You For Eternity

Chapter 411: Uniquely the Fourth Master's Grace (8)

Regarding the discussion from the outside world, the two seem to be unaware at this time.

Qiantao suddenly thought of something and said, "By the way, did you see Nianxin when you came?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"Nianxin likes Second Master Bai, do you know that?"

Probably she was surprised that she knew that, he paused for a second before asking, "Nianxin told you?"

"I guessed, but Nianxin admitted it."

Li Hengzhi nodded: "Yes, this is what I didn't tell you before. Only Bai Yujing in the Bai family helped Nianxin. Perhaps this is part of the reason. Nianxin has feelings for him other than family affection."

No wonder she could always feel Li Hengzhi's hostility towards Bai Yujing, it turned out to be because of Nian Xin...

In the final analysis, Bai Yujing doesn't like mind, or in other words, he succumbed to morality and is always calm. As the side who maintains his sense, he is not wrong.

She doesn't think Li Hengzhi is the kind of person who blindly protects his sister regardless of right and wrong.

So her instinct tells her that things are definitely more than this.

"Let's go to Nianxin, I am a little worried about her. When you were away just now, the Bai family introduced her to Lan Ye, and she did not refuse."


The two suddenly stood up and saw that the group behind them had no time to put away their phones.

Seeing them turning around, they put up their phones one after another, pretending that nothing happened.

Qian Tao was also a little surprised. Reflexively, she let go of her hand holding Li Hengzhi's arm, and hid her hand behind her back.

On such a big occasion, if someone sees them together, he might be troubled. Even if these people still don't know their relationship, at most they think she is his current girlfriend.

Li Hengzhi saw their reaction and Qiantao's evasion in time, so he didn't say anything, but just used a move.

His hand stretched out behind her and placed it on her clasped hands.

Qiantao looked at him unexpectedly, doubts written in her incomprehensible eyes.

He didn't explain, grabbed her right hand, and left here with his fingers intertwined, as if they would not understand it.

And as soon as they turned their backs, they all took out the phones they had just hidden and took pictures of this magical scene as if they were regarded as a national treasure.

Qiantao still didn't recover from the surprise until she left everyone's sight.

She knew that he had not concealed her identity from Bai Yujing Feng Jingyan, she thought it was because their identities were special, but from the scene he just saw, he didn't seem to mind letting the outside world know that she was Mrs. Li...

In addition, she remembered that he had asked her not long ago if she wanted to make up the wedding...

Isn't it... he didn't just say it casually?

If they wanted to ask, after they found Li Nianxin, they swallowed it back.

Li Nianxin was not with Lan Ye at this time. She leaned on the sofa and closed her eyes as if she was asleep. Gu Xi sat beside her, picked up a bottle of wine on the coffee table, sniffed, and poured a bit of it. In the cup, I took it to my mouth again and dipped it, as if I was curious about wine.

The two of them walked over, and Li Hengzhi snatched the wine glass in Gu Xi's hand: "You are not allowed to drink alcohol when you are underage, adult, or young."

"Hey—" Gu Xi's eyes shifted with his hand, "Fourth Master Li, how come you are like the Third Master, so wide."

Qiantao glanced at Li Nianxin and asked, "Gu Xi, has Nianxin been drinking here all the time?"

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