Chapter 218 Hassan! Stand up!

[C,Wang Hasan. Old man in the mountains. The original Hassan

The Hassan of the Hassan, located at the apex of all the assassins, is for the crown. Appears when Hassan Al-Sabah loses his qualification as an old man in the mountains and beheads him for Hassan, who killed Hassan.

Class: assassin]

C’s answer was announced, and as soon as this answer was announced, everyone subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva

Webb: “What’s the situation?” This…… Is this an assassin? Or Hassan! rider! Didn’t you tell me that assassins are all the kind of guys who are useless and particularly weak, and generally the first to be eliminated? ”

Iskandar “This… This…… Is this guy really Hassan? Are you sure it’s not Berserker? ”

Bai Maung “Hahaha! Fear it! Worry! Envy! Worship it! This is our king! Hassan in Hassan! First Adult!! ”

Curse “Haha! Who says assassins are rubbish! See! See! Our king is invincible! ”

Gilgamesh “Cut, excited about what. Isn’t it just a crown? To put it bluntly, it’s not a guy who works for inhibition? If I wanted to be crowned, I would have been able to do it a long time ago, what are you so excited about? ”

Bai Maung “I!! I! Gilgamesh! How can you possibly know what the crown represents! That’s only the apex of a class! ”

Gilgamesh: “Coincidentally, I am the apex. ”

Roman “Huh… Gilgamesh, you are so confident. ”

Gilgamesh “Ha? Isn’t what King Ben said right? If nothing else, let’s take that crown caster as an example, if it weren’t for the king’s unwillingness to serve as the crown caster, what was the matter with that punch? ”

Roman “Huh? ”

At this moment, in Chaldean, Matthew looked curiously at Roman who was trembling beside him and asked, “Doctor Roman, what’s wrong with you?” ”

“Nothing… It’s just that suddenly I want to cut something! ”

“Huh?” Matthew couldn’t understand why the doctor, who had always loved diving, suddenly showed such an expression.

[D. Angolan Manue. ]

The innocent boy who has been put on the evil name of this world has a particularly outstanding ability to the human side, and is useless otherwise.

Class: Avenger! ]


Rin Tosaka: “This is the Avengers class? No wonder it’s a black blob. ”

Joan of Arc “Avenger class? I see. ”

“Hahaha, is it actually him?” It’s so funny, the evil of this world, I’m afraid you won’t know how terrible this person really is. ”

Lin Ye: “Okay, don’t show what you know, isn’t it Angolan Manue, and it’s not a secret.” Throughout the moon world, more terrifying presences than Angolan Manuel abound. ”

Rin Tosaka “I don’t care about this Angolan Manue, he has nothing to do with me, now the most important thing is!” Are we wrong again! ”

Webb: “Yes, the answer is obviously A and B!” I don’t know if anyone answered correctly. ”

Kenneth “Lin Ye has a future vision that can definitely answer correctly, didn’t Gilgamesh also say that he has some all-knowing and all-powerful star? He probably got it right. ”

“Haha… That one…… Hahahahaha! ”

Tosaka Shichen “Golden flash, what are you laughing at?” ”

Tosaka Shichen is also really angry, and now Tosaka Shichen has actually begun to call Gilgamesh Golden Shining, and the situation of claiming to be a courtier in the past is not expected to appear now.

Golden flash “cut? Ben Wang didn’t bother to answer questions with the all-knowing and all-powerful star! Isn’t this cheating! Is King Ben that kind of person? ”

Seeing Jin Shuang say this, in the church, Yan Feng Qili, who was next to Jin Shan, couldn’t help but give him a blank look.

You said that your all-knowing and all-powerful star is useless to the system, why pretend to be forced.

Of course, Yan Feng Qili knew that if he said it directly, he would definitely make Jin Shuang unhappy, and once Jin Shuang was unhappy, he would probably only be more unhappy.

However, other people in the live broadcast room will not give Jin Shuang this face, such as… Roman……

“You guys said… Is it possible… It’s just gold, you can’t see the future at all! Hahahaha! I guess that’s right! ”

Golden flash “Roman! You’re a miscellaneous repairer! You!!! ”

Roman “Me what? Am I not right? Gilgamesh, your hero king… Is it a guy who doesn’t dare to tell the truth and lie? ”

Golden “I!! I!!! Cut! ”

Golden Flash dives, he is the hero king, he can’t lie, but he can keep silent.

But…… Why can’t his omniscience and omnipotence see through the system, but this Lin Ye can!

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