Chapter 68 Rikka's Neon Specialty Cuisine

"Come for me?"

Shihua looked at Su Mo in confusion.

She could understand that Su Mo and Liuhua came to her house for a date. But it was a bit strange that he came specially for her.

Could it be that he couldn't forget what happened last time? Inexplicably, a shameful thought that made her heart beat faster flashed through Shihua's mind.

But soon, she realized that she was overthinking.

If this guy really came to her for that matter, he wouldn't have said it in front of Liuhua.

So, what was it because of...

While thinking, she had taken off her shoes.

Her round jade feet stepped on the floor, and she casually entered the room and sat next to Su Mo.

Su Mo glanced at Shihua calmly.

There is no doubt , Touka Takanashi made Su Mo very excited. Although she returned to her original form from the black cat last time, she only left Su Mo with a glimpse of her, but it is still unforgettable.

Exquisite and beautiful face, tall and slender figure, and a pair of long and well-proportioned legs.

Coupled with the abstinence of the iceberg beauty temperament.

All of this made Su Mo want to conquer the other party.

If you look at it from the perspective of choosing a partner, Touka is undoubtedly more attractive to Su Mo than Rikka.

However, tonight is Rikka's turn.

Therefore, Su Mo does not intend to make trouble.

Instead, he chuckled:"Sister Touka, you seem to have encountered some troubles again."

Touka was stunned.

Then, his expression stiffened.

Ten minutes later.

Touka showed a bitter expression on her delicate face:

"I thought it was because my cooking skills had improved that I had so many customers."

"So, it's this kind of thing again."

Shihua felt a little unlucky. She encountered this kind of thing again and again.

For others, it was rare to encounter it once, but she encountered it twice in just a few days.

Fortunately, she was lucky.

Her sister's boyfriend happened to be an exorcist.

She couldn't help but look at Su Mo, a trace of gratitude and a trace of panic appeared in her beautiful eyes.:

"So, Mr. Mo, what should I do?"

Looking at Shihua who was trying to remain calm, Su Mo's eyes showed a hint of smile.

When explaining her situation to Shihua, Su Mo naturally did not forget to tell her the meaning of his exorcism ritual.

Lest this sister Shihua, whom Su Mo had a good impression of, misunderstand him.

Therefore, Shihua's asking herself this obviously meant that she was also mentally prepared to perform a shameful ritual with Su Mo.

And Liuhua, sitting aside, said nothing.

But there was a little jealousy on her face, and her cheeks were puffed up.

After all, Su Mo had just agreed with her to make a contract tonight.

But now she had to perform a shameful ritual with her sister. Of course , she was a little unhappy in her heart.

But considering her sister's safety, she didn't say anything.

Obviously, her sister's safety was more important than her own mood.

"Sister Shihua, don't worry. This time, you don't need to do that kind of shameful thing with me for your ceremony. Liuhua can do it for you."

Su Mo glanced at Liuhua next to him calmly.

He couldn't help but feel a little strange.

This ceremony would be like this, this is the first time it has happened.

Maybe it's because these two are sisters.

"Let Rikka do it for her?"

Touka Takanashi's expression froze. Her desire to protect her sister made her subconsciously reluctant.

But then, she remembered the meaning of this ceremony.

She felt that it was not unacceptable.

After all, Su Mo was Rikka's boyfriend.

It was normal for them to have a relationship.

It would be more appropriate for her sister to do this.

She couldn't have an overly intimate relationship with her sister's boyfriend in front of her.

Although as a guardian, she didn't want her sister to have a relationship with Su Mo too early, but when faced with such a thing, she could only agree helplessly.

"It's okay, Saint Counselor."

At this time, Takanashi Rikka also blushed and spoke weakly.

She had already prepared herself mentally and handed herself over to Su Mo today.

It would be great if she could help her sister resolve the crisis and prevent her sister from having a too close relationship with Su Mo.

Although she felt ashamed, Rikka still plucked up the courage to agree.

Juhua glanced at Rikka dimly and couldn't help but sigh that her sister had really grown up.

