Chapter 59: A sneak attack on Yukino; Kawasaki Saki loses her fortune

"You are a classmate of Kawasaki Saki, so you know a little bit about her, right?"

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Su Mo

"Of course."

Su Mo raised his lips,"As far as I know, her parents are ordinary middle-class people, but because she has too many brothers and sisters, the family is financially tight."

"So, she is working part-time to make money!"

Yukinoshita Yukino raised her eyebrows and immediately guessed the reason why she didn't come home at night, and she was relieved. It's understandable that she stayed out all night to make money part-time.

I'm afraid she's the kind of girl who worships money.

That would be more troublesome.

"How about giving her some good advice, telling her that Tokyo is not safe right now and that it will cause her family to worry?"

Yukinoshita Yukino quickly came up with a plan.

"This is indeed a good idea."

Hiratsuka Shizuka nodded. This was also the idea she had thought of, but it was not suitable for her to come forward to persuade.

Rebellious girls hate the preaching of their elders the most, and their peers are about the same.

Su Mo glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino, and a smile appeared on his face:"Yukino, are you going to come forward to persuade her?"

"Is there a problem?"

Yukino Yukinoshita frowned. Looking at Su Mo's expression, she realized that Su Mo did not think highly of her.

"Of course there is a problem."

Su Mo chuckled,"Girls in their rebellious period, because of family difficulties, work hard outside to make money, and they are already full of grievances in their hearts."

"At this time, a peer who can enjoy an enviable and comfortable life without doing anything comes up to her and lectures her in a self-righteous tone."

"What do you think she would think?"

"What do you mean by peers who can enjoy a comfortable life without doing anything?"

When Yukinoshita Yukino heard this, she felt a little unconvinced.

She wanted to help people, what did it have to do with her wealthy family.

Although what Su Mo said made sense, she felt that she could convince Kawasaki Saki with her excellent eloquence.

This was her first commission, and Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to complete it perfectly.

"I'll go talk to that Kawasaki classmate later."

Yukinoshita Yukino said in an unquestionable tone.

Su Mo smiled and said nothing.

Since Yukinoshita Yukino doesn't believe it, let her try.

In the afternoon.

Yukinoshita Yukino returned to Su Mo with a dark face and said nothing.


Su Mo chuckled.

"She is too prejudiced against me."

Yukinoshita Yukino pursed her lips, with some displeasure on her pretty face.

Obviously, the conversation with Kawasaki Saki was quite unpleasant.

What kind of person is she, Yukinoshita Yukino? When it comes to sharp tongue, she has never been afraid of anyone.

But she was blocked by a student of the same grade and doubted her life. She was so angry that she almost lost her composure on the spot. Obviously, her experience was the same as in the original book.

She kindly tried to persuade Kawasaki Saki, but was questioned by Kawasaki Saki on the spot: she, a young lady who didn't know the difficulties of the world, had no right to preach to Kawasaki Saki who worked hard to make money. Yukinoshita Yukino was very angry. What she hated most was people who thought that she had achieved what she has today because of her family background.

"It seems that only I, your boyfriend, can take action."

Su Mo chuckled.

When Yukinoshita Yukino heard Su Mo call himself her boyfriend, her pretty face blushed and she felt a little embarrassed.

But she did not object.

Obviously, she had tacitly accepted the relationship with Su Mo.

However, Yukinoshita Yukino was still a little unconvinced. Thinking of Kawasaki Saki's tone, she felt depressed and snorted coldly:"She is not that easy to talk to. You may not succeed if you go."

"That's not necessarily the case."

Su Mo smiled slightly, looking at Yukinoshita Yukino, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face,"How about we make a bet?"

Yukinoshita Yukino, a narcissistic guy, of course was not convinced, and instantly fell for Su Mo's provocation, and wanted to agree.

But soon, she noticed Su Mo's dishonest eyes, and her heart panicked, and then she refused on the spot in a bad mood:"I won't bet with you."

She is not stupid, Su Mo's excellence is far above her.

If she can't do it, it doesn't mean that Su Mo can't do it.

What's more, Su Mo is a transcendent.

Betting with him, isn't that self-humiliation?

Seeing that Yukinoshita Yukino didn't fall into the trap, Su Mo curled his lips.

But if you don't fall into the trap, don't blame him for being too hard.

So, Su Mo kissed Yukinoshita Yukino on the face without hesitation.

"What are you doing!"

Yukinoshita Yukino's pretty face suddenly turned red, and her beautiful eyes were full of panic and shame as she stared at Su Mo, a little exasperated.

