On the communicator.

When the message prompt that he could not use his own equipment appeared, Su Bai had already noticed this restriction.

This situation of not being able to use his own equipment is actually not common.

But it is indeed not an unexpected situation.

Although the equipment cannot be used, the skills can be used.

And the most important basic attributes are also displayed according to the original level of each player.

It is worth mentioning that even in the reincarnation copy where various possibilities exist, there is basically no restriction on basic attributes.


Light and shadows flickered around the dark round table.

Su Bai saw that all the teammates sitting around the round table were wearing bright and majestic armor as if they had received the help of magic.

At the same time, the communicator prompted him to choose a weapon.

"Gun, sword, bow with short knife, sledgehammer……"

There are all kinds of weapons, and it is hard to tell which one is stronger or weaker just from the list.

Su Bai directly chose the sword, as he would be more comfortable with it.

After making the choice,

Su Bai can read���The equipment information on me

【Equipment Name: Illusion Knight's Armor】

【Grade: D】

【Special Effect: All basic attributes increased by 20%】

【Special Effect: Magic. Because of the power of magic, you don't need to eat or drink to maintain basic vitality.】

【Introduction: At the end of the first act, any non-immediately fatal injuries will be completely healed (as long as you have a breath left, you can recover as before)】

【Can I take the copy out? No]

At the same time, new information prompts began to appear on the communicator.

【Under the blessing of armor, your true face will be hidden under the helmet, and so will your true body shape.

All native characters, including players from other teams, will not be able to recognize your identity (unless you actively tell them, but you still cannot take off your helmet).

Teammates on the same team can recognize each other……】

As soon as he got the information, Su Bai tried it out.

He looked up at Ichinose who was standing opposite him.

As expected, he could vaguely identify Ichinose, and the same was true for the others.

【Main Quest 1: Participate in duels and win as many matches as possible (each Illusion Knight can only sign up once until the King Selection is over and Main Quest 1 is over)】

【Rewards and punishments: rewards and punishments will be given to each team according to their rankings.】

【Current team ranking: 1]

The ranking shows first, not because Su Bai's team is really first.

But all teams' hidden points, that is, the number of wins, are the same, all 0.

So the default ranking is first.

When the main task appeared.

In the originally dark room, a door of light quickly appeared.

The whole room was illuminated.

At the same time, Su Bai and his team could finally start to communicate.

"The main task is to participate in the duel……"

"Duel? How to duel?……"

"Looking at the armor we are wearing and our identities, the Illusion Knights, this should be a duel of medieval knights.……"

Did not immediately walk out of the light door.

Qian Shu and the others started to discuss around the round table.

Su Bai did not say much. He took another look at the name of the copy - Legend of King Arthur.

I wonder if the King Arthur here is the poster girl of Type-Moon.

Or is it the real King Arthur in the legend.

However, judging from the dragon scene at the beginning, no matter what the situation is, this should not be the real Middle Ages.

It is a world with magic and dragons.

"By the way, do you know Altria Pendragon?"

Thinking, Su Bai suddenly asked.

Everyone who was discussing stopped and continued in silence.

Obviously, no one knew the name Su Bai mentioned.

Yukinoshita Yukino had a wider range of knowledge, so she followed Su Bai's question and asked a question in return.

"That's King Arthur's last name, Pendragon?"

After hearing her say that, everyone realized that Su Bai was asking about King Arthur.

But in Yukino's worldview, there is only Arthur Pendragon, and there is no Altria Pendragon.

Su Bai thought to himself that probably the girls present here probably didn't know Type-Moon.

Or, in their real world, there is no Type-Moon work at all.

When Su Bai was listening to them talking about their stories in his dormitory before, he knew that these girls from the world of anime didn't know that they were born from a certain work.

""It's OK if you don't know. I'm just asking casually."

Su Bai ended the topic.

He didn't know whether the King Arthur who was about to appear here was the King of Dumb Hair that he imagined.

Maybe he was the one who pulled out the sword from the stone.

After discussing the main quest for a few more sentences,

Su Bai was the first to stand up.

"No matter what's out there, let's get out of here first."


The fog was thick.

A ray of morning light had just risen on the land of Britain.

In the thick fog that had not yet dissipated, knights in armor suddenly walked out one after another.

These knights looked around and looked around.

