your plans next?
Tangning regained her composure and thought about it, "The smoke and dust from the explosion obscured the enemy's surveillance vision. We don't have much time left. We must make some preparations now and leave here as soon as possible."

After all, she first cast "Performance Casting" to bless all her teammates with "Fire Resistance Barrier", and then took out a lot of potions from the astrolabe and distributed them to Gao Fei and others, leaving two bottles for herself.

"There are two kinds of magic potions here. One is the disguise potion. Needless to say, the other is the 'detection avoidance' potion. After taking it, it can resist detection-like magic and supernatural abilities, including Apostle John's 'All The seeing eye'."

"Sister Tang! You have the 'detection avoidance' potion, why don't you take it out earlier, so that everyone doesn't have to worry all day long, lest they will be exposed and blown away by the bomb sent along the phone line!"

Qi Tian asked with an unhappy face.

"Because what I want is not just to avoid surveillance, but also to give the enemy the illusion that we are all killed."

Tangning explained with a blank expression.

"If John and his boss, Peter van der Waal, can't see us from the beginning, and can't see the explosion site, how can they remove the surveillance with peace of mind."

"Your idea sounds very reasonable, but why didn't you tell us earlier?" Ma Tao's expression was not very good.

"Okay! This is not a place to argue, everyone retreat quickly, and it won't be too late to listen to Sister Tang's explanation when we get to a safe place."

Gao Fei said in a deep voice.

Tangning gave him a grateful look, and waved her hand to remove the "shelter hut".

Thick smoke and flames hit our faces, choking everyone to cough, and quickly covered their mouths and noses with wet towels prepared in advance.

Tangning blessed everyone with the "Fire Resistance Barrier", which can offset 30 points of fire damage per round. Even if you stand in the middle of the fire, you won't burn a single strand of hair.

Gao Fei led his companions through the sea of ​​flames, and looked back at the place where he stood just now.

The clean and flat ground looked particularly eye-catching compared to the scorched earth that had been blasted all around.

Gao Fei gestured to Ma Yun.

Student Xiao Ma understood, raised his revolver, loaded a "No. 6 bullet", and shot at the flat ground that was sheltered by the "shelter hut" just now.

The bullet hit the ground, and the "fireball technique" poured in advance exploded violently, making it melt into the sea of ​​flames, completely erasing the traces of everyone taking refuge here.

Under the cover of raging fire and thick smoke, Gao Fei and his entourage followed Tang Ning who was leading the way, quietly left the ruins of the hotel, mixed with the refugee team on the street, and ran to the river to seek refuge.

Crowds fill the docks, and the catamarans of the van der Waals mercenaries are back.

A group of vicious mercenaries stood guard on the shore, holding guns to check all the refugees trying to leave Agats by boat.

Gao Fei and his entourage had already been disguised and refitted, and they looked no different from the locals. They escaped the mercenary hunt without any risk, and went down the river in a canoe.

When they arrived at the nearby fishing village pier, Tangning led everyone off the boat, walked into the fishing village, and settled down in a shack.

"This is the safe house that Brother Pep rented for us. Let's rest here overnight. Pep will come to join us tomorrow morning."

"Pep has a big boat, and then we will sail along the Digul River to the Asmat region."

After listening to Tangning's arrangement, Gao Fei nodded first, and then raised the common question on behalf of his companions.

"Sister Tang, you arranged all of this in advance. Does this mean that you not only knew that we would be attacked by the Holy Blood Knights in Agats, but also knew that they would send bombs frantically, for the sake of Get rid of us, and let those captured mercenaries, apostles and angels be buried together?"

"That's right, Judas revealed to me the assassination plan of the Holy Blood Knights to deliver a bomb, so I decided to use the explosion to escape." Tangning admitted frankly.

"Then why didn't you tell us earlier?" Ma Yun couldn't help asking.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hide it from you, but at the same time as the attack happened, the apostle John also began to monitor our every move. I had to be more careful, knowing the plan. The more people there are, the easier it is to show one’s feet.”

"After all, you just don't trust us!" Qi Tian said with anger.

Tangning bit her lip, with guilt in her eyes.

However, she did not let go of her pride. After a brief silence, she replied blankly.

"I believe that each of you is a good comrade worthy of my life, but I don't believe that your acting skills are as superb as mine, and I can't guarantee that you can fool the 'All-Seeing Eye', so I choose to hide it from you , the less you know, the more authentic your reactions will be."

"Aren't you just using us and treating us like NPCs in the game?" Ma Tao's face darkened, and what he said was also full of gunpowder, "Sister Tang, let me tell you something, it's a bit too much for you to do this, it's too much. Disrespect to your colleagues!"

"Everyone calm down and talk about things." Wang Daqing, who has the best temper in the team, hastily changed the subject, "Xiao Tang, besides you, who else knows the true face of that Judas, who knows what will happen today? A big explosion?"

Tangning glanced at Gao Fei and remained silent.

"And me." Gao Fei raised his hand, "At least...theoretically, I should know the plan made by Sister Tang and Judas."

(End of this chapter)

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