""Get paid in advance."

Su Mo smiled slightly.

Then, without waiting for Yukinoshita Yukino to scold him, he waved his hand and turned to the direction of Kawasaki Saki.

"Shameless Hentai bacteria, X-harassment criminals……"

Yukinoshita Yukino's pretty face was extremely red, her body was shaking, and she was really angry and scolded Su Mo on the spot.

After she had said that, she calmed down a little and realized that Su Mo was gone.

Suddenly, the annoyance in her beautiful eyes disappeared, and turned into boundless shyness and panic.

She pursed her lips lightly with her pearly teeth, raised her hand lightly, and couldn't help but touch the place on her face that was kissed.

Her head drooped, and her breathing became a little faster.

With a red face, she couldn't help but hum softly:

"Hentai, if you want to kiss, you didn't tell me in advance, and I didn't say I would object"


Su Mo hummed a little tune and came to the corridor.

Kawasaki Saki was standing by the window with an expressionless face, looking outside with a distracted look.

She seemed to be in a bad mood.

"The poor constitution has acted up so quickly?"

Su Mo's eyes flashed with surprise.

The last time he saw Kawasaki Saki, Su Mo discovered that she had a poor constitution.

However, before this constitution was fulfilled, it would not have any effect on Kawasaki Saki. But after not seeing her for a few days, the girl's poor constitution was slightly activated, just like Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Moreover, her condition was a little worse than Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

"However, this is good news."

Su Mo smiled, and then suddenly said:"Kawasaki classmate."

Kawasaki Saki came back to her senses and looked at the person who spoke with cold eyes.

Seeing that it was Su Mo, a trace of unnaturalness and surprise flashed across her delicate face.

Subconsciously, she remembered that night when Su Mo and Ebina Hina went to the couple's hotel where she worked.

She was not familiar with Su Mo, why did this guy come to her?

Did he want her to keep it a secret?

"Is there anything wrong?"

Many thoughts flashed through Kawasaki Saki's mind, but in the end, her ruddy lips only revealed a cold tone that clearly rejected people from a thousand miles away.

Looking at Kawasaki Saki's obviously indifferent attitude,

Su Mo, who knew the other party's character well, did not care. He did not directly mention the commission, but raised the corner of his mouth.:

"Kawasaki-san, have you been unlucky recently?"

Kawasaki Saki was stunned for a moment, then looked at Su Mo with some surprise:"How did you know?"

She has indeed been unlucky in recent days.

First, she was inexplicably fired from her part-time job.

The bicycle also broke down suddenly, and it cost a lot of money to repair it.

What's even more unfortunate is that when she went to buy bread today, she found that her wallet had fallen. The money that she worked so hard to earn was lost inexplicably, and anyone would be unhappy.

So when Yukinoshita Yukino came to her, her tone was even more impolite than in the original book.

What she didn't expect was that her bad luck would be seen.

Su Mo did not answer, but chuckled and added:"It's not just bad luck, but also bad luck like losing money, right."

A hint of shock appeared in Kawasaki Saki's cold eyes.

However, her shock did not turn into admiration, but turned into vigilance:

""Student Su Mo? Are you following me?"

If he wasn't following her, how could he know so much?

When she thought about how Su Mo, who had a girlfriend and even checked into a hotel with his girlfriend, actually followed a girl like her, she wondered if this guy was a scumbag. Suddenly, she looked at Su Mo with some disappointment and disgust.

She had a little affection for Su Mo before, but she didn't expect him to be this kind of person.

"Kawasaki-san, your eyes are a little rude."

Su Mo was a little speechless. He hadn't seen such eyes for a long time. He even missed it a little."I am an exorcist. You must have heard about this matter."


The corners of Saki Kawasaki's pretty face raised with a hint of sarcasm,"Recently, the most news on TV and the Internet is about those professional exorcists who publicly apologized to the people of the country and admitted that they were scammers."

"Su Mo, the profession of exorcist is already notorious."

After the strange resurrection, the people who died the most were those who used to claim to be professional exorcists.

Those so-called exorcists used to make a lot of money easily with their charlatan behavior, appear on TV to participate in popular programs, and become celebrities.

After the strange resurrection, these well-known exorcists naturally became the objects of people's pursuit. Countless money and opportunities poured into them, and they were invited to solve various supernatural events.

Without knowing the strange resurrection, these exorcists thought that their time to become rich had come, but when they went to solve supernatural events, they died one by one.

