Chapter 95
Brother Zuo Si stared at him and just stood there in a daze.He didn't realize what happened just now until Yuan Qingqing put him down and sat on the ground.

This girl was one of the three people who jumped on the roof just now, and they were chasing the plastic bag towards them just now.Seeing himself falling, the girl jumped down immediately, caught him in mid-air, and brought him to the ground.

...fairy?This is definitely a fairy descending to earth, right? !

He sat there with his mouth open stupidly, unable to speak for a long time, but Yuan Qingqing spoke first. She put her hands on her hips and said to him angrily: "Brother, there is no guardrail on this rooftop. You shouldn't be here at all. How can you run around in a place like this?"

... run around?Is it really good for you to say this?
Ordinary people shouldn't come up?This are not ordinary people?
Brother Zuosi's brain was empty, and he couldn't speak at this time, so he could only answer her with um ah oh.Seeing this, Yuan Qingqing frowned, and in a blink of an eye, he saw the mobile phone in his hand - because of his survival instinct, he kept holding it tightly when he fell from the building just now, so he didn't fall out.

"This is... a live broadcast?" She obviously saw the title of the live broadcast on the screen and the barrage that kept refreshing, thought for a few seconds, and then suddenly understood, "Are you live broadcasting Jump to the Sky?"

Brother Zuosi nodded blankly, and Yuan Qingqing became even more angry: "What are you doing? If you make a mistake, you will really die!"

"There are people who watched this live broadcast, do you think this is very interesting?? Use other people's lives for fun, let others take their lives to take pictures for you, don't you...invite others to commit suicide! It's the same as a murderer! If Let the children see it and learn this way of making money, how can you be responsible?"

Brother Zuo Si was called stupid by her, and the screen went black in the camera.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your work, but there are many ways to make money. Don't do this kind of thing in the future, or no one may save you. Anyway, there is nothing more important than life."

After Yuan Qingqing finished speaking, she turned around and was about to go back to the roof.Concentrated, Brother Zuo Si came back to his senses, and asked tremblingly: "You... who are you? What do you do?"

"Me?" Yuan Qingqing glanced at him, "I'm a student of Kunlun University, and I'm here to participate in the school sports meeting. This is our school's own activity, so don't just imitate it."

Brother Zuo Si was holding his mobile phone, and he froze on the spot.


This group of people did that kind of thing on the roof... Are they participating in school activities?
What even he, an extreme athlete, can't do... is this school's sports meeting? ?
What kind of school is this?

In a daze, Yuan Qingqing turned around and jumped out of the balcony, climbing up to the roof again.Brother Zuo Si just sat there dumbfounded, watching her figure disappear by the eaves, but this time he didn't dare to follow her if he took ten courages.

He looked down at his phone, sighed, and clicked on the broadcast.

From now on, this business will be considered impossible...



On the roof at this time, Yuan Qingqing flew up to the last big roof and landed firmly by the windshield wall.In front of her, the plastic bag with the demon spirit had been cornered—the windshield was on the west, Xiao Youyu was on the east, Wu Hao was on the south, and she was in the north, blocked on all sides.

"I saved that person just now, and it's all right." Yuan Qingqing said and ran forward, "What am I doing?"

"It's just in time." Xiao Youyu pointed to the front, "Don't touch it directly, it may be affected. You two just release your breath and restrain it."

Wu Hao and Yuan Qingqing responded, each exuding spiritual power, and the invisible aura pressed down on the fairy on the bag.The bags that were still flying around were locked by their spiritual consciousness, as if they were tied by invisible ropes, and the shaking arc suddenly decreased. Taking this opportunity, Xiao Youyu took a demon-binding talisman in his hand , stared at the fairy and recited.

"Tillions of Heavenly Soldiers, capture the devil spirits... the evil spirits will tie their heads, and the human will live forever... be as urgent as the law!"

The talisman flew out without any special effect, but stuck to the bag in the most ordinary manner.Following this post, a murmur as if a baby was crying came to my ears, and an illusory face with animal patterns was pulled out of the plastic bag and sucked into the spell again, and the symbols on the paper appeared and disappeared in a blink of an eye. white light.

This is the manifestation of the spirit body being sealed into a spell.As the fairy was stripped off, the snakeskin movement of the plastic bag stopped, and it just floated slowly in the air like an ordinary bag, shaking in the breeze.

"It's done." Seeing this, the three of them let out a long breath.

It is indeed the sports meeting of Kunlun University.From the perspective of others, the three of them ran a distance of one and a half marathons. On the way, they went through countless obstacles, three-step hurdles, and dribbling around poles... everything was a battle of wits and courage with a plastic bag.

But no matter what, if they catch the fairy, they will win.Compared with the previous plan, this process is already very simple.

Wu Hao wiped the sweat from his brow, the running down had exhausted him a lot, he had to quickly adjust his breath to recover his spiritual power.Right in front of him, the plastic bag turned to the side of "Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations", and was drifting towards Yuan Qingqing under the guidance of the wind.

Yuan Qingqing jumped up and reached out to get the plastic bag.But as soon as the fingertips touched the edge, they missed it - because at this moment a hand suddenly came down from the top of her head and snatched the bag from her hand.


Yuan Qingqing was taken aback immediately, and looked along the hand, and saw a familiar figure moving over his head, with the same familiar, heartless smile on his face.

She flipped in the air, and the whole person passed Yuan Qingqing from the top of her head and landed firmly on the ground.Naturally, she was holding the plastic bag right in her hand. She took off the charm from it and held it between her fingertips, and shook it at Yuan Qingqing with a smile.

"Qingqing, I've said it before, you have to be careful this time!"

Wu Hao and Xiao Youyu who were behind were also taken aback when they saw this, but this was not unexpected, and they quickly realized that it was Jiang Ling's group who came to intercept them.

"Sure enough, there is a competition..." Xiao Youyu twitched his lips, but his feet rushed forward, "Take that thing back!"

Just as he was speaking, Yuan Qingqing also moved.

She was a bit slow in reacting just now, but now she came to her senses, the speed of the instant explosion was faster than everyone else, and she rushed back to Jiang Ling in the blink of an eye, reaching out to grab the treasure.

It was originally a competition among classmates, and everyone was mentally prepared for this situation, even when facing friends.Therefore, Yuan Qingqing only hesitated for a moment, then made up his mind the next moment, mobilized his spiritual power, and saw that a probing hand was already in front of Jiang Ling!

 Thanks to 【Pharaoh丿】【Feather and Rain Yuyu】【Whatever】【Dongfang Chengan】【Book Friends 160528205033285】for your reward!

  Several comments suddenly popped up yesterday asking about the listing.At that time, my mentality was a little bit broken and I didn't have the mind to reply, so let's reply in a unified way here.

  The last round of PK is over. I was informed by the editor on Thursday that I could advance, but yesterday, Friday, an old book by an old author suddenly popped up, which squeezed out my recommended position for the next week, and made me directly blank next week. , and the launch time has to be postponed by another week.My editor was so pissed off about it.

  Well, that's what it's like to have no fan base, and you may be cut off at any time, there's no way.The competition in the city is too fierce, and Sanjiang’s strong push is not easy to get (it has nothing to do with the update, it’s just that no one’s popularity is high at the beginning)

  It's a pity anyway.If I had better ability and made this book more attractive in the early stage, maybe I would have more opportunities, but unfortunately it is gone now.

  But because of this, I have to work harder after it is put on the shelves (laughs)
  Let’s just show you one more week for free and save some money.

  The patient is in a peaceful state, please rest assured.

(End of this chapter)

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