Chapter 72 Quadruple Kill Achieved! A Date with Yukinoshita Yukino!

Noticing the confusion of the three people around him,

Nibutani Morika immediately realized that she had lost her composure.

She was startled and quickly restrained her excitement.

She lifted her hair with her slender hands and smiled dryly on her pretty face.:

"Ha... Well, mainly, I am curious about what the real extraordinary people are like. Miura classmate, as an ordinary person, aren't you curious about the ability of Su Mo?" Hearing this , Miura Yumiko and others showed a look of understanding.

"So that's how it is. Indeed, this is a real supernatural ability, not just a boring fantasy of Chuunibyou."

Miura Yumiko nodded, and curiosity appeared on her pretty face.

Although she sneered at creatures like Chuunibyou, when facing a real supernatural person, Miura Yumiko did not despise him, but was curious about his existence.

After hearing what Nibutani Morika said, Miura Yumiko also realized that Su Mo's words seemed to allow them to temporarily gain the power of supernatural people, and she couldn't help but feel a little yearning in her heart, looking at Su Mo with her beautiful eyes full of expectation. She couldn't help but say:

"Mr. Mo, can ordinary people like us really get the kind of spiritual power you said?"

Nibutani Morika didn't care about losing her composure and looked at Su Mo quickly.

As a former chuunibyou, Nibutani Morika's enthusiasm for real supernatural powers is no less than Rikka's.

When she heard that she could get the ability of Su Mo, she couldn't wait.

If she hadn't been concerned about Miura and others beside her, she would have hugged Su Mo's thighs impatiently and begged Su Mo to let her experience what it feels like to be a real supernatural.

Su Mo glanced at Nibutani Morika with a smile.

This guy only noticed that he could temporarily get spiritual power, but didn't notice the premise he mentioned before.

That's why he is so excited now.

I don't know what her expression will be when she knows the premise of getting spiritual power.

"I can indeed give you temporary spiritual power."

Nibutani Morika's delicate face suddenly showed ecstasy.

Miura Yumiko's beautiful eyes also showed some anticipation.

"But, Nibutani-san, Yumiko, you better not be happy."

"Because, in order for you to temporarily gain spiritual power, the prerequisite is that I need to replenish your magic."

""Magic supplement?"

Nibutani Morifu and Miura Yumiko were both stunned.

Then they remembered that Su Mo had said this before.

"Classmate Su Mo, in this situation, we don't have any other choice. No matter what you mean by replenishing mana, if we want to save our lives, we have no choice but to do it. So you don't have to worry about it, just replenish our mana directly."

Nibutani Morifu was eager to experience extraordinary powers at the moment, so he didn't care what Su Mo mentioned about replenishing magic.

Besides, Su Mo said that if they wanted to save their lives, they had to take this approach. In that case, what else is there to say.

Just come directly.

There was an urgent light flashing in Nibutani Morifu's beautiful eyes. She didn't want to wait for a second and wanted to experience extraordinary powers as soon as possible.

However, Miura Yumiko was not as excited as Nibutani Morifu.

Instead, she suddenly became a little panicked, and her heartbeat quickened a bit.

She knew that Su Mo's rituals were not so serious.

Su Mo's concern to this extent was enough to show that the improper part of this ritual was probably the replenishing magic he mentioned.

Although nervous, Miura Yumiko had already been mentally prepared.

And seeing that Nibutani Morika had such a great awareness, Miura Yumiko felt that it was unnecessary for her to be shy at this juncture.

So, she took a deep breath, looked at Su Mo with a blushing face, and said:"Mr. Mo, what is replenishing magic?"

"The so-called magic……"

Seeing that the two had already prepared themselves mentally, Yui and Hime obviously didn't need to ask any more questions, Su Mo stopped talking nonsense, pretending to be shy and told them the meaning of magic replenishment.

When Su Mo finished speaking.

In an instant, Miura Yumiko and Nibutani Morika were dumbfounded.

Nibutani Morika's fair face was already very red, her beautiful eyes were full of shame and panic, her body trembled slightly, and she was a little unbelievable.

Miura Yumiko's cheeks were also flushed, but because she had been mentally prepared, she was not as unbearable as Nibutani.

Instead, she looked at the people around her with a complicated look, and her face couldn't help but get hot.

The first time, just like this...

This is too embarrassing.

This time, Su Mo was ready to get the four kills in one go.

Therefore, the magic replenishment he proposed would certainly not be a simplified version like the magic replenishment he mentioned to Kasumigaoka Shiyu. It was directly done in one step.

