I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 88 The Encounter in the Family Journey

Chapter 88 A chance encounter on the journey home
Just when Qin Xiaoke was lying on the table and talking about his brother to Xiao Wen, Qin Ke was digesting the "Calculus Course" (by Fehkingolz) in his mind.

Qin Ke deliberately checked this book on the Internet, and the knowledge transferred to his mind by the system is almost exactly the same as that sold in the bookstore, but the three volumes are combined into one, and the knowledge network and difficulty analysis of the entire book are automatically provided.

The most rare thing is that these knowledge networks will automatically integrate with the knowledge points of domestic key undergraduate university courses such as "Mathematical Analysis", "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis", and "Mathematical Analysis Course" that Qin Ke has read before.

It makes Qin Ke feel like a famous teacher guides him, and it is extremely easy and fast to digest and understand. In addition, all the contents of the books are actually printed in his mind, so he does not need to memorize and read them like reading physical books. He only needs to understand and digest them. Your own knowledge will never be forgotten.

Thanks to the systemic improvement of his thinking ability, comprehension ability and thinking speed, from Monday to now, he has completed the knowledge fusion of seven books in his spare time.

"Real variable unary and multivariate differential calculus and their basic applications, get it done... Riemann integral theory and series theory, also mastered... Next is multiple integrals, curve integrals, surface integrals, Stilgis integrals, Fu Lie series and Fourier transform..."

"Yeah... Another book is done!" Qin Ke clenched his fist excitedly.

"This book is really well written. The details of many knowledge points are not discussed in depth in the previous textbooks. The examples are also easy to understand."

It took Qin Ke less than an hour to digest and integrate this "Calculus Course" (by Fehkingolz) - if you follow the conventional learning method, even undergraduates majoring in mathematics with a very solid foundation will not have a hard time. Two months of hard work is impossible.

Moreover, Qin Ke's brain thinking was extremely clear throughout the whole process. Mastering each knowledge point was like gaining experience points by defeating a mob in a game.

"Keep going, let's attack Walter Rudin's "Principles of Mathematical Analysis"!"

Qin Ke was so addicted to mathematical analysis that he couldn't extricate himself, and almost forgot that he was on his way home.

He was watching it with gusto, when suddenly his phone vibrated and he received a WeChat message.

Qin Ke didn't want to pay attention to it, but the news came one after another. Thinking that it might be from his younger sister, he sighed helplessly, reluctantly interrupted the study of mathematical analysis, and took out his mobile phone.

Hey, it's Li Xiangxue.

"Qin Ke, how do you solve this problem? I didn't solve it all night!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'll go crazy if I don't see the solution!"

"Same as before, one solution costs 2000 yuan, and you can write as many as you can!"

"As soon as my pocket money arrives on the weekend, I will transfer it to you!"

"Qin Ke, are you there? Did you see my message?"

After being bombarded with several messages in a row, Qin Ke shook his head, just about to say "OK", when Li Xiangxue sent a video call request.

Qin Ke: "..."

Li Xiaozi is really eager to learn.

Qin Ke connected: "I saw your message, give me a little time, 3 minutes, I will give you a solution in 3 minutes."

"Thank you! Thank you Qin Ke!"

On the other side of the video, Li Xiangxue's hair was disheveled and his eyes were bloodshot, but when he heard Qin Ke's words, he felt as if he had been slapped with chicken blood, and immediately lifted his spirits, and his eyes were full of eagerness and anticipation like a puppy begging for food.

"I will not bother you anymore!"

After the video call ended, Qin Ke clicked on the photo sent by Li Xiangxue.

"Assume real numbers a, b∈[p, q] (q is greater than p and greater than 0). Prove: For any positive integer m, there are a^(-m)*b^(m+2)+ a^( m + 2)*b (-m)≤(a^2+b^2)/(p^2+q^2)*( p^(-m)*q^(m+2)+p^(m+ 2)*q^(-m)."

Hey, this is already a standard difficult problem in the national competition. No wonder Li Xiangxue did it so painfully.

But Qin Ke was in excellent condition at this time, took out the paper and pen from his schoolbag, and started writing without much thought.

"Record c=q/p, then p/q=1/c. From a, b∈[p, q], we can get 1/c≤a/b≤c,..."

