You For Eternity

Chapter 501: The child is gone (8)

Look exactly the same?

One in Linshui and one in Haicheng?

"What's her name?"

The nurse opened the soul of gossip, and said excitedly: "She is Chu Chu, she is very famous in this area, because it is Ye Shao’s girlfriend, some things are going to go viral. She was a middle school student at that time, she was Lin A well-known bad girl in the movie, she often fights and makes troubles. However, it seems to be quite pitiful. It is said that her adoptive father is a scumbag and often beats her, and some people say that she was raped by her adoptive father..."

Although it was an unknown person, it was because they were exactly the same. When Li Heng listened, there was an illusion that all of this seemed to happen to her, his brows furrowed and his expression was not very good.

Bad girl? Adoptive father?

I don't know why, but he has a very bad feeling in his heart. There are some things that I don't want to be connected.

"There is a version like this, saying that she was pregnant with Ye Shao's child, and Ye Shao was going to be engaged to the eldest of the Mu family. Chu Chu couldn't stand the stimulation, and after being raped by her adoptive father, she ran to Dongshan and committed suicide... "

Li Hengzhi frowned as he listened.

Although these are all hearsays, just listening to Qiantao's face made his heart start immediately.

In any case, this girl named Chu Chu will not have a good life.


Li Hengzhi suddenly remembered something.

Isn't the tag that she is holding tightly saying "Chu Nian"? ?

Chu Chu... Chu Nian?

He seems to understand something.

Another nurse said, “But I think it’s true... I’ve been working here for many years, and I was here when Chu Chu’s accident happened. Ye Shao kept apologizing for holding her body, saying I’m sorry for her, please. She forgave it, it sounded right..."

"Hey... I forgot about it... Suddenly I remembered... I felt that Chu Chu was also very pitiful. I thought it was another happy ending for Cinderella and the prince."

"How can there be so many calls. He is the heir of the Ye family. He can only be with Mu Qinxin's kind of golden lady. How can he be with a girl like Chu Chu who has no family background and is not innocent? I agree."

"Since you can't be together, why bother to provoke Chu Chu? She is right... Ye Shao is not a good person."

A nurse suddenly stabbed a colleague who was talking, her eyes flickering.

Li Hengzhi turned around to take a look, Ye Yunshen walked over in despair, the two eyes met in midair.

For a while, Li Hengzhi didn't know what expression he should have.

He is still sorting out his thoughts, Qiantao is Chu Nian, and Ye Yunshen's girlfriend is Chu Chu, right?

Chu Chu and Chu Nian, twin sisters.

In this way, everything can be explained.

No wonder……

However, no matter how tragic their past stories are, how sorry he is for Chu Chu, this should not be a reason for him to hurt Qiantao!

Thinking of the child they had lost, Li Hengzhi's fist clenched tightly again, his eyes locked on him.

But this time he didn't do anything again. He turned to the nurse and said, "My wife is not sleeping well. Ask the attending doctor if he can inject some sleeping pills."

After saying this, he staggered with Ye Yunshen.

"Mr. Li," Ye Yunshen called to him, returning the tag to him, "this is hers."

Li Hengzhi took it, the tag that she usually found when she was crazy.

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