In fact, Su Mo was too thin-skinned at the time.

If it were the current Su Mo, if he encountered something like Kasumigaoka Shiyu again, he would definitely not propose any simplified version of magic replenishment.

After Su Mo finished speaking, he looked at Nibutani Morika with a playful look.

As he expected.

Nibutani Morika was completely dumbfounded.

The reason why she was so impatient before was because she didn't know the meaning of magic replenishment.

Now that she knew what magic replenishment was, this guy was immediately panicked.

Her face was as red as a monkey's butt.

Smoke came out of her head, and she buried her face in her knees with a sob. She didn't dare to look up at Su Mo.

Before today, she had never even held hands with a boy.

As a result, she put on clothes that the idiot couldn't see in front of Su Mo.

It was already extremely embarrassing.

Unexpectedly, now she wanted to play something more exciting.

How could this make the innocent girl feel.

For a moment, the whole person was in panic and shame.

I don't know what to do.

As for experiencing the extraordinary, I have no intention of thinking about it.

After hearing the meaning of magic replenishment, Miura Yumiko also lowered her head shyly, her heartbeat accelerated, and she didn't dare to look at Su Mo.

In addition to shame, she also had a sense of surprise that her long-cherished wish had finally come true.

Although it is a bit far-fetched that the most important moment in life actually happened in such a situation.

But if you think about it from another angle, isn't it a very special experience?

Miura Yumiko, who has a rebellious personality, couldn't help but feel a little excited in her heart.

However, although she was prepared, she was too embarrassed to say anything in the face of such a thing.

Su Mo looked at the four people with blushing faces.

Knowing that in this situation, it was his turn to work harder.

Whether the four kills can be achieved, you still have to be thick-skinned.

So, Su Mo coughed dryly and said helplessly:

"Yumiko, Nibutani-san, I know that for girls, the first time is very important."

"So, if you don't want to, you can refuse my ceremony."

"Although I will not be able to protect you in that case, life does not always come first in all circumstances."

What kind of words are these?

Tanyu Morifu was immediately in tears.

Su Mo's words were very clear.

It was not impossible for him not to accept the ceremony.

However, he had no ability to continue to protect them.

The price was to lose his life and fall into the hands of those evil spirits.

Compared with losing his innocence, which ending was worse? Is there any need to think about it?

Although such a thing was too shameful for Tanyu Morifu,

Tanyu Morifu did not think that his innocence was more important than his life.

Moreover, what happened with Su Mo.

Thinking about it calmly, it seemed that it was not so acceptable.

After all, Su Mo was handsome, his grades were the best in the grade, and more importantly, he was a god. The mysterious exorcist who had protected her for so long from the evil spirits.

Without Su Mo, she would have been eaten like Sagami Minami and the others, with not even a bone left.

For her, he was also a life-saving grace.

Thinking about it carefully, such a boy is indeed more attractive, and it is actually not bad to give it to Su Mo for the first time.

The only thing that made Nibutani Morifu reluctant was that this time, it was not just her, there were three other girls.

Nibutani Morifu, who did not have the rebellious nature of Yumiko, was still relatively conservative. If possible, she still hoped that such a thing would happen in a more romantic place.

But no matter how reluctant she was, she knew that now was not her choice.

And at this moment——

"I, I can do it, Mr. Mo."

Suddenly, Miura Yumiko's shy voice sounded.

Nibutani Morifu blushed, and looked at Miura Yumiko shyly and nervously.

He never expected that Miura Yumiko, who had encountered the same situation as himself, would agree so quickly.

This is...

Miura Yumiko blushed and looked at Su Mo, with a hint of shyness and nervousness in her beautiful eyes, but also with an indescribable tenderness and expectation.

Seeing this scene, Nibutani Morifu suddenly understood something.

"Yumiko has liked Su Mo for a long time."

Nibutani Morifu's face turned red, and she wanted to cry but had no tears.

She was the only one who was emotionally nervous.


Nibutani Morifu suddenly thought that there were more than just her and Miura Yumiko here.

There were two other girls.

She looked over subconsciously, but found that Yuigahama Yui and Ebina Hina looked at Su Mo with eyes similar to Miura Yumiko. What made her feel outrageous was that the level of nervousness of these two people was not even as good as Miura. The emotions on their faces were more of shame, and a trace of emotion that Nibutani Morifu could not understand.

It seemed that there was a little more temptation on these two people.

It was very strange, shouldn't these two people be similar to herself and Yumiko?

Or are they actually the kind of girls who are very open in private? That's why they are not so nervous...

