Seeing that the other party did not refute but asked for the sword, Qiao Feng realized that his guess was correct.

"It broke accidentally and was about to be recast."

So Qiao Feng also replied calmly

"Who can cut this sword off?"

Yan Shisan's eyes flashed with burning gaze.

Qiao Feng shook his head:"I can't tell you about this."

Then he took Xiao Zhao to sit at the table beside him.

"Bring five catties of beef, two signature dishes, and a pot of wine."

Qiao Feng looked at Bai Zhantang and said.

Since he was promoted to Grandmaster, he hasn't had a big meal for a long time.

After running around for days, Qiao Feng thought it was good to satisfy his appetite occasionally.

Xiao Zhao cautiously put the cloth bag on the table.

Because Yan Shisan had been staring at her, he seemed to be very interested in the broken Yitian Sword in the cloth bag.

Qiao Feng frowned.

Could it be because he didn't practice swordsmanship?

Why didn't he feel that there was anything special about the Yitian Sword?

It could be easily cut off by him with Bixue Zhaodanqing, so the Yitian Sword should not be so abnormal as to have spirituality.

But Yan Shisan's performance was not fake.

"Are you Qiao Feng?"

After a while, Yan Shisan suddenly asked.

Qiao Feng replied:"That's right, I wonder why you keep staring at us?"

Yan Shisan's current strength does not pose a threat to him.

If he were at the same level, and Yan Shisan comprehended the sword of death that exceeded his own limits, he might be afraid.

But now, he should not be afraid.

However, looking at the aura around him, I am afraid that there are signs.

It seems that he and Xie Xiaofeng have probably fought a battle, otherwise he would not have such a deep understanding.

Or, he met other swordsmen of the same level.

"Can I take a look at this sword?"

Yan Shisan hesitated for a moment and said

"Why should I let you see it?"

Yan Shisan didn't hesitate at all."I will teach you the Thirteen Deadly Swords."

"I don't practice swordsmanship." Qiao Feng shook his head.

But his heart skipped a beat.

The Thirteen Deadly Swords had all been taken out.

Could it be that in addition to the Four Symbols of Heaven's Will, there was something else in the Sword of Heavenly Sword?

But it was definitely not that there was something hidden in it.

Then it must be that the sword itself was carrying something that he had not noticed.

"What do you want? I'll find it for you."

Yan Shisan said.

Very persistent... Qiao Feng thought to himself.

Qiao Feng had a plan in mind and said,"But I can give you a chance. After dinner, the Seven Heroes will stay outside the town for a while."

Yan Shisan nodded,"Okay."

Xiao Zhao looked puzzled, but could only look at Qiao Feng in surprise.

Qiao Feng did not explain, but just asked her to eat quickly.

Half an hour later, Qiao Feng and Xiao Zhao were in front, and Yan Shisan followed behind.

Before the three of them could leave the town, a pink figure floated over and caught up with Qiao Feng.

""Master Qiao, where are you going?" asked Qian Qian in surprise.

"I have something to do outside. You go back first, I'll be back soon."

Xianxian glanced at Yan Shisan in confusion.

She had just learned that Qiao Feng came to Qixia Town, and she thought he must be here to find the Evil King.

Unexpectedly, he turned around and was about to leave after finishing his meal.

After hearing the report from the spy, she hurriedly chased after him.

Of course she knew Yan Shisan's identity, because he never concealed his identity. When he challenged swordsmen in the world, anyone with a little intelligence ability could recognize him.

He wouldn't target Qiao Feng, would he?

But didn't Qiao Feng not practice swordsmanship?

Xianxian felt that her brain was a little confused.

But in the end, she stopped and let the three of them leave the town.

After thinking about it, she went straight to Tongfu Inn.

"Waiter, why did Hero Qiao go out with Yan Shisan?"

She grabbed Bai Zhantang because he seemed to have a good relationship with Qiao Feng.

"How would I know? He seemed to have said a few words to Qiao Daxia and then left.

Bai Zhantang spoke quickly, but he was trying to smooth things over. Qianqian had no choice but to sit in the store and wait.

After leaving the town for a distance, Qiao Feng reached out and opened the cloth bag.

The broken Yitian Sword appeared in front of the three people.

"Heavenly Sword……"

Yan Shisan's eyes suddenly fixed, and he asked in confusion.

