Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 34 Extraordinary Achievements

Chen Qing really didn't have the time to listen to Lu Mingcheng's call right now.

Of course he knew how excited Lu Mingcheng was at the moment, and also knew how much information his words contained.

But, that is "later" after all.

Right now, he had more things to worry about.

He planned to officially start practicing according to the stone tablet Qi Lu gave him.

The cause is "the water of life and death".

After spending a lot of time testing those crystals before, Chen Qing was surprised to find that the effect of the white crystals seemed to be more than just making creatures feel better.

After using a carving knife to cut open the back of the crucian carp and pouring white crystals into it, Chen Qing found that the wounds on the crucian carp had healed visibly to the naked eye.

This represents white crystals, which may speed up wound healing to a certain extent.

And Chen Qing suddenly thought that if he wanted to practice according to the method on the stone tablet, then the most important thing to worry about was probably how to deal with the injury.

Cutting off "excess organs" actually requires only courage and determination, but what to do after cutting off is the real trouble.

But after seeing the effect of white crystals, Chen Qing suddenly felt that he might be able to use this to reduce the danger.

This is much better than going to the hospital.

After going out and buying some small "pets" and doing experiments, Chen Qing became more and more certain of this.

This white crystal can indeed speed up healing.

And Chen Qing also has an advantage.

That is, he has an oil lamp, which can lock his body state, so that if something goes wrong, he will not die immediately; he also has a carving knife, which allows him to understand the structure of the human body in a short time, and he will not be affected by it when cutting. Influence.

In this way, he basically has nothing to worry about.

Now that he understood all this, Chen Qing immediately started to deal with other materials.

The first is the "polymer" mentioned on the slate.

After a lot of effort, Chen Qing found the raw materials needed to refine the thing - it can only be said that it is indeed a Ming Dynasty classic. Even the materials are basically Chinese medicinal materials, and the thing only needs to go downstairs. You can buy it at any drug store.

It must be said that fortunately it is an ancient classic, and the things that need to be used are not too fancy and do not need to be polluted. Ordinary medicinal materials are enough...

After refining, Chen Qing used a pressure cooker.

This refining method is much more efficient than the fire roasting mentioned on the stone tablet.

After all, after the catastrophe, the pressure cooker was basically useless, so Qi Lu and his family’s ancestors could only adopt this primitive method and had to watch the baking process...

Chen Qing, on the other hand, can set the timer for the pressure cooker and then start browsing his phone.

So can this kind of thing be done after a disaster? !

After finishing all this, Chen Qing started to solve the second problem.

That is "pollution".

The Qi family started practicing after the disaster. The law of pollution has "washed" everything, filling the world like "spiritual energy". Naturally, they can replace the spiritual energy with pollution.

But Chen Qing couldn't do this.

Because he is not living after the catastrophic era.

And this technique was modified based on pollution, and there is no way to absorb the so-called "spiritual energy".

So Chen Qing finally thought for a moment and decided to take a roundabout approach.

He collected all the things he had taken from Colin, piled them into a hill, and then sat in it himself.

Use this to build an approximate "polluted" environment!

Those things are all items that have been in contact with taboo objects, and they carry the law of pollution. Moreover, they are not taboos, and there will be no heavy pressure or burden when using them.

In this way, the polluted environment is also constructed.

In this way, you really start to practice formally according to the method on the stone tablet.

Taking out the pills from the pressure cooker, Chen Qing looked at the red pills and fell into silence.

To be honest, he was actually a little uneasy.

However, whenever he thought about his illness, Chen Qing felt a little more courageous out of thin air.

After that, Lu Mingcheng's call strengthened his determination.

So what if this is an unexplored road?

More than anything else, at least the future of this road is clear. Moreover, Chen Qing now also needs to embark on this road and face the possible crisis.

Chen Qing is not a person who likes gambling, especially gambling on something that seems very mysterious.

But, if it makes sense to cure his terminal illness.

He definitely wouldn't mind risking everything to take the gamble!

"It's a pity that I can't take Colin's path."

Shaking his head, Chen Qing pinched the red pill: "Maybe it's because the Hippocratic Oath is not taboo here, otherwise his path is actually the safest."

But it doesn’t matter.

The red pill was swallowed into the belly.

Chen Qing immediately closed his eyes and began to meditate according to the posture recorded on the stone tablet.

The elixir rolled inside his body, slowly dissolving and flowing into his limbs and bones.

At this moment, the strange things around him also emitted "fluctuations" that ordinary people could not see.

This kind of fluctuation is like the ripples that Chen Qing saw on the shelf when he used the ancient mirror for the first time, and the countless taboo objects spread out with restlessness.

This is... pollution!

This wave quickly sank into Chen Qing's body.

Under this pollution, Chen Qing felt as if his blood vessels began to twist and beat.


He frowned and groaned, and black liquid flowed from his mouth and nose.

The pollution was transforming his body bit by bit, alienating and distorting his body.

The five senses are amplified as never before at this moment, but this may not be a good thing for Chen Qing. Because under that invisible wave, everything he saw, heard, and felt was like a torrent of filthy mud, locking his body tightly as if it was drowning him!

The fluctuations on the pollutants nearby are getting weaker and weaker.

Instead, the fluctuations in Chen Qing's body became stronger and stronger!

And just when the pollution in his body was about to reach its peak.

Beside him, the oil lamp slowly lit up.

Thanks to the "heart rate check" function of modern technology, when Chen Qing's heart rate is detected to reach a certain level, the preset program is started at this moment.

Then, within the faint light envelope.

The filth covering Chen Qing's body trembled slightly for a moment.

Originally, they were roaming around Chen Qing's body unscrupulously, but in the light of the oil lamp, they could no longer continue to "happily" erode Chen Qing's body.

But their restlessness still cannot stop.

Even though they were restrained by the oil lamp, they still flowed through Chen Qing's body with difficulty.

Only this time, their goals have become quite singular.

In Chen Qing's lower abdomen, countless pollutions came like a torrent, gathering together and forming a black tumor bit by bit, so huge that it even protruded from Chen Qing's skin...


Chen Qing closed his eyes, and the carving knife flashed like lightning, and he suddenly dug out the huge tumor!

His speed was fast and sharp, but his strikes were extremely precise. In just a blink of an eye, Chen Qing picked out the huge tumor with his knife.


Chen Qing frowned, and the expression on his face was distorted for a moment.

That's because of pain.

Even if he went as fast as he could, the pain would not diminish even a little bit.

But he didn't hesitate, he grabbed the few white crystals next to him and swallowed them in one gulp.

After those white crystals entered his mouth, Chen Qing immediately used gauze to cover the hideous wound with a big hole.

"so far so good."

He murmured to himself: "If the knife had been cut a few centimeters lower, then I might have..."

He didn't dare to think about what happened next.

Because according to the records on the stone tablet, the place where the extra organs are located is called "Dan Tian".

Staring at the dark tumor on the ground, Chen Qing endured the pain and picked it up.

This thing was half the size of a fist, and Chen Qing had just dug it out of him.

And according to what is said on the stone tablet.

This thing should be called... "Inner Alchemy"!

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