Chapter 94
Not to mention the audience in the live broadcast room, even the dead brother who has been in this industry for a long time and is used to seeing all kinds of desperate people was frightened by this scene.

The three of them were jumping between the buildings not far behind him, not across the two or three meter wide units like him, but directly jumping between the buildings nearly ten meters apart, walking in an arc, The route was just captured by the camera.

In fact, jumping is not an accurate word for those three figures. The three of them can shuttle easily between the buildings with a light tap of their feet. Fly in the air!

At this time, the reaction in the live broadcast room also caught up.

"Is this a chance encounter with the film crew? Diao Weiya?"

"Above, have you seen what the Wia pilot looks like? It's like a crane, it's impossible to hide!"

"Then how did they fly there?"

"Brother upstairs, the Feizi is very spiritual."

"Fuck! Immortal cultivator!"



For these novelty-seeking viewers, compared with this scene, the original theme of the live broadcast of the jumping off the building suddenly became dull.

Seeing that the barrage in the live broadcast room was out of control, Brother Zuo Si felt that he had to go back to the scene, and quickly waved his hand, pulling the camera to the gap where he was going to jump: "I'm sorry, old guys, it was an accident just now, everyone don't care, now I'll just jump..."

"Anchor, are the three cultivators still there?"

"Anchor, look at her!"

"You're jumping off a platform, but others are jumping off a building!"

"That's it?? That's it??"

Amidst the barrage, a reminder to reward a gift popped up suddenly, and a rocket was sent directly.

"Anchor, those three people went to the left just now, you move the camera to the left."

The gold master has spoken, and it's not good to be a dead brother.He looked to the left, and the three of them really didn't go far. They seemed to deliberately circle around the building group, out of an outflanking gesture. He quickly cut to the rear camera and pointed the lens at them Looking at the picture captured on the screen, even he couldn't help opening his mouth.

The three of them, two men and one woman, were not very old, and they all had a student look on their faces, and they couldn't tell how strong they were in casual clothes.But these three ordinary students are walking on the roof of the building more than 30 meters above the ground, flying over the eaves and walls, and martial arts movies dare not shoot like this.

What is this doing?Did you run into a colleague?But they didn't take the live broadcast tool, did they?

Brother Zuosi is completely messed up.But even putting aside these, as a perennial extreme parkour person, he has never seen this formation.The actions of those three people can no longer be said to be dangerous, they are completely anti-human, supernatural, and should not appear in reality at all, unless there is a problem with these people, or he himself has a problem.

He couldn't help but pinch his thigh, the pain was not a hallucination.Looking up, the three figures were still there, but they were a little farther away from him, blocked by the buildings.

"Anchor! Adjust the camera!"

"Anchor! Take your face away and block it!"

"Where are the three that can fly? I can't see them!"

"Anchor, are you still alive? This is a supernatural event."

"Anchor, run two steps to keep up! We want to see those three people!"

Brother Zuo Si just watched the bullet screen frantically, no matter how stupid he was, he could see that the audience's thoughts were no longer on him. This situation made his expression almost unbearable.

But he has been an anchor for a few years anyway, and he understands that money is hard to earn and shit is hard to eat. As long as the audience buys it, then broadcasting is not a problem.So he started to run immediately, and jumped to the platform of another unit. This angle was just enough to capture the figures of the three people in front.

If it was normal, at least someone would call out to the anchor 666, shoot some plane cannons, etc., but at this time, no one cared about these things at all. students are attracted.

The anchor immediately turned into a videographer, and Brother Zuosi chased after them all the way with his mobile phone, trying his best to keep the camera locked on the three figures.As he expected, the barrage response was quite enthusiastic.

"They're really flying!"

"It's not really a cultivator, is it?"


"Are these three people running a race?"

"I bet on that girl! Bet on a rocket!"

"Then I'll bet on the man on the left, an airplane!"


Brother Zuosi ran along and watched the barrage refresh, feeling uncomfortable in his heart.The money is earned, but as an extreme sports anchor, he actually gains attention by broadcasting other people's extreme sports... And the most annoying thing is that he really can't do it at the level of these three students!

What the hell are they here for?It can't really be a race, can it?

As he thought about it, he raised his head, no longer from the phone screen, but observed with his naked eyes.It was also at this sight that he discovered something that he hadn't seen in the camera just now... a plastic bag floating in the air.

A very festive plastic bag floated in front of the three students, heading towards him.He saw the big red "Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations" in front of him, and when the wind blew, the bag turned and turned into "RT-Mart surprises you".

The line of scarlet letters became bigger and bigger in his field of vision, and the figures of the three people also became clearer and clearer.Brother Zuo Si stood by the eaves, holding a mobile phone and didn't know what happened. He didn't have a terrible guess until the plastic bag and the three people behind had crossed the buildings and came in front of him.

...These three students are not chasing the plastic bag, are they?

This thought flashed through his mind, and the next moment he saw the three of them turned in their direction and ran towards him.

Because at this moment, the plastic bag came straight towards him as if it had eyes, and it was about to smear his face.When the sneak shot was discovered, he subconsciously dodged to the side, but completely forgot that he was on the edge of the roof at this time. When he hid, his center of gravity was unstable and he stepped on the air, and the whole person fell off the roof of more than ten floors !

"Damn it——!!!!!!"

His body instantly entered a free fall. He dealt with Hades every day, but he didn't expect to lose his hand at this time.He yelled and waved his limbs, but couldn't grab anything to hold on to.Only from the corner of his eye could he see a shadow jumping down with him, and he only thought it was a hallucination before he died.

Seeing the sky above his head gradually receding, his whole body froze for an instant, and he subconsciously closed his eyes, not daring to face the scene of himself falling to the ground and dying.But in the darkness, a strong force suddenly rose from his back, which immediately held back the falling momentum, and finally landed steadily.

Brother Zuo Si tremblingly opened a slit of his eyes, only to see a rather beautiful young girl in front of him, holding him horizontally in the posture of a princess, and standing together on the balcony in the middle of the building.

(End of this chapter)

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