Chapter 256 Weber, mature

At this moment, seeing the appearance of the Emperor, Ermelo II at this moment was also extremely excited, sitting in the seat of his office, Ermelo II had a tension that he had never felt before

“Unexpectedly… He was really here! “Ermelo II never felt the excitement, what was his dream! Isn’t it possible to meet Iskandar again? Didn’t he just want to truly become his courtier?

And now, his chance has finally come!

Ermeiro looked at the points mall in the live broadcast room

“Crossing the boundary! Does such a thing only cost 5,000 points! ”

Then, Ermeiro looked at his panel again, and the number of points there was impressive… 0!

“It only takes 10 points to sign in one day, and 100 points for answering a question correctly!” 5000, how can I save enough! ”

Ermelo II had nothing to say at all, but at the moment, he still set his eyes on the live broadcast room: “Is this live broadcast room really so amazing?” I thought I wouldn’t have the chance to see each other again, but now I was able to talk like this. Although separated by a world, we are not far away… And… It doesn’t have to take too long! If…… If I succeed in opening the chest, everything may be different. ”

At this moment, what Ermelo II wants most is to arrive in front of Iskander, and he will personally say to him those words that he has been thinking about for a long time!

Weber: “Wait! If Elmero II is the future me of the normal timeline! So! You must know the cause and effect of the whole thing! @埃尔梅罗二世, quick, tell me what the final result is! ”

Ermeiro II “The final result ah… I don’t really know, after all, I was…”

Ermelo II had said that he and Rider were defeated by the Golden Flash and went directly back to the Clock Tower, but the moment he was about to say it, he swallowed it directly.

No, according to his understanding of the live broadcast room, this is his only advantage now, he absolutely cannot say it, if everyone knows, he will lose his biggest advantage!

So at this moment, Ermelo II directly said, “Nothing, some things… It’s not convenient for me to say. ”

Ermelo II was no fool, he was more mature and wise than the still young Weber, and he knew when he should do something.

However, considering that Iskandar was there, Ermero II struggled for a moment and said, “Of course, if Iskandar you desperately want to know, I will still say it.” ”

Iskandar “Hahaha, can’t you imagine that the little master will become so mature?” Hahaha, I’m also relieved to see you like this. ”

Iskandar is very open, and for him, the current Ermelo II is very satisfactory to him.

And seeing that Ermelo II appeared, Lin Ye couldn’t help but sigh: “Ermelo II also appeared? Fatezero, FatestayNight, FGO, FA, Magical Girl Illya, and now plus the current Elmero II, when will there be another fate/extra type of several IP representatives of the monthly fate series. ”

Lin Ye sighed, and then set his eyes on the others.

“By the way, this king has not spoken, how is she now?”

Lin Ye didn’t understand, with the speed of my king’s riding motorcycle, he must have arrived home now, and he didn’t know how she was over there, and whether she had opened what she wanted.

As for my king…

At this moment, My King has successfully returned to the Wei Palace house.

“Alice Phil, I’m back!!”

My King shouted happily, she wanted to tell Alice Phil the good news, but when she returned to the palace house, she was shocked by the situation in front of her.

At this moment, the Weigong family was as if it had experienced a big war! The ground became potholed, and the walls even collapsed several times! It’s like being bombarded with a cannonball!

“Not good! Alice Phil! ”

Looking at this scene, My King reacted instantly, and in an instant she ran directly towards the warehouse! However, my king had just arrived at the door of the warehouse, when a dense stream of gunfire sounded!

And the target of these bullets! Exactly My King!!

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