In an instant, a large number of charlatans died tragically. As the news of the strange resurrection could no longer be concealed, the remaining charlatans were terrified, and one by one they immediately publicly admitted that they were liars. Even if they were sent to prison, they did not dare to continue to call themselves exorcists. So when they saw Su Mo

, they were very angry.

Mo actually dared to call himself an exorcist. Kawasaki Saki's first reaction was that this was another guy with a dull mind.

Even if he was a middle school student, he should at least see the situation clearly.

Coupled with her previous suspicion of Su Mo as a scumbag, Kawasaki Saki suddenly felt disillusioned again.

She felt that she must have been blind before to have a little affection for Su Mo.

She has been a little unlucky recently, but Kawasaki Saki doesn't think this has anything to do with supernatural events.

Seeing Kawasaki Saki's reaction.

Su Mo was speechless.

However, seeing her exorcism ritual.

Su Mo couldn't help but smile.

As in the past, for the sake of the exorcism ritual.

Su Mo felt that Kawasaki Saki's rudeness could be forgiven.

But he also knew that in this situation, no matter how much he said to a stubborn girl like Kawasaki Saki, it would be useless.

Unless she experienced it herself, she would really believe it.

""Student Kawasaki, since you don't believe it, forget it."

Su Mo didn't say anything else, but shook his head,"But there is one thing I still want to remind you."

At this point, his eyes deepened.

Originally, Saki Kawasaki was no longer interested in talking to Su Mo, and was about to leave.

But suddenly, she saw Su Mo suddenly become serious and showed such an expression.

Saki Kawasaki was a little flustered for a moment.

It felt like she was facing a big shot like the president of a large company where she used to work part-time. She subconsciously stood in awe.

Su Mo suddenly said:

"You have been targeted by the God of Poverty"

"All the bad luck you've experienced before is just child's play."

"If it is not resolved quickly, it may even bring disaster to the family."

"That's all I have to say. Goodbye."

Speaking of this, Su Mo looked at Kawasaki Saki meaningfully, and then turned and left.

Kawasaki Saki stood there in a daze.

After a long time, he finally recovered from the feeling of awe.

"What happened just now?"

Kawasaki Saki couldn't help but show a look of surprise.

Su Mo was just her classmate, how could he have such a temperament?

But soon, the surprise turned into dissatisfaction.:

"He actually cursed me to be targeted by the God of Poverty and bring bad luck to my family. I don’t think I have ever offended Su Mo, this guy. Damn it!"

Kawasaki Saki was already in a bad mood, and her mood suddenly became worse, her face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

However, not long after, Kawasaki Saki's face became even gloomier.

Because she received another text message.

Her part-time bartender job at Angel Heart, which had the highest hourly wage, was also inexplicably fired.

After school, her mobile phone accidentally fell to the ground again.

Fortunately, the phone was not completely broken, but the screen was broken.

Replacing the screen would cost another sum of money.

"What the hell is going on!"

Saki Kawasaki widened her eyes and began to doubt her life. Her pretty face was full of grief and indignation.

It had only been a short time.

She seemed to have lost money again for no apparent reason.

And it was a big loss.

Replacing a mobile phone screen would cost her a lot of money.

Is it easy for her to make money?

At this time, she suddenly remembered what Su Mo had said.

She was targeted by the God of Poverty and was doomed to lose money...

She thought it was ridiculous before.

But now, she couldn't laugh.

Because what happened to her.

Everything was verifying Su Mo's"prophecy""

"Is what he said true?"

Kawasaki Saki's eyes were full of doubt.

"No... it's just a coincidence. There are no exorcists in this world. They are just charlatans."

Soon, Saki Kawasaki shook her head and felt that she wanted to hide.

As a person who works hard to earn money, what Saki Kawasaki hates most is the charlatans who cheat money.

Recently, the frequent public apology news of charlatans on TV news has further confirmed her thoughts.

This makes her full of prejudice against the profession of exorcist and she firmly believes that there are no exorcists in the world.

So even if she encounters bad luck one after another, she still thinks it's just a coincidence.

After all, she didn't encounter any weird evil spirits.

It's just bad luck.

At this moment, the phone rang.

Saki Kawasaki subconsciously picked up the phone, and through the shattered screen, she saw that the caller ID was her mother's.

Her face suddenly changed.

An extremely ominous feeling arose from her heart.

Su Mo's words rang in her mind again:

Disaster to the family!

"No... No way, how could such a thing happen."

The color on Kawasaki Saki's pretty face suddenly disappeared, turning extremely pale, her beautiful eyes full of panic, her fingers trembling as she touched the call button.


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