"Biological father?" Duan Yu was shocked.

"Your biological father is not Duan Zhengchun, the King of Zhennan, but someone else.

Qiao Feng did not beat around the bush and said it directly.

Duan Yu was dumbfounded,"Brother, are you teasing me on purpose? How could I... who could it be?"

He could not continue.

But these days of wandering in the martial arts world also made him more resilient.

"Second brother, you must remember this. I told you this because I was afraid that something unexpected would happen in the future and you would kill your own father.

"Your biological father is the last generation of the Dali State's crown prince, Duan Yanqing. Your mother must know this, but your father probably doesn't know, and Duan Yanqing doesn't know your true identity either."

Duan Yu took two steps back upon hearing this, staggering, shaking his body, and muttering to himself:

"No, it's impossible. How could I be Duan Yanqing's son?"

But the one who told him this was Qiao Feng. He would not lie to himself, and there was no reason to lie to himself.

Qiao Feng sighed,"I think you also know what happened back then. Duan Yanqing was originally a prince, but he encountered a rebellion and became disabled. He can't speak, can't walk, and his original royal identity no longer exists.

"So after his martial arts skills improved greatly, he killed his former enemy and also bore a grudge against your clan members who now sit firmly on the throne of Dali Kingdom.

"That's why they hunted down your father and others.

"Your mother gave birth to you during that period. If you don't believe it, you can go back and ask your mother for confirmation. As for whether to tell your father or not, and how to tell him, it's up to you to decide."

After Qiao Feng finished speaking, he found that Duan Yu was in a daze, and his eyes were blank, so he said

"I didn't want to tell you this, but your words about killing the evildoers today really scared me. Now you should stay here for a while and calm down.

Qiao Feng left the hall and went outside.

""Where's Master Duan?"

Xiao Zhao looked inside curiously.

"It's okay, let him stay alone for a while, we'll go look around."

At this time, Dongfang Bai walked over slowly.

"Why did you take this Heavenly Sword?"

Obviously, she saw that Qiao Feng's original purpose was the Heavenly Sword, and Miejue's rude words were just an introduction.

Qiao Feng took the Heavenly Sword and flicked it with his fingers.

Ding... a crisp sound rang out.

Dongfang Bai's ears moved slightly, but he found nothing.

This sword was extremely sharp and tough. His own sword was also specially forged, but it was far inferior to the Heavenly Sword.

""Did you hear anything different?"

Qiao Feng asked.

Dongfang Bai shook his head,"No."

In fact, Qiao Feng himself didn't hear it either.

Dongfang Bai took out his sword and imitated Qiao Feng.

The crisp sound of the sword came out, and the two of them listened carefully.

Qiao Feng played the Heavenly Sword again.

Finally, the two of them showed surprise at the same time.

"It's empty in here?"

Dongfang Bai asked in astonishment.

At first, she thought it was just because of the different materials and the different sounds, but as she listened, she realized something was wrong.

Qiao Feng nodded,"It should be."

Xiao Zhao was very curious,"It is rumored that the Dragon Slaying Blade and the Heavenly Sword were left by a mysterious martial arts master. Both of them are peerless swords. If it is empty, could there be something more valuable hidden in it?"

Qiao Feng thought for a while and said,"You guys get out of the way first, let me try it first."

Dongfang Bai and Xiao Zhao moved away for a distance, and Qiao Feng immediately activated all his strength.

The surging internal force gathered at the tips of Qiao Feng's right index and middle fingers, forming an extremely strong finger force that exuded a sharp aura.

Qiao Feng pointed his finger and hit the sword of the Heavenly Sword.


A sword sound almost resounded throughout the entire Guangmingding, and the recoil force spread from the sword body to the hilt, and finally affected Qiao Feng's left arm holding the sword.

The whole arm was numb, and Qiao Feng subconsciously let go, and the Heavenly Sword fell to the ground. Qiao

Feng immediately stopped his power, suppressed the dissipated internal force, and looked at the Heavenly Sword.

On the ground, the Heavenly Sword trembled slightly, and finally calmed down.

Qiao Feng squinted his eyes and looked at it, but found that the Heavenly Sword was still intact.

"With such strength, this sword is dozens of times tougher than I thought."

