The short-haired man who was rejected by the editorial department of"Evening Breeze News" is named Katakatsuda.

Of course, his name is not important, what is important is his surname - according to him, his father was once a local councilor.

Later, he was imprisoned because of scandals such as illegal political cash and bribery.

Obviously, it was"Evening Breeze News" that broke these scandals.》

"These are all fake news they fabricated!"

At this point, Pian Gangtian gritted his teeth, his face flushed with blood rushing up his spine.

"Just because my father refused to pay them protection money, this group of media people fabricated unfounded scandals to frame him!"

"After her father was imprisoned, her mother became depressed and unhappy all day long, and eventually died of excessive grief.……"

"Editor-in-chief Daoyuan, who wrote these news at the time, was the murderer who destroyed my family!"

"This disgrace and scum among journalists must be punished!"

"So... I have a general idea of what happened, so don't get excited."

In a fast food restaurant near the editorial department, Lin Yi coughed lightly, signaling the other party to calm down.

After all, a noisy person like him would attract a lot of attention in the store.

"As it happens, I have some business disputes with this editor-in-chief Daoyuan."

"If you know something, you might as well tell me... maybe I can help you achieve your long-cherished wish."

Pian Gangtian was about to say something, and then he looked at Lin Yi warily, somewhat distrusting him.

"You weren't sent by him, were you?"

"How could there be such a coincidence in the world that I just happened to wait for someone who has a grudge against Dao Yuan."

Hearing this, Lin Yi shrugged and said leisurely

"Because a company I work for as a security consultant also received a threatening email from Evening News."

"The situation is similar to what happened to your father, both of them exposed the scandal without paying hush money."

"If you don't believe me, here's a copy of the email."

After reading the threatening email that Misari received, the vigilance in Katakōda's eyes gradually disappeared.

"I knew that after this guy got a taste of success, he would definitely continue to attack others."

"Since you are also a victim of the Evening News, I can tell you some information."

"But... I have collected this information with great difficulty, and I cannot give it to you so easily."

"How much?"

"I don't want money."

Pian Gangtian stared straight into Lin Yi's eyes and said in a low voice

"I want to die"

"Haha... no problem."

Lin Yi raised his lips slightly, facing the other party's ferocious killing intent like a wild beast.

"An additional service for you"

"I will tie him up in front of you and let you kill him with your own hands, how about that?"

These words made Pian Gangtian stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Lin Yi's proposal to be even crazier than his conditions.

But then, he grinned and said

"If you can do that, it will be better."

"I will personally end this scumbag's life"

"Since you are so sincere, I will tell you the secret of Daoyuan.——"


《The editorial department of Evening Breeze News is bustling with activity.

New intern editors are ordered around by their senior colleagues.

The few editors typing away at their computers are all gloomy-faced.

Although the feature of Evening Breeze News is breaking news, breaking news, and breaking news, there is only so much news that can be broken in 24 hours, and it is simply not enough to make a complete newspaper.

Unless the"Mysterious Disappearance of Cats in a Certain Community" is reported ,"、"The housewife was kept awake at night for this kind of thing" and other garbage news were also stuffed in.

"Idiot! If you can't find the news, can't you make it up yourself?!"

In the editor-in-chief's office, a middle-aged man with a slightly fat body was lecturing his subordinates.

"These days no one cares whether the news is true or not, just make it up!"

"Just write about whatever topic is hot!"

"Be it issues between men and women, state relations, or scandals of politicians...write them all! If you can't figure it out, get out!"

The young editors who were scolded timidly responded with a few words and left the office with sad faces.

They graduated from school with the dream of becoming journalists and came to Evening Breeze News.

They didn't expect that their daily work was not to interview and investigate everywhere, but to make up fake news.

This was completely different from what they learned in school.

The old hands were already used to this kind of thing. Seeing the dejected expressions of the newcomers, they laughed out loud.

"Really, young people these days are getting more and more out of touch, even though they graduated from prestigious schools."

In the editor-in-chief's office, Dao Yuan loosened his tight tie and opened the window for ventilation.

"The weather is getting hotter……"

"Once the money from DL arrives, I will renovate the editorial office."

"I will move to a more luxurious office and hire a few secretaries, so that I can be more suitable for my position as editor-in-chief.……"

Just as Dao Yuan was imagining himself sitting on a comfortable leather sofa with his girlfriends on his left and right, a second voice suddenly rang out in the office.

"It's a pity. I think no matter how well a toilet is decorated, it can't hide its essence as a place for excreting filth.


Dao Yuan was horrified and roared reflexively.

Then he felt his throat being tightly grasped by a pair of large hands like iron pliers, and he and the chair were pressed directly against the wall!


It was only then that he finally saw the true face of the uninvited guest.

"If you want to live, hand over the hard drive containing the"dirty material."

Lin Yi slightly relaxed the strength in his hand, controlling the strength so that Dao Yuan could barely speak but not shout.

"Otherwise... you don't want to die in extreme pain, do you?"

"Who told you that……"

Dao Yuan's already bloated face turned red as he spoke with difficulty.

"It must be... that bastard...……"

"Don't... listen to him... He's not... a good guy... Uh!"

Lin Yi impatiently increased the strength in his hand again, and reminded in a cold tone

"The answer is irrelevant... Next time, it will be your neck that will be broken."

As he said this, he waved his other arm, summoned the"Sickle Wind" to form a wind blade, and directly cut off the potted plant in the corner of the office.

Seeing this scene, Editor Daoyuan's hair stood on end, and he nodded frantically like a chicken pecking at rice.

"I'll give you one last chance."

Lin Yi released his grip on his neck and put Dao Yuan down.

"Where is the hard drive?"

"I said... don't kill me!"

After seeing Lin Yi's extraordinary ability, Dao Yuan did not dare to resist at all.

He walked to the bookshelf tremblingly and took out a reference book from the top row of books with great effort.

After opening it, Lin Yi found that there was a groove dug out inside the book.

A hard disk was lying quietly in the groove, which was very inconsistent.

"It's hidden quite deeply."

Lin Yi took the hard drive directly from Daoyuan, plugged it into the computer and quickly browsed through it.

Just as Katakōda said, this hard drive contains a lot of"black material", a considerable part of which is marked as"expired" or"redeemed", and some of them have no mark at all, which should be still valid intelligence.

"I didn't realize you were quite good at gathering intelligence."

Lin Yi glanced at Dao Yuan who was shrinking his neck beside him and said teasingly

"Too bad it's not on the right track"

"……What if I collected them?

Daoyuan was silent for a moment, then said in a self-deprecating tone:

"Even if you take great pains to investigate the truth, in most cases you can’t publish it."

"If these negative news were published in the newspaper, the Evening Breeze News would disappear the next day."

"It would be better to make up some news that is obviously fake at a glance to confuse the public."

"The funny thing is... these fake news can make those in power pay money obediently"

"Because they knew it was fake and there was no threat, so they were willing to pay me some money to get rid of me."

"Then you took advantage of the situation to develop new business, right?"

Lin Yi sneered and didn't believe what he said.

After all, Dao Yuan is a senior media person, and making up stories is his basic skill.

Maybe these words are just temporary excuses to gain sympathy.

"So... you were the one who sent the threatening email from DL?"

However, Dao Yuan was confused for a moment and shook his head to deny it.

"I have never taken action against DL, let alone sent an email."


Hearing his answer, Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had realized something.

"In that case... do you know 'Hell Communication'?"


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