You For Eternity

Chapter 856: Hormones around the corner (1)

With permission, Nianxin almost ran out of her ward.

Seeing her leaving, Li Hengzhi fell silent.

He also had no choice with his own sister.

After this time, he understood more clearly what Bai Yujing's status was in her mind. If there is no Bai Yujing, Nianxin doesn't know if she can do well.

It is impossible to let her leave him at this time.

But what else can be done?

How should they seek a possibility between them?


White Royal King Ward.

Nianxin ran there quickly and saw that more people had gathered at the door of the ward, some of whom were completely unfamiliar with her, as if they were not from the Bai family.

Nianxin walked over slowly, wondering, and then suddenly stopped by a fierce man: "You can't come near here!"

The movement here has attracted some people's attention.

Before Nianxin could say anything to prove his identity, someone walked over, kicked the man away, and yelled at him fiercely, "If the young master knows that your life will not be saved! Open your eyes to see who this is, our future young lady!"

"a little--"

When this person heard this, he immediately wanted to poke his own eyes blind, looking at Nianxin in horror.

Before he shouted out, he was stopped by Nianxin: "You are right, because I am not your future young lady, please don't shout."

After the clarification was over, Nianxin felt like no one would stop her.

It seems that her instincts are correct, most of this is not from the Bai family, but from the Lan family, no wonder she has never seen it before.

As soon as he was about to enter, the door in front of him opened, and Zhan Yan accompanied Lan Fei and Lan Ye out. When the two parties saw each other, they were both startled.

Nianxin first shouted: "Sister Lan Fei."

"Nianxin, are you awake? I heard Zhan Yan say that you have been looking at your uncle these days, and you have fainted."

"I'm fine, it's because I'm not in good health. Thank you Sister Nianxin for your concern."

"It's fine anyway. A Ye and I are going to have breakfast. Will you come together?"

"Hmm... I have no appetite. I want to go in and see my uncle. I heard he has a fever." Nianxin said, her eyes skipped behind them and looked in.

Lan Fei glanced at her, nodded and said, "Yes, the fever did not go away all night, and the doctor said that his immunity is now low and he dare not take any medicine. It is best to cool down physically."

Zhan Yan added: "Miss Nianxin, in fact, she has already retreated for a while. The second master is strong and physically strong. It doesn't matter if she has a small fever."

Zhan Yan also didn't want Nianxin to worry, she was tired enough in the past few days.

However, Lan Ye was very inconsistent with the atmosphere and said: "Fever is not small, I have heard of examples of being burned alive."

This time, Lan Fei scolded, "Lan Ye!"

"OK, OK..." Lan Ye nodded his head knowingly, and said no more.

Because of Lan Ye's "active", Lan Fei was embarrassed to invite Nianxin to dinner again and said goodbye to leave.

Nianxin turned her head and glanced at her, and asked Zhan Yan: "Why did she come here... Didn't you say she was busy?"

"I heard that it was over, so I hurried to see Erye," Zhan Yan said, "Don't stand Miss Nianxin, go in."

On the other side, Lan Fei gave Lan Ye a good lesson: "A Ye, how come you get older and less able to speak?"

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