Combining structural method, recursive method and mathematical induction, Qin Ke only took about 3 minutes to write more than half a page.

Get it done.

I took a photo and sent it to Li Xiangxue, and sent a voice message to explain the difficulties in the thinking and solution.

"This is a question at the national competition level. It is indeed a bit difficult. Xiangxue, please take a look at the first solution and my audio explanation first. If you have any questions, leave me a message, and I will write two more for you. I will give you an answer together."

Although the long-distance bus was full of people, most of them were sleeping or wearing earphones. Qin Ke’s voice was not loud, not afraid of disturbing others. After finishing speaking, he put down his mobile phone and continued to pick up the pen to scribble on another page. I started writing in a flash.

As a good student in the new era who is eager to help others, Qin Ke decided to write out all the solutions he could think of. This is a serious attitude towards mathematics and a reward for Li Xiaozi's serious study. It is definitely not based on that kind of solution. The reward of 2000 yuan is on.

After all, he has a household of 10 yuan, and the reward for a mere solution of 2000 yuan is still... worth it.

While he was writing furiously, a young man in his twenties sitting next to him sat up straight and quietly looked at the answer Qin Ke was writing.

His name is He Wei, a reporter for Mathematics Knowledge, and he has been in the industry for almost three years.

This world attaches great importance to knowledge, there are countless newspapers and magazines in various disciplines, and the competition is extremely high, but provincial-level newspapers such as "Mathematical Knowledge News" are relatively well-known among them, and there are quite a few high school students in Huahai Province. Influence.

He Wei graduated from the School of Mathematics of Yuanzhou University. The postgraduate tutor is Shi Cunyuan, the most famous professor in the school. After graduation, he entered the "Mathematics Knowledge News" and became a reporter. He was also in charge of new media projects. Simply put, it is the official account and B Video planning for websites and other platforms.

This kind of brain cell-consuming work pressure is quite a lot. Recently, he lacks inspiration and can't think of any good planning ideas. He simply took a few days off and traveled around to recharge his batteries.

Originally, He Wei was resting with his eyes closed, and the young man sitting next to him did not attract much attention from him, but when Qin Ke had a video call with Li Xiangxue, he subconsciously opened his eyes when he heard the name "Qin Ke".

Although he was on vacation before the Mathematical Olympiad provincial competition, but out of professional habits, he will still pay attention to the latest list of winners.

If I remember correctly, this "Qin Ke" seems to be the first prize in the provincial competition, and it is No.1 with a perfect score!
He couldn't help observing Qin Ke secretly, and naturally listened to Qin Ke's previous words.

Qin Ke solved the difficult problem in the national competition in 3 minutes?And can you think of other solutions?

Is this Qin Ke really that Qin Ke?How could he be in this car instead of attending school?
He couldn't help but carefully looked at the boy next to him.

In the rickety long-distance bus, a boy with natural curly hair that looks a bit messy and a hair on the top of his head is quietly writing the process of answering. Under the winter sun, the boy's lazy expression reveals a focus with seriousness.

This kid is really handsome, and I'm afraid he can fascinate many little girls.

He looked at Qin Ke's problem-solving process carefully, and couldn't help but gasped.

Qin Ke wrote extremely smoothly, and the tip of the pen never stopped moving. "The second proof method" and "the third proof method" were all written in one go.

As a graduate student majoring in mathematics, He Wei's level is naturally high. Although he didn't see the question, he could see a lot of things from the proof process.

Powerful, this Qin Ke is indeed very powerful, he can use more than a dozen methods of Olympiad with great proficiency.

The third proof method is completely unexpected, it actually uses the combination of numbers and shapes as the starting point!
Guan Jian's problem-solving speed is too frighteningly fast, right?
This should be the difficulty of the national competition, right?Why is it like cutting melons and vegetables in Qin Ke's eyes, without thinking at all?If it were me, I would never be able to achieve such a speed!

He Wei was speechless secretly, and at the same time, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and an excellent creative idea floated out.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was feasible, and he couldn't help but lift up his spirits.

But he didn't bother Qin Ke until Qin Ke sent the voice of the two solutions to Li Xiangxue, then he took out his reporter and said: "Student Qin Ke, right? I am He Wei from "Mathematics Knowledge Newspaper". I didn't expect to meet you here by chance."

 Thanks to "Smiledeath" and "Da Muze" for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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