Her sister had never had a boyfriend, but her sister was going to take that step with a man.

Just thinking about it made her feel complicated, as if a cabbage was being pushed by a wild boar.

But now, she had no choice but to accept it.

"Sister Shihua, although Liuhua can perform the exorcism ceremony instead, you still need to do something."

At this time, Su Mo looked at Shihua with an unnatural expression.

"Prepare some food such as sashimi, sushi, desserts, etc."

"What are you preparing for?"

Shihua frowned, looking at Su Mo's expression, she had an uneasy feeling in her heart.

"It has something to do with the ritual."

Su Mo coughed dryly. Of course, the truth must not be known to this sister, otherwise , something bad will happen.

Shihua raised her eyebrows. Seeing that Su Mo was unwilling to say it, she guessed something vaguely.

It must be related to the shame ritual.

Thinking of this, her face was hot and she was embarrassed to ask more.

In any case, she decided to hand her sister over to this guy.

What tricks the two of them were going to play was not something she, as a sister, should ask.

In Liuhua's boudoir, there were all kinds of messy middle school toys.

Su Mo smiled and looked at Liuhua, who was hiding aside with a red face.

Looking at her pink lips, petite body, and little feet wrapped in knee-high socks.

When he thought about taking down this cute and innocent girl,

Su Mo was a little impatient.

However, before that, the ritual had to be performed.

When he thought of that ritual, Su Mo's heart jumped.

I don't know if Liuhua, who is so shy, can withstand that kind of ritual.

With a dry cough, Su Mo spoke:

"Rikka, let me first tell you about your sister's ceremony."


Liuhua's voice was as soft as a mosquito.

Obviously, the girl was already extremely nervous and embarrassed.

She knew what was going to happen next.

However, she could not have imagined that what was about to happen was even more shameful than she had imagined.

"Liuhua, do you know why I asked Sister Shihua to prepare so many delicacies?"

Su Mo said with a smile


Liuhua looked at Su Mo shyly, obviously a little confused.

"Sister Shihua's sealing ceremony is very simple."

Su Mo coughed dryly,"It's just to make a special dish for me."

"Liuhua, have you heard that Neon has a very unique cuisine?

Liuhua was attracted by the content of the ceremony and was not so shy anymore. She looked at Su Mo with twinkling eyes and asked curiously:

"What kind of food?"

Su Mo was silent for a moment, looking at the innocent look of the girl.

His old face couldn't help but get hot. It was indeed a bit evil to tell such a pure girl about that kind of thing. Every time, Su Mo had the thought that he was committing a crime. However, in the end, he still had to tell Liuhua the truth. After a moment of silence, Su Mo shyly spoke.


"That kind of cuisine is based on the pure body of a woman."

"Named XX Banquet……"

As soon as these words came out,

Rikka's pretty face suddenly stiffened.

The next moment, her fair skin turned bright red like a branding iron.

In her beautiful eyes, there was a mist of shame.

After all, Rikka is also a second-year JK.

She is not really so naive and innocent.

She knows some things.

For example, what Su Mo said...

this kind of neon specialty food.

She has also heard of it.

It is a very obscene dish.

So, as soon as she heard Su Mo's words, she knew what Su Mo's ceremony was.

She almost fainted from shame.

She was actually asked to do that kind of thing.

In an instant, her heartbeat was like a drum, and her face was hot as if she had a fever.

Her pink lips opened slightly, and she let out a trembling voice of shame.


"……H……Mo Jun……"

"There's nothing we can do, Rikka, this is a ceremony."

Su Mo pretended to be helpless, but there was a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

It must be said that this ceremony of Tohka did bring him a little surprise.

Although he did not get any benefits from Tohka, it was also a good choice to be replaced by Rikka.

Such a special night of contract.

I believe that both Rikka and Su Mo will remember it for the rest of their lives.

Remember what?

Of course, the sashimi and sushi that are scattered all over the corners, what else could it be.


A little stuck, sorry for the late update of this picture


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