Chapter 87: Inexplicable Asura Field, Yui Hihama, I recognize you!.

Nan Wusheng had just walked in from outside the door, and Shiyu Kasumigaoka, who had been paying attention to the door of the classroom, reacted the fastest, and stood up directly from his seat.

It’s just that the expression on her face is very tangled, and she completely wants to step forward and ask, but she doesn’t know how to speak.

The other three girls noticed Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s unusual behavior, and they all looked at the door of the classroom, and sure enough, they saw Nan Wusheng walking over with brisk steps.

Megumi Kato looked at Nan Wusheng, who had already walked closer, and asked directly, saying, “Nan-san, you look very happy, did you encounter something happy?” ”

“It’s nothing, the editor just asked me to explain the sales of the latest volume of the novel.”

Although Nan Wusheng’s tone was neither light nor heavy, it didn’t seem to be a big deal, but the smile raised at the corner of his mouth could not be hidden.

“Looking at your appearance, sales should be good.”

“Well, it’s okay.”

Nan Wusheng nodded, and then asked, “By the way, Kato, what were you just talking about with Yukino?” ”

“I was just discussing with Yukinoshita how to get along with cats, and Yukinoshita knows a lot about this.”

Megumi Kato’s tone of voice was unhurried, and 24 at the same time sounded with a hint of admiration.

“So it is.”

In other words, the name of [Cat Encyclopedia] is so powerful?

Keino Kato and Yukino are not surprised to talk about Minami Wusheng.

Because Megumi Kato is the kind of girl who treats everyone peacefully, as long as she can talk to each other, she can talk naturally.

But if Nan Wusheng is not mistaken, it seems that Yukino took the initiative to chat with Megumi Kato just now, which is really strange………

Thinking like this, Nan Wusheng’s gaze couldn’t help but look at Yukino under the snow.

Yukishita Yukino briefly touched his line of sight, and the next second he directly moved away.

What was going on in her heart, Nan Wusheng didn’t know.

And Shiyu, who had been standing by the side silently and did not speak, staring at Shiyu Kasumigaoka who was staring at Nan Wusheng, finally plucked up his courage at this time, and then opened his mouth to ask.

“That…………… Junior-kun, is it convenient to say your pen name? ”

Her voice still had a slight trilling at first.

It is not difficult to see that Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s heart is very excited.

Although she already has the answer in her mind, and it is 90% accurate.

But if you ask it directly, wouldn’t it be embarrassing if the other party answered with that 10% probability?

“My pen name?”

Meeting her nervous gaze, Nan Wusheng thought for a moment.

Then he made a decision in his heart, so he directly said: “My pen name senior sister, you should have heard the editor Machida say – [seven-year-old super kulo √], this is my pen name.” ”

As soon as Nan Wusheng’s words fell, Yubihama Yui, who had just played the role of a passerby the whole time, immediately covered his mouth with his hand and put on a very surprised expression.

Obviously, she has also seen “Let’s sink together”.

Judging from her performance, the probability is not that kind of ordinary reader, but the kind similar to fans.

And Kasumi Zhiqiu Shiyu, who got the answer, finally couldn’t bear it, and saw her quickly take two steps with her feet up, and rushed directly to Nan Wusheng’s body.

Before Nan Wusheng could react, she had already stretched out her hand and tightly grasped Nan Wusheng’s hand.

“Are you really a seven-year-old teacher? I’m a fan of you, that……………. I love your novels very much! That…………..”

Shiha Kasumigaoka is too emotional and sometimes speaks a little incoherently.

While speaking, she also lied to herself.

It was as if he wanted to cling his body to Nan Wusheng’s body.

Nan Wusheng was startled by her sudden action, quickly took a step back, opened a safe distance, and then opened his mouth to remind him.

“That……… Senior sister, don’t get excited first, can you let go of my hand?” ”

To be honest, Nan Wusheng was a little panicked at this time.

Because he noticed that at the same moment next to him, two unusual lines of sight appeared.

One was a gaze full of chill, which made his body subconsciously shiver.

The other is full of unclear breath, just like a woman, which makes people feel a trace of panic from the bottom of their hearts.

The former is Yukino under the snow, and Minami can understand it.

But Megumi Kato, what’s going on with you all of a sudden, hey!

“Senior sister, don’t let it go.”

Nan Wusheng’s tone rarely brought a hint of panic.

As he spoke, he forcefully withdrew his hand from Kasumigaoka Shiwa’s hand.

That is, at the moment when Nan Wusheng’s hand was withdrawn, he felt that the two lines of sight also disappeared.

So he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Shiyu Shiyu, who reacted, blushed, hurriedly took two steps back, and looked at Nan Wusheng’s eyes and began to feel a little embarrassed.

“Ahem… That’s sorry, I just gaffed. ”


What the hell was she doing!

The seven-year-old teacher was absolutely scared by himself just now!

Damn it! Obviously I want to make a good impression on him, why can’t I bear it?

While shouting in her heart, Shiwa Kasumigaoka was also full of remorse.

But this is also a matter of no way, who let this junior in front of him be the seven-year-old teacher?

“That……… It’s okay, senior sister, you don’t have to apologize. ”

While speaking, Nan Wusheng looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s gaze with a little guard, for fear that she would pounce again.

At the same time, in order to alleviate the embarrassment just now, he continued: “Re-acquaintance, I am [Seven-year-old Super Kuluo V]. ”

“That……… I am [Kasumi Shiko]. ”

Shiyu Kasumigaoka’s excitement had gradually calmed down at this time, and it seemed that it had returned to its previous state.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Kasumi Shiko-sensei.”

Saying that, Nan Wusheng stepped forward and stretched out his hand.

Seeing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu also hurriedly stretched out his hand, gently held Nan Wusheng’s hand, and said: “Me too, it’s nice to meet you, seven-year-old teacher.” ”

After speaking, the hands of the two quickly separated.

Of course, Nan Wusheng also noticed that Yukino and Megumi Kato did not appear any more abnormalities at this time, as if the terrifying scene just now was some kind of hallucination.

Could it be that he didn’t know when, who had already hit the [Mirror Flower Water Moon]?

After complaining a little in his heart, Nan Wusheng didn’t know what to say next.

So the atmosphere of the entire 690 classroom began to become weird.

Just as he was racking his brain to think about how to change the topic, a voice suddenly came from next to him, attracting everyone’s attention.


I saw Yubihama Yui clapping his little hands with an excited look.

“Wow……….. That’s what it is……… A historic moment, right? ”

“I am lucky to be able to witness the first meeting between Kasumi Shiko and the seven-year-old teacher, and I feel that such an image will remain in my mind forever, woo-woo…….”

Probably because the emotions were too excited, Yui Hihama said to the end, his eyes instantly became moist, and a little tear welled up at the corner of his eyes.

In the end, she couldn’t control it, and she cried directly, and tears flowed down.

“Yubihama, are you all right?”

Yukinoshita Yukino panicked and hurried to Yubihama Yui and asked.

“Well, I, I’m fine, it’s just….just a little too excited, just let me slow down.”

Yui Hihama’s voice choked as he spoke, while constantly wiping the tears welling up from the corners of his eyes with his hand.

Although Yubihama’s sudden performance was a bit confusing, it returned the atmosphere in the classroom to its previous ease.

Dango, you can do this!

In terms of easing the atmosphere, he Nan Wusheng approved!

[ps: This chapter that came out after sitting in front of the computer for nearly three hours is a bit difficult…….].

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