I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 89 Interview from "Mathematics Knowledge"

Chapter 89 Interview from "Mathematics Knowledge"
Qin Ke glanced at He Wei unexpectedly.

In fact, He Wei noticed when he saw him writing the answers. After all, the system does not have a vacation, and it will be automatically activated as long as it is in high school. He Wei, who was shocked, contributed a few learning experience points to Qin Ke.

But at that time Qin Ke was busy doing the questions and didn't pay attention, only then did he know that he was a reporter.

Qin Ke glanced at the press card quietly, then smiled and shook hands with him: "Hello, reporter He, what a coincidence."

He Wei said politely: "Student Qin Ke, may I ask if you are the No.1 in this Mathematical Olympiad Provincial Competition and Qin Ke from Yingyuan High School?"

Qin Ke smiled and said, "Sakura Garden High School hasn't found a second Qin Ke with the same name and surname as me yet."

He Wei was overjoyed, and exchanged pleasantries with Qin Ke for a while, and found that Qin Ke was very eloquent, and he was not at all dull like those nerds and academic bullies, so he was even more surprised and pleasantly surprised.

"Since there is still more than half an hour to arrive at the station, Qin Ke, I would like to make a request here. I am in charge of the new media field of "Mathematics Knowledge Daily", and I am currently working on the first issue of "Mathematics Master". Special video planning, is it convenient for you to accept my interview now?"

"it's here?"

"Yes, isn't such an unexpected encounter more dramatic? If you need to communicate with the school, I will immediately contact the editor-in-chief to communicate with the school leaders of your school. And after the post-processing of the interview video is completed, it will also pass through you and Yingyuan It will only be issued with the consent and authorization of the high school."

"Will the interview video be put on the online platform?"

"Yes, including the official website of our "Mathematics Knowledge News", as well as platforms such as Douyin and Station B, our official account will put videos on it."

Qin Ke thought about it. When he was interviewed by the TV station before, he wanted to test the function of "pretending to make me improve", whether it can indirectly provide him with learning experience points. This opportunity is undoubtedly better at this time.

The entire video is an interview with him, and it will be posted on several major platforms. With so many viewers, someone must open the video when the system is active, right?Can the emotional values ​​collected by these audiences bring him experience points for learning gods?
This is a tempting idea worth trying!

"I have no problem here, but I still need to trouble you to contact the principal Wen Jianzhao of our school and ask for his permission."

In fact, Qin Ke can decide on his own, but Principal Wen treats him well, and it is necessary to reciprocate.

For Yingyuan, who is eager to expand his popularity, it is definitely a good thing for students to be interviewed by a well-known platform such as "Mathematics Knowledge News". As long as this matter is approved by Principal Wen, it will be counted in Principal Wen's political achievements.

"Mathematical Knowledge News" was very efficient. After a few minutes, Wen Jianzhao contacted Qin Ke and readily agreed to his interview, but hinted that he should mention the name of the school more.

Qin Ke nodded understandingly.

At this time, many passengers around noticed He Wei who was setting up a small video camera and holding a miniature microphone. Hearing that he was interviewing a high-achieving student, they all surrounded him with great interest.

In this world, high school students often attract a lot of attention. There are many adults with children in the bus, so they are naturally more interested. Even the young mothers and fathers who are holding their babies are paying attention.

He Wei first asked: "Student Qin Ke, you have won No.1 in the Olympiad provincial competition this time. I believe many people are very interested in your daily study. Do you usually like mathematics?"

He Wei's words immediately raised the emotional value of the surrounding area, and contributed dozens of experience points to Qin Ke.

Even if most people don't know the details of the Olympiad provincial competition, they know that it is an important provincial competition. How can everyone not be surprised and admired that the boy in front of him can take the No. 1 exam?

Qin Ke turned a blind eye to the eyes around him, put on Ning Qingyun's indifferent and calm expression and replied: "I like it."

"Why do you like mathematics?"

"Because math is the easiest."

The corner of He Wei's mouth twitched: "The easiest? How simple is it?"

"It's as simple as doing whatever you want to get full marks."

An excited look flashed in He Wei's eyes, the more Qin Ke had such an attitude, the more interesting the video would be!
"Student Qin Ke, in the process of studying mathematics, have you ever encountered any difficult problems that you can't solve?"

"There are still some, such as Goldbach guessing that I don't have a clue."


