The method was good, but now Sindra spoke again. Moreover, she no longer had the confidence she had before.

【[Sindra, the second disciple of Gaimon]: That...Otherwise, let's wait for Miss Kocho Shinobu and let her pass. I'd better not go.

【[Le Yueang]: Huh? Why are you backing off when it comes to heading to the world of Lord Goetia? You said you weren't afraid, didn't you?

【[Sindra, the second disciple of Gaimen]: No, it's just that I just remembered my own problem. In my world, I was sealed because of the magic riot. If I go to the world of Lord Goetia, I am not sure I can control myself. I am afraid that something unfavorable will happen.

【[Leyuen]: Magical chaos? How chaotic can it be?

The conversation between Sindra and Leyuen attracted everyone's attention. This was the first time that Sindra explained why she was sealed. Before, we only knew that she was sealed, but we didn't know the reason. Goetia knew the reason because of some extra memories. But others didn't know.

【[Gaimen's disciple, second in command, Sindra]: Probably...It's the scale that can destroy an entire continent. Aqua is about to cry.jpg

After receiving Sindra's reply, ordinary people in the group, such as Kato Megumi, Raiyue Ang and Kocho Shinobu, all took a deep breath. My goodness, I originally thought that except for the administrator, although there was a gap in strength between the others, it shouldn't be too big. But I didn't expect that there was also a big boss.

【Goetia: It is indeed a problem. If a huge source of magic suddenly appears and is uncontrollable and comes directly to me, I will probably be attacked by the will of the world....Not unsolvable

【Lai Yueang]: You are indeed a big boss

【[Katou Hui, the chief disciple of Gaimen]: You are indeed a big boss



Gaetia's mouth twitched."It's fine if Kocho Shinobu +1, but why do you, Yakumo Yukari +1?" Although Yakumo Yukari's output may not be enough, the gap ability can completely eliminate the surge in magic power. Well, at worst, just throw it to other gaps. However, this can't solve the fundamental problem.

【[Sindra, the second disciple of Gaimen]: Lord Gaetia, can it really be solved? How to do it?

For Sindra, this is as good news as being able to walk out of the seal. If it weren't for this out-of-control magic power, she wouldn't be sealed.

【Goetia: I have something here that is used to store magic power. I can lend it to you. Moreover, the space is very large. It is no problem to store the magic power of a continent. Even if it is doubled, it will be no problem. However, I am worried that the energy systems of the two worlds are incompatible, so I may need to go to your place in person.

【[Sindra, the second disciple of Gaimen]: Eh? Lord Goetia is coming. That's great, just take me out of the seal. However, Lord Goetia is so powerful, won't the world will notice it?

【Goetia: Don't worry, the world over there is stronger than you think, and the tolerance for the strong is greater than you think.

After all, those main gods are still powerful. However, Goetia is not worried about these main gods, but the other two, the Wandering God of the Star Realm and the Star Forging Dragon King, even Goetia has to think carefully. However, on the Valoran continent, there is no need to worry.

So, Goetia can go there.

After hearing Goetia say this, Sindra was also very happy. Lord Goetia took her out of the seal by the way, so wouldn't she have to grind slowly?

【Sindra, the Second Disciple of Gaimon]: Then what should I do?

【Goetia: Let's try to send a task first. The chat group has a task module.

Then...Not long after, Goetia saw the task issued by Sindra in the task module.

"Go to Valoran and help Sindra solve her problems. Reward: 1000 points!"


She is a very honest person. I gave her 1,000 points directly. In the group, besides the two administrators, Sindra is the richest one.

【Goetia: I don't need 1,000 points. I don't need 1 point. I'll just give you 1 point.

Goetia's proposal flattered Sindra. If an ordinary person heard Goetia say this, they would definitely doubt whether Goetia wanted nothing and was going to destroy her world. But Sindra...Whatever happens in this world is none of my business. I am still sealed.

After changing the reward, Goetia tried it and a message popped up:

"Do you want to go to Valoran?"

Seeing this message, Goetia knew it was done.

【Goetia: I'm ready here. If you want to go, you should be able to go. But I don't think there's a need to rush. Now, shall we take a look at the live broadcast module? Who will broadcast a live show?

Goetia's sudden change of subject still surprised everyone.

However, there is indeed a live broadcast module that has not been tried yet, and Goetia does not need to rush to go to Valoran. Anyway, the mission has just begun, so it's okay to go after you're well prepared.

Now, everyone started to discuss the live broadcast.

【[Lei Yueang]: I really want points, but I'm shopping with Emilia right now, so live streaming is not allowed.

【Kato Megumi, the chief of Gaimen disciples: Um, I am in the game club...

【Syndra]: I am sealed, I have nothing

【[Yakumo Yukari]: Don't look at me, Gensokyo is not open for the time being.

【[Goetia]: I went through a big war here before, and my family was disrupted.

So, in the end, it seems that only Shinobu Kocho is left. Originally, a certain mentally retarded goddess was suitable. After all, the Demon King’s army is attacking, and the people in the group must see how this mentally retarded goddess responds. But, it doesn’t matter if they are all offline. Shinobu Kocho accepted the 300 points.

In the end, it was Shinobu Kocho who started the live broadcast.

Although Shinobu Kocho was a little embarrassed to reveal her true face in front of the group members for the first time, she could still accept it for the sake of killing ghosts. It would be best if the big guys in the group could see it, and then she could ask the big guys in the group for help when there is a chance to completely wipe out these evil ghosts. I am asking for data on the new book. Dear readers, please give me some free flowers and evaluation tickets.

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