There were also some pedestrians in the town ahead of the fog. There were even some knights wearing armor and riding war horses.

However, these natives were not surprised by the phantom knights who suddenly walked out of the fog. They were just a little curious and kept looking at them.

Some of the natives could be heard laughing and talking.

"Here they come, the fairies from the fantasy world are here to join in the fun!"

"Aren’t these goblins here to try to pull out the Sword in the Stone?"

"No, no, Lord Merlin said that they are only here to help the new king. When the king who pulls out the sword from the stone appears, they will quickly disappear.……"

The discussions of the natives did not reach the ears of the players.

The main reason was that the distance was too far. Even Su Bai's basic attributes could not be heard clearly from such a distance.

There was also another small problem.

These people spoke English.

Although the armor provided a lot of convenience to the players and even improved their combat effectiveness, it did not provide translation capabilities.

Therefore, the first problem faced by a considerable number of players after coming here was the language barrier.

Fortunately, Su Bai, who was both civil and military, had no problem in language communication.

After he came out of the fog, he was one of the first players to come into contact with the local British people.

As long as he caught a person, he would ask

"Auntie, do you know a guy named Arthur?"

"have no idea"

"Do you know Hector? He has an older son named Kai."

"have no idea"

"So what do you know?"

""You are such a rude Illusion Knight!"

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't Su Bai who was scolded.

He was a gentleman with a noble chivalrous spirit, and he was always polite no matter who he asked.

There weren't many people who had similar ideas to him, but there were some.

Some players wanted to be like him.

They first investigated King Arthur's intelligence, but without exception, they all returned empty-handed.

"The main quest is to participate in the duel. What's the point of looking for King Arthur? At most

, you can only know when he will come to draw his sword!"Gradually, most of the players gave up the idea of looking for King Arthur.

Because it's useless even if they find him.

In the eyes of these natives, the Illusion Knights are just a group of elves that will disappear soon.

They are elves who come to submit and help the new king.

For King Arthur, all players should be just tools to help her consolidate her throne and fight wars.


"This is the duel arena! It's quite grand!"

Su Bai also temporarily put aside the search for King Arthur.

Together with his teammates, they came to the location of the duel arena.

The duel arena is close to the church.

The holy sword inserted in the stone is placed in front of the church.

Xue Nai went to get some information and came back to tell everyone.

"Because too many knights heard about the sword in the stone, they came from far away to try to draw the sword. Some knights tried repeatedly, which caused a lot of chaos.

Therefore, the magicians moved the duel arena. All knights who wanted to try to draw the sword had to win three consecutive games in the duel arena before they could try to draw the sword."

There are a lot of Illusion Knights.

There are more than a thousand of them, almost accounting for half of the people outside the duel.

However, if the indigenous knights who are still on the road are counted, the number of Illusion Knights will not overwhelm the indigenous people.

But it is indeed a very large team.

In addition, for the indigenous knights, it is a good thing for the Illusion Knights to enter the duel.

Because the Illusion Knights cannot pull out the Sword in the Stone.

How can a fairy pull out the human Sword in the Stone? Merlin told everyone in advance.

The Illusion Knights are here to hone themselves and will not compete with other knights for the throne.

And the strength of the Illusion Knights is uneven.

If an indigenous knight participates in a duel and encounters three weaker Illusion Knights in a row, he can easily get a chance to draw the sword.

This is naturally a good thing for the indigenous knights.

"Captain, should we also start to sign up and line up?"

Qian Shu, who went to the registration window to check, also came back.

She just went to observe the movements of other teams.

Many teams have started to sign up. After signing up, they will receive a numbered magic stone. When the magic stone lights up, it means it's time to go on stage.

In addition, at this stage, it seems that all duels are randomly arranged.

Because there are too many people participating in the duel, this random method can quickly decide the game.

"Our team only has 7 people, which seems to be a little disadvantageous."

Su Bai didn't rush to make a decision, and thought for a while.

Their team originally had only 8 people, and because Yang Nai was not a student player, she had to rely on luck every time she entered the reincarnation copy.

This time, her luck was not good and she was not selected.

Therefore, Su Bai's team only had 7 people in total.

Many other teams are full.

13 people means 13 opportunities to participate in duels.

Of course, there are more advantages.

But in the end it still depends on personal strength. If all 13 people are trash and can't win a game, their points will always be zero.