"May I ask if you are satisfied with the results of this Mathematical Olympiad provincial competition?"

"so so."

"You should have got a full score in the exam, right? Are you still not satisfied?"

Qin Ke sighed, with regret on his face: "Because the physical condition is not good, the speed of doing the questions is too slow."

The corner of He Wei's mouth twitched again, and he asked again: "This provincial competition is very difficult, and there are many questions. There are a total of twelve questions. It is said that apart from you, there is no other candidate who can do it within three hours. Finish the paper. May I ask Qin Ke, how long did it take you to finish all the questions?"

"About two hours."

"It's already great, but you're still not satisfied? What's your ideal problem-solving time?"

"Let's do it within four 10 minutes. It's best to finish the paper within three 10 minutes."

Three 10 minutes?The passengers who listened to the entire interview process shook their heads more and more. Even though they didn't know the difficulty of the provincial competition questions, they could still guess one or two from He Wei's words.

The student's face is calm, why is his tone getting louder?What mathematics is too simple, what Goldbach's conjecture, what three and 10 minutes to finish the paper... bragging without drafting!

"It seems that Qin Ke is very confident in the speed of solving the problems. Do you want to challenge the problems in my hand? I happen to have a bunch of math problems, and the passengers present will help you to randomly select the problems. You do it, and I will time it here. ,how?"

Qin Ke said briskly, "Okay."

As a reporter for "Mathematical Knowledge News", He Wei collected mathematical problems from all over the place. Soon, some uncle passengers who watched the excitement volunteered to help He Wei extract a problem from a pile of problems, and handed it to Qin gram.

He Wei turned on the timer with his mobile phone and put it next to the topic.

Qin Ke glanced at it. It was a geometry problem with a diagram. The diagram was composed of three interlaced circles and trapezoids. Finding the area of ​​the shaded part was probably at the provincial competition level.

He picked up the pen and finished writing in less than 2 minutes.

Everyone was stunned when they saw him put down the pen. Is this the end?too fast?All eyes fell on the passenger uncle - he had the answer to the question in his hand.

The passenger uncle took the answer as an excuse: "The final calculated number is correct, but the process he wrote is completely different from the standard answer in my hand, and it is much shorter. I don't know whether it is right or wrong in this situation. "

However, He Wei's eyes sparkled. He could naturally see that Qin Ke used a more concise and efficient solution than the standard answer. He asked again: "Student Qin Ke, can you think of other solutions?"


Qin Ke quickly wrote another solution. This time it took about two and a half minutes, and the process was longer.

Seeing that Qin Ke was calm and composed, the passenger uncle didn't dare to speak indiscriminately. He just said: "The final result is correct, but the process is still different from the answer in my hand."

"Student Qin Ke, continue to think of other solutions?"

"Then I'll just write three more, so I can write five solutions."

Seven minutes later, Qin Ke put down his pen for the third time. The uncle passenger breathed a sigh of relief, pointed to one of the answers and said, "This process is basically the same as the answer in my hand."

He Wei was surprised and said, "Student Qin Ke, your fifth method uses the definite integral in calculus, right?"

"Yes, it's the Riemann integral. But according to the rules of the Olympiad, knowledge points beyond high school mathematics cannot be used. This answer can't be counted."

"Isn't this a knowledge point in university mathematical analysis? You...have you finished these courses in university by yourself?"

"I flipped through mathematical analysis when I had nothing to do, and I didn't have time to read other branches for the time being."


Qin Ke nodded of course.

He Wei took a deep breath this time. Calculus is not easy to learn by himself. The key is that this sophomore in high school has not only finished the study by himself, but can also apply it proficiently in solving problems. This is really awesome.

Look at the timing, only about 12 minutes have passed, including the dialogue time, this student has solved this problem with five different solutions, the individual is not complete, even the bones are dismembered...

The passengers who watched the whole process looked at Qin Ke differently, and the praises sounded one after another.

This bragging student seems to be really awesome!

"Student Qin Ke, next you will do five more questions, and each question will only use one method. Let's see how long you can finish it?"


This time, five other passengers were asked to draw questions. Qin Ke answered the question after only looking at it. This time it was even more exaggerated. In less than 8 minutes, all five questions were completed. The final result was correct, but the answering process was a bit out of standard. The answer is the same, some are different.

 Thanks to "Junmo Shaoke" for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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