You For Eternity

Chapter 442: Would he be sad if she died? (9)

Qiantao suddenly covered the call port with a sad expression on her face.

How to do how to do……

Her performance, in the eyes of others, is a standard "caught|rapist" live emoticon package.

I can’t think for too long, there will definitely be suspicious over there, so she took a breath, smiled, and replied calmly: "Yeah, Mr. Ye is with me. Actually... I knocked a little bit and he sent me over. Treat the wound."

After spending so long with Li Hengzhi, she still learned some things. To be honest, Fang is a good strategy.

"Is it serious?" Li Hengzhi just said.

"It's not serious, it's just a bruise. Mr. Ye is more serious than me. In order to protect me, some sharp object may have scratched his hand. Now the doctor is processing it.

"Give him the phone."

Qiantao didn't expect this development, so she called him... Then did she give it or not?

In the end, she decided to give it, and not to give her seemed guilty.

She handed the phone to Ye Yunshen: "My husband."

Ye Yunshen glanced at her, took the phone, and paused after seeing the note on the screen.

Big creditor?


"Mr. Ye, to save my sister and protect my wife, I owe you two favors."

"President Li is polite, it's easy."

"Why did Mr. Ye suddenly change his route to Haicheng?"

"I have something to do temporarily, just come over."

"You're all in Haicheng. If I don't have the friendship of a landlord, I can't justify it, but I am not in Haicheng and there is no way to invite you to dinner. I will leave it to my wife to do this."

"Oh?" Ye Yunshen also seemed surprised, "Is President Li so relieved?"

The smile on Ye Yunshen's face was very meaningful. Qiantao, who was watching from the side, was very anxious, clutching her hand and muttering in her heart.

What did the two of them say... Why are they still talking and laughing? Why doesn't she know, when did they have such a good relationship?

It's okay for Ye Yunshen not to smile, but this situation makes her feel worried.

"I can trust Mr. Ye's character."

Ye Yun smiled deeply and returned the phone to Qiantao.

"Wife, since Mr. Ye has saved you, he has come to our site again, you must at least invite him to dinner, and I will let someone arrange it for you in the restaurant, thank him very much."

"Huh?" Qiantao was confused.

Wh... what's the situation?


"President, do you really want to book?" Yan Hai asked again uncertainly.

Did he hear me right? The president wants to book a restaurant seat for his wife and other men?

"Let you order it, there are so many questions."


One of Li Heng's eyes settled as he walked out.

Ye Yunshen...

What is the relationship between you and Qiantao?


Qiantao fidgets.

Both feet have been shaking unconsciously, his teeth biting his nails, thinking.

Something is wrong...

It's not right to think, how can the big boss be so generous...what is the conspiracy?


There was a flash of light in her mind, and she suddenly thought of a proper reason.

He really betrayed her, right?

She must have done something with the goddess sister, there is a ghost in her heart, so she is not angry when she knows that she is with other men, and has arranged everything for them, wanting compensation?

The phone vibrated, she clicked on it, and it was sent by Li Hengzhi: Oh, by the way, I didn't buy those shoes.

Which pair of shoes?

After thinking for a while, I suddenly remembered the pair on Yu Zhitong's feet.

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