You For Eternity

Chapter 316: Which one can manage the lower body when you see it? (4)

The car is very quiet.

From the perspective of psychology, Qiantao bit her fingernails from time to time. Obviously, she has any questions to ask, but she is afraid of something and dare not ask, so she is in a state of a little anxiety.

Li Hengzhi glanced at her and said, "Just say what you want to say, see you panic."

"Huh?" Qiantao turned to take a look, smiled and shook her head, "No..."

She is not fooled!

The chief executive turned his face faster than the book, she couldn't help it!

Qiantao thought to herself, and snorted while looking out the window.

What does it mean to have been bitten by a snake for ten years and be afraid of well rope? After she was bitten once, she became vigilant. Even if she was so curious now, she still decided to keep silent, lest she asked the wrong question and was violently violent by the CEO.


"No..." After answering this way, I was a little unwilling at first, and then decided that the mind of not asking would collapse like this, and cautiously replied, "Are you really angry?"

"Then it depends on what question you are asking. This is the same as investment. There is no 100% risk-free investment."


Just asking a question, it also involves investment.

"Does your scar... hurt?"

She probably guessed that she wanted to ask this question from the very beginning, and Li Hengzhi's face didn't show a surprised and unexpected look.

Qiantao looked at him and felt that he was not angry. Although his expression was not very good at first glance, it was more bleak and sad than angry.

At least she was not afraid, but...

I feel a little uncomfortable.

"What about your scars, do they hurt?" He didn't answer, but asked her back.

Qiantao nodded and described: "It hurts. The scab is formed, but it can't fall off, so the wound will not heal. It seems to be stuck to the wound. If you have to peel it off, it will be with the skin and flesh. It will hurt even more if you tear it off. In fact, everyone knows that long-term pain is not as good as short-term pain, but no one can bear the short-term pain that has to bear the multiplied pain...... So, I just let it go. It, when the wound becomes inflamed, it hurts badly, and when it gets better, it will be unscrupulous. After a while, it will get inflamed again... and so on again and again."

From this description of her, Li Hengzhi knew that it was the true feeling that only the truly injured person can have.

Because of empathy, he felt every word of her.

"So..." Li Hengzhi continued, "Can it hurt?"

He answered her question just now, it hurts, even if it was him, it would hurt.

Qiantao smiled and said, "Then if one day you want to uncover the scar, you tell me, I will hold you gauze and disinfectant alcohol on the side, wait for you to uncover it, and bandage it for you?"

Li Hengzhi glanced at her, wondering whether he really agreed or was perfunctory, and answered one word: "Okay."

Qiantao was very quiet afterwards. When Li Hengzhi drove to Xiangshuiwan, he looked back at her and found that she was leaning on the seat and asleep.

The security guard at the door came forward to say hello, but he stopped it and made a silence and asked him to open the door.

The car was parked in front of the house. He neither got out of the car nor hugged her to sleep. He just sat in the car, doing nothing, and was quiet.

His scars...

His soft eyes fell on her quiet sleeping face, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly.

He never thought about going to uncover it.

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