But if there is a particularly strong man who wins 100 opponents in a row in the duel field, then even if he is alone in a team, he can still get first place.

"I'll try to enchant your equipment."

After thinking for a moment, Su Bai first mobilized the enchantment skill to enchant everyone's armor and weapons.


The enchantment skill was used smoothly.

The armor and weapons on everyone were considered as one piece of equipment, so they only took up one slot of Su Bai's enchantment skill.

After the upgrade, the special effects of the armor and weapons changed.

【Special effects: basic attributes increased by 25%, because of the enhancement of enchantment skills, all basic attributes +12]

The core special effects have been slightly enhanced.

It is enough.

Although it will not open up a huge gap with other players, it is definitely an extra layer of protection

"Let Qianshu take charge of the registration."

After using the skill, Su Bai said with a smile

"I will take charge... Captain, do you have any other ideas?"

Qian Shu asked

"Well, I'm going to look for it and see if I can find King Arthur in advance, so we have to act separately for a while. Don't worry, I will rush back to participate in the duel before the duel is closed."

Su Bai gave Qian Shu some instructions and left quickly.

According to the copy information, as long as the sword in the stone has not been pulled out by King Arthur, the duel will not stop.

Players can also sign up all the time.

Of course, each player has only one chance. If they lose, they can't participate again.

"Did the captain trigger some hidden mission?"

After Su Bai left, Takina muttered curiously.

"No, the captain just told me that he was just curious about who King Arthur was, so he went out to ask passers-by. If he couldn't find him, he would be back soon."

In fact, it was not just curiosity. Su Bai also wanted to try and see if he could trigger some hidden plots.

In addition, he also wanted to see if the Arthur in this world was King Arthur.

If it was King Arthur, then he would have to use some tricks.……

"Shall we go sign up now?"

Karuizawa Hui looked at Chizuki and asked.

"Let's observe for a while. If too many strong people sign up for the duel at the same time, it will not be a good thing for us."

Qian Shu took on the responsibility of deputy captain and began to make plans.

However, because of the magic of the armor, the players all hid their true faces.

If you don't see their fighting process with your own eyes, you can't tell who is strong and who is weak.

Those indigenous knights are easier to distinguish.

Because the stronger indigenous knights have a strong aura on their bodies, it is also good to avoid these knights by observation.


On the other side, the rising sun had already reached the top of his head.

Su Bai walked along the main road of the town, constantly asking passers-by.

Whether it was the name of Hector, the name of Kay, or the name of Arthur, no one had heard of them. It was not until Su Bai walked to the end of the town and met a group of knights who had just come from the countryside that he finally got the news.

"Oh, you're asking about Knight Ector, right? Their village is in that direction.……"

Hard work pays off.

Finally, he found the way.

Su Bai ran out of the city, relying on his high agility and physique, running all the way along the country road outside the town.

After two hours, he finally arrived at a village.



Before entering the village, Su Bai heard the sound of fighting in the woods near the river.

When he got closer to observe, he found that it was a group of half-grown boys holding wooden swords and attacking each other.

It seemed that they were honing their sword skills.

Su Bai took a look and wanted to turn around and leave, but suddenly noticed a petite figure holding a wooden sword and standing with a straight back in the corner.

Instantly, Su Bai raised a smile!


"Found it! King Daimao!"

This world is actually Type-Moon's worldview.

In front of her, a 15-year-old village girl named Altria is carefully observing other people's fighting skills.

Her golden hair flutters in the wind, her regular facial features show her pretty color, and her pair of holy blue eyes have a different charm, shining like gems. However, judging from her dress, Altria looks like a boy, wearing a simple coarse linen shirt, and her chest muscles are ordinary because of the presence of a chest binder.

"Oh - a knight is coming?"

When Su Bai approached, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Illusion Knight."

Su Bai opened his mouth and communicated with them.

"We know you, you are fairies from the fantasy world, here to help the new king build the kingdom."

A boy of twelve or thirteen said seriously.

It seems that there is no need for extra explanation.

""Shouldn't you be in the town, waiting for the birth of the new king? Why are you here?"

Another young man asked.

Altria, who was not far away, also looked over curiously.

Su Bai immediately answered with a smile.

"That's right, I'm looking for a new king, and I'm about to find him……"

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