You For Eternity

Chapter 924: Accidentally married into the royal family (3)

He knew that this was Butler's Embassy in Haicheng, right, but no matter how big his brain was, he couldn't think that his father's father turned out to be the monarch of Butler?


Qianyi baby with facial paralysis also said that he could not hold back such a change.

If Qian Xiaotao knew about it, wouldn't she have her jaw dropped?

Said Cao Cao arrived.

"Qianyi!" Chu Chu watched Qianyi sitting on the back of the sofa, this one who was about to fall off accidentally, hurriedly went over and picked him up.

Qianyi saw that Chu Chu opened her arms and was held in her arms obediently.

"What do you want to do with my Qianyi?" Chu Chu looked at the people who voted, the people in black, and the doctors in white coats who looked terrifying.

"Little Taozi, look over there, guess who that person is?" Qianyi wanted to introduce Brown to her.

Only then did Chu Chu look at Qianyi's hand, the middle-aged man standing behind the medical team who was looking solemnly made her startled.

I felt very familiar in the first second, and immediately remembered in the second second.

When I saw him for the first time that year, I was impressed, so Chu Chu couldn't forget.

No wonder she always felt a familiar smell in the air after stepping here, it turned out to be him...

Chu Chu can be regarded as putting down his defenses, holding Qianyi and nodding slightly: "Hello Uncle..."

Qianyi was a little strange: "Huh, Little Taozi, do you know him?"

Chu Chu leaned in and said to Qianyi quietly: "Your grandpa..."

"Oh," Qianyi said with a surprised face, "Little Taozi, did you see your parents before you got married?"

Isn't it?

Li Hengzhi never met her father, but by chance, she met his father beforehand. It's just that at the time he felt that his father didn't care much about his son's personal affairs. He said that the stocking policy should be better. If it was broken, he would just ignore it, right?

It has been so long and I have never heard Li Hengzhi mention his patrilineal relatives. The relationship is evident.

Hearing what Qianyi said, Chu Chu understood it, and it seemed that he had already told Qianyi.

"Qianyi is okay?" She looked at her son to see if there was any injury.

"It's you!" Qianyi's brows frowned as she looked at the blood on her forehead that hadn't dried yet.

"Mom is fine, Qianyi is fine."

"I'm fine," Qianyi kissed her on the cheek, touched her head, and soothed her: "Our little peach must be scared to death, baby, not afraid~ I am here.

"..." Chu Chu was really dumbfounded.

She knew that since her son can be handsome, it must be fine.

Chu Chu said to Brown: "Uncle, if you want to see Qianyi, just say it. Qianyi is your grandson, and I will definitely not stop him, but what do you mean? Rob the child without saying a word on the street."

Brown looked questioningly to his left.

The head of the security department Bliss said: "Your Excellency, this is a misunderstanding."

Qianyi attached to Chu Chu's ear and said, "It is indeed a misunderstanding. It seems that there was an error in the communication."

It didn't matter if Chu Chu was injured himself. Seeing that Qianyi was well, he didn't pursue the matter.

……and many more?

Your Mightiness?

You have different meanings in different contexts and different countries. What do they mean by you?

"Little Taozi, let me tell you something..." Qianyiqing said quietly in her ear, "My grandfather is too tall. I am the king of Butler."

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