Qiao Feng exclaimed.

He picked up the Heavenly Sword and used his inner strength to drive it. The sword energy was everywhere, and the cold light was scattered everywhere.

"It is a good sword, but unfortunately I don't practice swordsmanship and am not proficient in it.

Qiao Feng handed the Sword to Xiao Zhao.

""Hold it. I couldn't damage it with my full-strength attack just now. I guess no one in the martial arts world today can open the Heavenly Sword."

Not even Zhang Sanfeng can do it.

Qiao Feng added in his heart and looked at the people who came over.

Lu Xiaofeng, Chu Liuxiang and others all came.

Yang Xiao, Wei Yixiao and others still had anxious expressions on their faces.


Yang Xiao and the others saluted in unison.

"Don't panic, I just tested the Heaven Sword, I didn't expect it to make such a big noise."

Everyone suddenly realized and felt relieved.

After comforting them and letting them go, Qiao Feng looked towards the main hall of Guangmingding.

Duan Yu came out at some point.

"What do you think?"

Duan Yu forced a smile and said,"Brother, thank you for telling me this, but it is hard for me to accept it for the time being. However, facts are facts, and I will slowly accept it."

Qiao Feng nodded,"Okay, then do you want to stay and attend the banquet tomorrow?"

"No, I still have to complete my master's task, and I'll take the time to go home."

Duan Yu looked at Wang Yuyan who was guarding Murong Fu's healing in the distance, and said in a low voice.

Because of the sound of the sword just now, Jiumozhi and others were forced to interrupt their healing and forcibly end their practice and stand up.

Qiao Feng did not show up, and Yang Xiao, Wei Yixiao and others had already sent them away.

Without the two masters beside Zhao Min, they might not be the opponents of the Mingjiao.

After Duan Yu said goodbye to Qiao Feng, he left Guangmingding with Wang Yuyan.

���Master Qiao, I hope you made the right decision."

Shi Feixuan came over.

Kankan, who had disappeared just now, suddenly appeared again, stared at Shi Feixuan for a few seconds, and said,"Both you and I have made breakthroughs in our cultivation. Why don't we compete here to see who is better?" Shi

Feixuan frowned,"Kankan, the Demon Sect's actions are even more excessive than the Ming Cult. Sooner or later, they will be spurned by the martial arts world. Don't forget this."

Kankan snorted,"So what? Good or bad is all up to you. This girl is too lazy to argue with you about right and wrong. Now we will decide the winner by force.

"If you can't beat me, then go back to Cihang Jingzhai and become a nun."

Shi Feixuan's eyes changed slightly,"I have something important to do, how can I mess with you like this."

After saying that, she turned around and left.

Qianqian glared at her, called her a coward, and then looked at Qiao Feng and others.

"The Sword of Heavenly Sword is worthy of its name as a divine weapon, but unfortunately neither of us can practice swordsmanship. Master Qiao, why don't you just sell the sword to me?"

""I won't sell it." Qiao Feng said.

Kankan didn't know that the middle of the Sword was empty, so she was even more confused,"No one needs it, so why not sell it to me?"

"If possible, I will exchange it for the secret manual of the unique martial arts. Are you willing to do so?"

Dongfang Bai said indifferently.

Qianqian stopped talking instantly.

After she knew Dongfang Bai's true identity, she naturally became more apprehensive.

Dongfang Bai was not so easy to talk to in the martial arts world.

After a while of chatting, Qiao Feng asked everyone to go and rest.

Xiao Zhao's room was next to Qiao Feng, so he was not afraid that Xiao Zhao would run away with the Sword of Heavenly Sword.

As for opening the Sword of Heavenly Sword, it seemed that other magic weapons were needed.

Apart from the Dragon Slaying Sword, there were many magic weapons in the world.

But it seemed that there were not many that he could find.

The Xie Family Magic Sword in Xie Xiaofeng's hand might be borrowed.

Besides, he might go to Yihua Palace.

The Blood-Shine Painting in Yihua Palace was the first magic weapon among the two heroes of the same generation, and it should not be inferior to the Dragon Slaying Sword.

Thinking of this, Qiao Feng had already made a decision in his heart.

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