"How could you do this!"

Yuigahama Yui opened her eyes in disbelief, her beautiful eyes were full of anger at the moment.

She glared at the people around her, especially Hayato Hayama.

Unexpectedly, Hayato Hayama, who usually played the role of a good guy and had the best relationship with Miura Yumiko, actually abandoned Miura Yumiko without hesitation at this moment.

Miura Yumiko's bright and pretty eyes were also full of disbelief.

Only then did she understand that her so-called identity as the current leader was meaningless.

Especially Hayato Hayama, who was her best friend of the opposite sex. His betrayal made Miura feel angry and deceived.

It turned out that Hayato Hayama's image of being considerate and helpful was all disguised.

When faced with real danger, he would choose to abandon his companions without hesitation and save himself.

Hayato Hayama's abandonment immediately made Miura Yumiko feel deeply betrayed.

The distance of her classmates around her also made her feel helpless as if she was abandoned by the whole world.

A layer of mist emerged in her eyes.

"If you don't want to die, come to the Exorcism Society."

Just then, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Miura Yumiko's heart trembled, and she raised her pale and delicate face in disbelief.

Looking at the back of Su Mo who was walking out

, at this moment, Miura Yumiko suddenly felt a mixed feeling in her heart.

Not long ago, she said those unfriendly words in front of Yuigahama Yui.

I didn't expect that this person was willing to help me when I was most helpless at this moment.

Thinking of her previous behavior, Miura Yumiko's face suddenly became hot, and she felt extremely ashamed.

But at the same time, a glimmer of hope rekindled in her heart.

Although Su Mo is just a student and it is unlikely that he can really exorcise ghosts, he is the president of the Exorcism Society after all. He must know more about this aspect than himself.

Maybe he can really help himself.

Yuigahama Yui and Ebina Hime also showed surprise.

No one expected that Su Mo would put aside the past and help Yumiko

"Yumiko, listen to Su Mo, maybe he has a solution. Yuigahama Yui said quickly.

"Yes, Yumiko, no matter what, it's better than sitting here."Hina Ebina also said


Miura Yumiko lifted her white hands to wipe her tears and nodded heavily.

Now she had no choice but to believe Su Mo.



Miura Yumiko, Ebina Hina, and Yuigahama Yui came to the exorcist's club with heavy hearts.

"I'm sorry, Su Mo, I shouldn't have questioned you like that before."

Miura Yumiko's pretty face was full of embarrassment, she lowered her head and didn't dare to face Su Mo.

"It doesn't matter. If you haven't experienced this kind of thing yourself, it's normal not to believe it."

Su Mo smiled faintly and said indifferently.

In fact, Su Mo is not so broad-minded. He didn't really ignore Miura Yumiko's offense.

He is a very stingy person.

It's just that when he thought of the price Miura Yumiko would pay soon.

He felt that it didn't matter to forgive the other party.

Looking at Miura Yumiko's pitiful, weak and helpless appearance at this moment, Su Mo couldn't help but think of the exorcism information that the system had given. There was a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

To perform that kind of exorcism in reality, Su Mo was still a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

But when the object was Miura Yumiko, who had been rude to him not long ago.

This embarrassment disappeared immediately.

"Su Mo, can you really help Youmiko?"

Realizing that her two friends were too embarrassed to ask, Yuigahama Yui took the initiative to speak, her pink eyes looking at Su Mo with worry.

"You can see for yourself."

Su Mo did not explain much. After all, he was too young. How many people would be willing to believe that a student could exorcise spirits?

So, he pointed casually.

Three streams of spiritual power flowed into the eyes of the three people.


Instantly, Yuigahama Yui and Ebina Hina screamed, their faces turned pale, and they covered their mouths in fear.

They only saw that a strange bloody handprint appeared on Miura Yumiko's delicate face.

Blood was still flowing on the handprint, giving people a gloomy and terrifying feeling.

Miura Yumiko herself couldn't see it, but she could feel a cool and tingling sensation on her face. She began to tremble in fear.

