Arima Kobu couldn’t hear the piano anymore.

From the day her mother, Sanki Arima, died, he couldn’t hear the piano.

Of course, this is not absolute.

This symptom is specific to himself.

If you usually just play casually, or listen to other people play the piano, Arima Gongsheng is still fine.

But as long as he himself is more attentive and immersed in playing, the more he can feel the notes he pops up, like petals blown away by the spring breeze, gradually drifting away, far away, until they disappear…

And there is no problem with Arima Gongsheng’s daily life, obviously he can hear the sound of hitting the keys and the sound of the keyboard sinking, but he can’t hear the sound of his own playing.

Nan Wusheng understood his current state very well.

After all, he used to feel the same way.

Because the reason why Arima Kosei went to learn to play the piano was to make his mother Arima-sakaki happy.

It can be said that Arima, Saori, was his whole world at that time.

And at the moment when Arima Sanki died, the world of Arima Koshi also “disappeared”.

So, he no longer knew what he played the piano for………

If Ma Gongsheng wants to continue playing the piano, he needs to find a new “world”.


I was still immersed in the cat café that had just been playing.

Many people do not notice Nan Wusheng, who is walking towards the piano.

He just walked over very casually, and then sat down in the chair with a leisurely face.

His movements were so smooth and natural that everyone didn’t react for a while.

The feeling they give is just that……. When the ramen chef makes ramen, he doesn’t think how dazzling he is when he throws the noodles, at most he just smiles at you twice.

Anyway, it’s that strange feeling.

It’s too natural……

“Huh? Is that guy going to play the piano too? ”

“Maybe this is a comparison between boys, probably…”

“I didn’t expect to go down one just now, and now there is another one, and I don’t know what his strength is.”

“Hmm… This boy’s appearance is really, I’m ah! ”

“Cool flowers, saliva… Your saliva! Converge a little you, don’t be a fool, it’s too shameful.”

“Huh? Is he going to play it with one hand? ”

“It looks like it’s going to be played with one hand.”

“Gee… That’s a bit of a pretense…”

Many people in the cat café noticed that Nan Wusheng only used his left hand to put on the keys, and couldn’t help but turn his head and ask his companion next to him.

Some boys have a very unpleasant tone.

In the eyes of those boys, Nan Wusheng is simply pretending, wanting to grandstand.

After all, there are many girls in the current cat café shop…….

“Gongsheng, do you think Wusheng wants to play it with one hand? I guess I want to warm up…”

In a somewhat uncertain tone, Tsubaki Sawabe asked Arima Koo on the other side.

Arima Kosheng, who was still holding the puppet cat, frowned, and looked at Nan Wusheng’s gaze very seriously.

“Warm up? I think it shouldn’t. ”

Arima Kosei and Minami Musheng are both friends and rivals.

If you want to ask who knows Nan Wusheng best about piano, it is Arima Gongsheng.

“……. Did you actually engage in this kind of difficulty from the beginning? ”

“Obviously, he hasn’t touched the piano for a long time, and it’s really like his style…”

Arima Gongsheng muttered in a low voice, revealing a sudden expression.

That’s right, he had already guessed what tune Nan Wusheng was going to play.

Ravel’s Left-Hand Piano Concerto in D major!

It was precisely because Arima Kosei noticed Nan Wusheng’s left hand that he could guess the title of the song so accurately.

This piano piece was once popularized by Ravel for disabled pianists in the 60s of the last century.

It is mainly in the form of a single movement, the structure is free and neat, and the technique of jazz expression, but it also carries the shocking beauty of ancient Greek tragedy.

If it hadn’t been seen with their own eyes, I’m afraid no one would have believed that this piece was still played with one hand!

At a Viennese concert, this piano piece was once played by a pianist named François.

A music critic who was at the scene said: “If you cover my eyes, I think this guy has four hands.” ”

To be honest, even Arima Kosei, known as the “humanoid metronome”, once dared not easily challenge this piece single-handedly.

After all, playing with one hand is too physically strenuous….

And this piece is difficult to play with one hand.

It’s the kind that goes beyond the traditional sense.


At this moment-


A steady piano melody sounded.

I saw Nan Wusheng pressing one hand on the black keys, and the five fingers of his plain white left hand were undulating on the keys.

The fingers of his left hand are like travelers, constantly traversing the mountains of black and white keys.

The mountains are like a cluster.


Nan Wusheng opened the curtain of this song with a steady bass percussion.

The speed in the early stage was slightly slower, and even without the blessing of [Double Strengthening], his body could easily survive.

When the melody of this piece enters the fast-paced jazz style, the speed also accelerates across the board.

Even Nan Wusheng, who had been strengthened, couldn’t help but leave his thigh with his right hand and put it on the piano stand, thus fully stabilizing the center of gravity of his body.

Sure enough, it’s still a little rusty…….

Nan Wusheng found an opportunity, took a short breath, and then focused on playing Ravel’s “Piano Concerto in D major”.

And those who were in the cat café, listening to Nan Wusheng’s piano playing, seemed to see a picture in front of them.

The giant-like hand pulled away the boundless black furious cloud.

The dim heavenly dome was torn open, and countless white angels playing orchestral instruments descended to the earth.

They danced happily.

The music fell into the world with the starlight.

The whole song goes from depressed sentimentality to bright and relaxed, and then the glide is soothing.

Nan Wusheng foreshadowing the foreground, connecting in the middle and catching up in the back.

He did all this with his left hand!

In these 40 seconds, the direct rise stabilized to 800APM, which reached 160/min if converted into a beat speed!

Who knows what Ye Xiu’s peak lot size is?

It’s 900APM!

And Nan Wusheng was almost reaching that level at this time.

Of course, after the blessing of [Double Strengthening], 800APM is not his full speed.

After all, piano music is not just about hand speed.

At this time, the whole cat café people were stupid.

“My mother… Am I dreaming? ”

“Groove! This this… That’s too fast! ”

“Obviously he only used one hand, but I saw four hands!”

“Phantom, I actually saw Phantom!”

“Human evolution does not bring me series…”


A few couldn’t help but exclaim.

And most people were so shocked that they couldn’t speak.

Those boys who thought that Nan Wusheng was pretending to be forced and grandstanding before, now have only one thinking.

Nima! What a big guy!

This is a devastation of decay.

There is simply no room for mercy!

For the reactions of those around him, Nan Wusheng did not pay attention.

He’s now fully engaged in playing.

I saw his left hand wandering on the keys.

Like a rolling white wave.

Up and down, light and shadow intertwined.

And those notes that turned into splash debris constantly hit the hearts of everyone present, and from the cat café to the street outside the gate, all the way to the shock.

As time passed, the magnificence on the piano continued to roll.

Then, in the highest roar, it suddenly stopped.

Nan Wusheng, who was sitting in front of the piano, flicked his left hand.

Then the right hand was also pressed on the piano keys.

His warm-up is over.

Overall… It feels pretty good!

And the feeling of that year has also recovered a little.

I have to admit that [Double Strengthening] is indeed very top!

Then next, he will also play Chopin’s “First Ballade” played by Arima Gongsheng before…


[ps: Crying! ] The Dao Sword Immortal still fell, and the little fairy eventually became a widow, which is abominable! Again send knives, people have been numbed by knives, woo-woo …….].

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