You For Eternity

Chapter 615: You are my biological son (7)

"Um... okay..." Qianyi and Chu Chu lay face to face, and said reservedly.

"I hate it, what's okay?" Chu Chu smiled and nodded his little nose, "Do you have to be curious about me?"

"It's okay..." Qianyi didn't let go.

Chuchu touched his hair and hugged him in her arms, "Qianyi...Mom will pick you up soon, and we will sleep like this every day, okay?"

Qianyi thought for a few seconds, then nodded.

When Li Hengzhi returned to the master bedroom, they were already asleep, the window was still open, and the curtains fluttered.

The evening breeze in November, blowing in, began to feel a little cool.

He walked over, closed the window, and lay quietly under the covers, acting very softly, fearing to wake any of them.

Fortunately, I slept a little both for one child and one child.

Chu Chu held Qianyi, he looked at this scene in a daze.

I thought that he would have to wait at least four or five years for such a warm picture, but he had finished it ahead of schedule.

Suddenly Qianyi squirmed, and Li Hengzhi's body froze suddenly, as if it had stopped moving.

The little guy rolled over and turned into a pose facing him.

Didn't wake up, turned over and changed to a better posture and went back to sleep.

Li Hengzhi also lay down, but he didn't fall asleep right away. Instead, he held his head and looked at Chu Chu for a while and Qianyi again. Looking at the two mothers and sons, the smile at the corners of his mouth never disappeared.

He stretched out his hand to touch Qianyi's tender face, not daring to use too much force, for fear of hurting him if it was heavier.

his son!

He has a son.

There is a wife and a son, and the share he once felt regretful and missing has now been made up. This picture is so quiet and the years are quiet.

This is enough in life.


When Li Hengzhi went out, he sent Qianyi back, leaving Chu Chu to wait at home alone.

After watching the variety show on the weekend, there was nothing to do. Thinking of my cell phone which is still missing, I got up and looked for it.

I almost flipped through the bottom and couldn't find it. When I was hungry and wanted to cook something, I opened a locker and saw my mobile phone in it.

Chu Chu had a sense of joy that was lost and recovered.

Hide so well?

When I opened it, there were so many kinds of news. After reading some strange messages from Tongtong, he called to ask what happened. Gu Tong looked surprised: "Don't you know?"

Chu Chu opened Weibo and the website and got a general idea.

It turned out that in the past few days when she was isolated from the world, she was actually turned upside down by a piece of gossip news outside.

And she didn't even know anything, and lived a little life leisurely at home, and was sweet and sweet with the president's husband.

In fact, to this day, the page has been almost purified. For so many days after the incident, the protagonist has not appeared, and with Li Hengzhi's shot, no one can see anyone discussing it.

But after hard work, Chu Chu still found some fish that slipped through the net.

The people in those photos are Chu Chu from Linshui, that is, herself.

In fact, those photos are nothing. The Ye family wanted to investigate her and tracked her with a private detective. The photos were all of her life. Some of them were beaten by her adoptive father's family, and she gathered to fight, went to a bar to drink, etc. The four characters that add up to constitute a bad girl.

Those who have contact with bad girls are bad words and guesses.

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