"Do you know the Sword of Heavenly Sword?"

Yan Shisan did not answer Qiao Feng's question, but stared at the Sword of Heavenly Sword. After a while, he muttered to himself,"There is a sense of destruction gathered at the broken part of the sword, and the Sword of Heavenly Sword has not been blessed by internal force. Someone must have deliberately cut it off. This person must be a master swordsman."

After saying that, he looked up at Qiao Feng.

"May I ask who did this? I must meet him."

Qiao Feng was a little surprised when he heard this.

"It's me." He said.

Yan Shisan looked at Qiao Feng in astonishment.

It was the first time that Xiao Zhao and Qiao Feng saw him show such a big change in expression.


He spoke slowly, somewhat unbelievingly.

"What? No?"

"You are not a swordsman." Yan Shisan shook his head slowly.

Qiao Feng said:"But I destroyed this sword."

Yan Shisan reached out and took the two broken pieces of Yitian Sword. With a sharp look in his eyes, he stared at the broken surface and fell into a trance.

"This... is not right, it is not right, the meaning of destruction is not the sword's will, but the will you bestow on the sword and release it."

Yan Shisan looked at Qiao Feng and suddenly burst into laughter.

Clang - the next moment, a long sword was unsheathed, as if it was made of bone, with thirteen pearls inlaid on the sword.

The tip of the sword pointed directly at Qiao Feng.

"I'm sorry."

Yan Shisan said.

Qiao Feng slowly said,"Xiao Zhao, please step back."

Then, he slightly tilted his eyes and picked up the half of the handle of the Yitian Sword.

Yan Shisan's personality was quite strange and extremely unstable, which was why he had to leave the town to start negotiations.

Qiao Feng recalled the feeling when he cut off the Yitian Sword that day.

From Yan Shisan's words just now, he got some information.

The special thing about the broken Yitian Sword may not be the sword body, but what he did.

"Fourteen moves." Yan Shisan said.

Seeing Qiao Feng pick up the broken sword, he knew that Qiao Feng had the same idea as him.

"That's exactly what I meant."Qiao Feng said.

He didn't practice swordsmanship, but that didn't mean he didn't know anything about it.

The Broken Sword burst into a terrifying sword light and collided with the Bone Poison Sword.

Yan Shisan's eyes gleamed, and he unleashed the Thirteen Deadly Swords one after another, with sharp sword intent filling the surroundings.

Qiao Feng felt the stinging sensation outside his skin, but he didn't use the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art to resist.

This was the feeling he wanted.

He used the most basic sword moves such as horizontal blocking, slashing, chopping, stabbing, etc. to deal with the Thirteen Deadly Swords.

He actually took the first ten swords without a drop of water. The sword was so accurate that Yan Shisan was shocked.

Fortunately, when it came to the eleventh sword, Qiao Feng finally started to panic. With the twelfth sword, Qiao Feng used part of his internal energy to protect his body and barely caught the move with the Heavenly Sword. With the thirteenth sword, Qiao Feng was stabbed in the shoulder, but he blocked it with his body-protecting Qi.

The fourteenth sword was also the last move they agreed on.

A murderous intent invaded, and the broken sword in Qiao Feng's hand trembled slightly, but he suppressed it forcefully.

The murderous aura turned into a point of light and rushed straight to Qiao Feng.


Xiao Zhao in the distance cried out in a low voice.

Qiao Feng slowly closed his eyes, and in his mind was only the feeling of the fourth sword he swung at the Heavenly Sword that day.

A sword light burst out from the broken sword, simple and unadorned, yet powerful and powerful.

Yan Shisan's pupils dilated, and he followed the sword, and the whole person and the sword collided with the sword light.

The deadly fourteenth sword was annihilated, and Yan Shisan watched the bone poison sword in his hand hit the sword light and was then bent.

He stared at this scene blankly, with only this sword light in his eyes, forgetting his own danger.

The next moment, Qiao Feng suddenly withdrew his hand.

The broken Heavenly Sword flew out diagonally and stuck into the ground. Qiao Feng flashed in front of Yan Shisan and knocked him out with a palm.

Then, regardless of the seriously injured Yan Shisan, he closed his eyes, raised his palm to practice his power, took strange steps, and began to practice palm techniques on the spot.

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