But soon, Nibutani Morifu didn't have the mind to think about these things.

Su Mo's eyes fell on her, and he pretended to be embarrassed and said:"Classmate Nibutani, what do you say?"

Nibutani Morifu's pretty face flushed, and her heart was suddenly in a panic. Her beautiful eyes were full of shame and panic.

She had realized that this was the most important choice in her life.

If she chose to accept, something that would make her extremely ashamed would happen.

If she refused, the price would be the loss of her life, and even before death, she would have to suffer extremely miserable torture.

"In these two situations, there is no room for hesitation."

Natsugu Morifu cried in his heart.

In addition, the three classmates have made the same choice.

Under the influence of the group effect, Nishigu Morifu suddenly felt that since they could accept it, it would be no big deal for him to accept it.

Although it was a little embarrassing, it was better than dying in the hands of evil spirits.

So, after a while of tension, Nishigu Morifu finally suppressed his shyness, raised his hot and delicate face, avoided his eyes and dared not look at Su Mo, and said shyly:

"I...I accept it too."

Hearing this,

Su Mo's heart was relieved.

His eyes glowed brightly. He wanted to laugh three times.

He couldn't wait to complete his quadruple kill.

His eyes fell on the trembling Miura Yumiko.

Today's target was Yumiko.

In this case, let's start with Yumiko.

As for the evil spirits outside, they had naturally been suppressed by Su Mo a long time ago, and they would only be dealt with the next day.

There was no need to worry about their disturbance.

【Ding, the host successfully eliminated the third-level ghost domain weird women's clothing store with the exorcism ritual, and was rewarded with 2000 experience points and 1 silver treasure chest.】

【Ding, the host is so bold that he single-handedly suppressed the fourth-level zombie leader Miura Yumiko, the fifth-level fallen witch Nibutani Morika, the fifth-level strange observer Yuigahama Yui, and the fourth-level ghost princess Ebina Hime, achieving an incredible four-kill achievement! Rewards: 30,000 experience points, 3 gold treasure chests】

【Ding, the host successfully contracts with the fourth-level zombie leader Miura Yumiko】

【Yumiko Miura has a platinum-level talent: Leader Aura (which can increase the abilities of all subordinates by 100%)】

【The host gets critical hit feedback and obtains the Golden Level Talent: Amplification Aura (can make all subordinates' abilities gain 10 times overall amplification)】

The next day, Su Mo just glanced at the log and was too lazy to pay more attention to it.

As he gained more and more abilities, ordinary rewards could no longer make Su Mo's heart waver, unless it was a seven-color or supreme talent.

Looking at the four beautiful girls around him, Su Mo immediately lost interest in the system log.

Without thinking, he directly pulled up the sleeping Dan Ma and You Meizi, woke them up, and showed a blazing smile on his face.:

"Morifu-chan, Yumiko, let's continue to have fun……"


Early Saturday morning.

Su Mo stood outside Shibuya Station, leisurely waiting for Yukinoshita Yukino to arrive.

Thinking of the absurdity of the past few days, Su Mo couldn't help feeling a little scared.

"If you are not careful, you will be addicted to beauty. No wonder there were so many incompetent emperors in ancient times."

Since the last exorcism ceremony, you got a quad kill.

The Yumiko trio has finally revealed their cards.

So, when Su Mo walked into the campus these days, his daily life became more absurd.

The whole school has almost become Su Mo's absurd place.

The trio took turns, either together or in pairs. Occasionally, Su Mo would drag Kawasaki Saki who returned to school to be absurd.

As for Rikka, she still couldn't let go, not to mention Nibutani Morifu.

In short, this kind of life is simply too heavenly.

If it weren't for a date with Yukinoshita Yukino on Saturday, Su Mo could go out with the trio to experience more exciting games during the day.

However, beauty can't be indulged in forever..

We still have to get down to business.

Su Mo has not forgotten the agreement he made with Yukinoshita Yukino. The contract with this sixth-rank destiny girl is something he has been looking forward to for a long time.

When he thought of what Yukinoshita Yukino had promised.

For a moment, all the memories of other women in Su Mo's mind in the past few days disappeared instantly.

Today, there is only one person in Su Mo's heart, and that is Yukinoshita Yukino!

Just when Su Mo was full of confidence, suddenly, he sensed a familiar figure appearing not far away.

Seeing the beautiful figure walking out of the subway.

Su Mo's eyes suddenly became fiery, and his heartbeat couldn't help but speed up.

He had a hunch that today would be the most unforgettable day of his life.


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