You For Eternity

Chapter 961: Have me with you (4)

Bai Yujing said in a very plain tone: "If you leave a scar, leave a scar. It's not a big deal. Men don't need to be so white, and it doesn't matter if they leave some scars."

Where is this scar? The entire back will not be intact!

His arm was also burned, also in bandages.

"You shouldn't save me, I'll die when I die, it's no big deal, Wei Young, you will take care of me, but you can't do this..."

"What silly thing are you talking about?"


Bai Yujing's body suddenly stiffened, because Nianxin suddenly hugged him from behind, in a...very ambiguous posture.

At this time, anyone who comes in and sees such a scene will probably misunderstand it.


Nianxin’s face leaned on his back, and her heartache was so painful: "Just like you would love me, seeing you hurt makes me feel bad, Xiaobai, can you promise me that if the same thing happens in the future, Don't fight your life to save me?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? First of all, don't say whether it will happen, even if it does happen, it is my own choice to save you or not to save you, you don't care."

"But I don’t want to feel the second time. When you have a heart arrest, I don’t want to live anymore. Uncle, you don’t know. You are my god. I hope you can be well. If you die, I also Can't live..."

Her dependence on him is so strong that she can't even imagine it.

Bai Yujing frowned.

He clasped her wrist and said, "Nianxin, no matter what happens in the future, no matter who disappears into this world, you must be fine."

In the evening, Zhan Yan ordered the people to prepare the dinner and send it to the ward, which almost became their only venue for activities.

Nianxin used to accompany Bai Yujing to eat. Now that Qianyi and Weiyang are added, she has to move the table to the outside hall so that Nianxin can sit at the table and eat with the children. Bai Yujing can also see them without being alone. of.

This is what Nianxin said. At noon, she and her two children were eating in the hall. When she came out to pour water, she found Xiaobai sitting on the hospital bed alone to eat, looking so pitiful.

Bai Yujing didn't deny it, and just acquiesced.

In this way, when he was eating, he looked up occasionally and could still see them. It was indeed more lively than eating alone.

In fact, he is not disgusted with doing things alone. He has always been alone. In the Bai family, he often stays alone in the study. The older brother knows his character and will not force him to come down together. Everyone is used to it.

The only thing that doesn't follow common sense is the mind. She doesn't care if he is alone or what, she just wants to go to the study to make him eat together.

She sometimes laughed at him mischievously, saying that he was actually an unwanted child picked up by the Bai family, so she was as pitiful as her. She had to help the Bai family with part-time work day and night, and was exhausted all day long without rest or anything.

Then, she would say with great compassion that she would reluctantly accompany the same poor Xiaobai to dinner.

How could Bai Yujing be fooled for such a naive and low-level lie, just listen to it as if it doesn't matter, and forget about it when he turns his head.

But now think about it, if you really forget about it when you turn your head, why at this time he only needs to mention the memory a little, and the scene at that time can immediately emerge?

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