But soon, her mood became excited.

After Su Mo's hands, she didn't believe that Su Mo really understood this aspect.

After the initial panic, Yuigahama Yui and Ebina Hina also realized this, and they all looked at Su Mo with eager eyes.

"Su Mo, please save You Meizi"

"Please, classmate Su Mo"


The three of them bowed to Su Mo, their pretty faces full of sincere pleading.

"I will take action."

Su Mo saw that the three of them were all happy, and he raised his hand:"Don't worry, wait until I finish speaking."

"Miura-san, do you know where the evil spirit that is targeting you comes from?"

Miura Yumiko's delicate face showed a trace of astonishment, and she quickly said,"I don't know, Su Mo-san, do you know?"

She felt it was inexplicable, she had never heard of a female evil spirit wearing a Sobu High School uniform.

It didn't look like the slit-mouthed woman that Yui mentioned.

"That was a girl from Sobu High School who committed suicide because of bullying."

Su Mo said calmly.

Miura Yumiko and the others were stunned.

A girl who committed suicide because of bullying?

"I have never bullied anyone." Miura Yumiko's pretty face showed a trace of panic, and she quickly explained to Su Mo.

���She is a popular person, and in the eyes of outsiders, she is a popular person who is not easy to mess with, but that doesn't mean she has bullied anyone.

"Yes, Su Mo, Yumiko is not that kind of person. Yuigahama Yui also quickly spoke up for Miura Yumiko.

"It's only been a month since the start of school. Even if you, Su Mo, suspect Yumiko is that kind of person, it's not that long."Hina Ebina chose to use another way to excuse Miura Yumiko.

The three of them were worried that Su Mo would think Miura Yumiko was a bad girl who bullied her classmates, so they all explained.

In fact, Yuigahama Yui and Ebina Hina could understand that Miura Yumiko's domineering image on weekdays was indeed too much like the kind of person who bullies in school.

But she is not that kind of person, it's just that her external temperament is a little too proud.

"I didn't say it was you."

Su Mo laughed a little,"This evil spirit was once a victim of bullying, and it has been many years since his death."

Hearing this, the three of them immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"But why did this evil spirit come to me?" Then, Miura Yumiko stared at Su Mo with her beautiful eyes, her face full of confusion.

She was not the one who bullied the evil spirit, why did he come to her?

"Evil spirits are unreasonable, especially the Neon evil spirits."

Su Mo glanced at the three people in front of him meaningfully,"The bully who caused the evil spirit to commit suicide was a popular person in the class, so it is full of resentment towards all popular people."

"And Miura-san, you are the leader of the current group, so you are targeted by it."

Miura Yumiko's delicate face was full of disbelief, her chest was heaving violently, and she almost wanted to vomit blood.

Just because she is the leader of the current group, she was targeted.

This is too unreasonable.

Depressed, sad, and angry, if she couldn't beat the evil spirit, Miura Yumiko would have wanted to fight with the evil spirit.

Yuigahama Yui and Ebina Hime also looked at Miura Yumiko with sympathy. They also felt that Miura Yumiko was extremely unlucky, being targeted by the evil spirit for this reason.

"Then, what should I do?"Although she was depressed, Miura Yumiko could only choose to face it now, and quickly looked at Su Mo.

Su Mo knew that the real show was about to begin, and after a slight hesitation, he said:

"Actually, the solution to this evil spirit is not that difficult."

"There are two ways in total, it depends on your choice, but both methods require your cooperation"

"Can it really be solved?!"

Hearing this, Miura Yumiko's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at Su Mo excitedly, and hurriedly said to Su Mo sincerely:"Please tell me, Su Mo, no matter what method you use, I will do it according to your instructions."

Ebina Hime and Yuigahama Yui also became excited. If Miura Yumiko's problem had not been solved, the two of them would have jumped up to celebrate.

However, the next moment, the expressions of the three of them froze.

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