In a slightly dark and quiet room, a man was sitting at his desk reading quietly with a book.

That book is a narrative poem – “Conrad Pulley Lord”!

It is mainly about the epic of the Lithuanian revolt against the Germanic legions in the fourteenth century in Europe.

It’s a very traditional and cliché story.

A young Lithuanian was raised by a German, and with him was a Lithuanian folk singer.

Whenever the opportunity arises, the folk singer often tries to impress the young Lithuanian and get him to hatch revenge with him.

So in the subsequent war, the Lithuanian quietly trysted with the daughter of the duke, and as the adopted son of the Germanic people, he mixed into the Germanic legion, and also gained the trust of the legion leader.

Next, in the course of a Lithuanian-Germanic struggle, the Lithuanian who gained the trust of the legion commander led the Germanic army around, which eventually led to the defeat of the Germanic army in that battle.

It is precisely because of this that Lithuania has gained a respite.

But unfortunately, the Lithuanian’s affairs were finally revealed.

He was captured by the Germans and executed on top of a tower.

Obviously, this story is very simple, but the man in the room inexplicably felt a hot blood burning in his heart.

He thought of his country!

“Friedrich! Friedrich! Are you there?! ”

At this time, a hurried sound suddenly came from outside the room.

The thoughts of the man in the room were interrupted by this, and he couldn’t help but sigh.

I saw that he closed the book in his hand, stood up and put it on the shelf.

Then he turned to the visitor at the door and asked.

“You’re here, what’s going on? Our country……. What’s up? ”

Friedrich’s tone of voice ended with a hint of trill.

There is a little anticipation, and more likely… Afraid.

“Struggle . . . Failed, we were forcefully suppressed, our uprising, our compatriots, all of them…”

“Has it failed?”

The illusion was finally shattered!

Friedrich sat back in the chair tremblingly, his body couldn’t stop shaking, and at the same time his emotions couldn’t stop brewing in his heart.

“Friedrich, let’s go! Otherwise, we won’t be able to leave soon! Tsarist Russia they ….”

“Let me be quiet..”

“Friedrich! If you don’t go, it’s too late! ”

“I said it! Let me be still! ”

Friedrich roared out.

The whole room fell silent.

There was a wistful discussion outside the window.

People outside seemed to be discussing the fall of Warsaw.

Friedrich’s mood gradually became low.

Suddenly, he jerked up.

I went straight to a nearby piano and slammed my fingers down.

– Dang!!

An incomparably familiar sound came from the piano.

This is the first note of Chopin’s first ballade!

Wait a minute! The man’s name is Friedrich?

Friedrich ……

Could it be that he was Friedrich Ferrandois Chopin?!!

He is the well-known “Chopin”?!


Nan Wusheng closed his eyes and calmed himself in his playing.

Notes spread out from the piano, instantly flooding the entire cat café, and then benefiting out from the door and window.

Those who are listening carefully and understanding the backstory of Chopin’s First Ballade involuntarily come to mind the picture described earlier.

And other listeners who do not know “Chopin’s First Ballade” now also hear the difference between Nan Wusheng’s song and before.

The emotions contained in the notes played make people sound more infectious and impactful!

Nan Wusheng also has a habit of digging deep into the stories behind the songs he is interested in.

In his eyes, Chopin, who made the First Ballade, should have been like this at that time!

If there is any flaw in the “First Ballade” played earlier, it is – not enough Chopin!

Now he is playing Chopin!

What Chopin thought and thought at that time should be like this…

Hate, you can’t give your life for the country!

It hurts, and my compatriots were brutally killed by butcher knives!

For the country, for the family, for the people, grief!

Arima Kosei who listened carefully inside the store, Kaoru Miyazono who stopped outside the store to listen, and the audience immersed in this “First Ballade” seemed to see in their minds…

Chopin slammed the piano hard.

Vainly trying to completely release the accumulated depression in his heart.

However, he remained restrained.

Refrain from being too sad.

Try to keep your emotions restrained.

He is now like a glass filled with water, overflowing but not overflowing

And so, over time, timbre, melody, lines, emotions ……

All of this together makes up this “First Ballade of Chopin”.

Finally, with the last note, a tear slowly slipped from the corner of Chopin’s eye.

He is here, and he is only venting his inner resentment.

But what can he do but vent?

He…… Nothing can be done.

After all, studying music will not save the Poles.

The road in Poland, where exactly is it?


Nan Wusheng’s hands left the piano.

With a slight gasp, he stood up and moved his stiff body, and then slowly walked towards Arima Kono’s table.

“Hoshina-chan . You may not believe it, I just seemed to see Chopin,


Saying that, the girl couldn’t help but sniffle, and then took out a tissue to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes.

“Lianghua, what about you? Listening to a piece of music can make you cry…”

“Hmph~ Hsina-chan, it seems that you don’t understand anything at all…”


The girl called “Hoshina-chan” looked helpless, and at the same time a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes.

The next time there was such a scene, she decided that she would never sit next to her best friend.

The feelings are so rich!

And this is really……. It’s embarrassing to say!

She saw so many people looking at their table.

Nan Wusheng, who was already sitting in his seat at this time, picked up the cup of latte on the table, took a sip, and then asked.

“How did I play?”

Although Tsubaki Sawabe doesn’t know much about music, he also knows that Nan Wusheng is really powerful.

She looked around and found a few passers-by who were unconscious, as if they had just walked out of some environment.

Then directly gave Nan Wusheng a thumbs up to show affirmation.

“Awesome! It’s worthy of you, still playing steadily! ”

Arima Kobu nodded and replied in a very admiring tone.

“Should I say that it is worthy of being a [Illusion Magician]? I can’t do this kind of infectious playing…”

For Arima Gongsheng’s praise, Nan Wusheng slowly shook his head.

He did not approve of Arima Kosheng’s later words.

To be honest, even if Arima Kosei plays the music according to the score and uses a mechanical playing method, the music he plays is very infectious.

If Ma Gongsheng got rid of the shackles one day, Nan Wusheng believed that he could definitely achieve this level.

“Nothing else, can you not call me with such a shameful title, at least don’t call me in my face.”

Nan Wusheng covered his face and said in an indescribable tone.

Such a shameful title behind his back made him feel nothing.

After all, he couldn’t hear it.

And like this kind of calling out in person, he really can’t stand it.

“We don’t call you [Phantom Magician], then it’s okay to call you [Phantom Magician].”

Arima teased while squeezing his eyebrows.

Tsubaki Sawabe laughed directly on the side.

In this regard, Nan Wusheng’s face was expressionless.

Even the tone of voice is very calm.

“Gongsheng, you might as well try.”


Outside the store, Kaoru Miyazono wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and left silently.

Kaoru Miyazono is also a person with very rich feelings.

And she can be said to be the same kind of person as Nan Wusheng in some ways.

Kaoru Miyazono also likes to dig into the story behind each song.

And then play them out with her own understanding.

And when he is on top, he will always completely detach from the score and let go of himself.

It is precisely because of this that Kaoru Miyazono can resonate more with the “Chopin First Ballade” played by Nan Wusheng.

Be moved by the story told in the notes, and then leave tears.

“Sure enough, he still plays so well…”

“I wish he could come and listen to my performance, I want to convey my feelings…”

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