You For Eternity

Chapter 315: Which one can manage the lower body when you see it? (3)

"May you cry for three minutes."

Except for the burst-like sequelae of alcoholism in her head, she was almost awake from alcohol, this time she was really awake, and her mind was sober.

But as soon as his words fell, the tear ducts were out of control, and a sense of sorrow and grief rushed to the top of his head. For a second, he was hiding in his arms, his nose was sour, and tears fell. Come down.

It's not like a child's howl, but just like a little grievance, a little teardrop silently fell.

She didn't say that, although he didn't get to the bottom of it, he also knew that she was definitely not drinking for no reason, so he simply gave her a haven.

This is the only thing he can do now.

Three minutes passed, he did not push her away, nor did he order her to stop.

"Do you know," Li Hengzhi said, not knowing how long it has been, "I can often see my own similarities in you. I don't let you talk about my family affairs because I don't want people to uncover the scars. It would be too cruel to peel off the scabs."

Qiantao stopped crying for a few seconds.

His... scars?

He really...has something happened to him?

"I know you must have a past too. To be honest, I asked Yan Hai to check on you and check what happened to you in Dongshan, Linshui eight years ago, but I didn’t find out that time. I could have kept checking on it, but later thought Think about it, or give it up. Put yourself in and think about it, I don’t want others to know my past, and why should I expose your scars without your consent?"

Qiantao was dazed, a little scared. He actually checked her...

His failure to investigate really saved her...

It is still an unknown mystery whether you can find Qianyi's head after peeling the cocoon.

"Then you promise me not to check me, can you? I... if I want to tell you, I will tell you."

"Everyone has unspeakable secrets, because I feel the same, so I choose to respect your privacy."

"Thank you……"

"You just need to tell me, is it because of the past that you are not happy today?"

Qiantao nodded: "Yes..."

"You are afraid of thunder because of the past?"


"Your past is related to Xiao Yuanhang?"

"...You can say so, but not exactly."


That said, Xiao Yuanhang is not the main reason.

These questions are meaningless, but when he knows these, his mood is suddenly clear.

After talking about these two dollars, Qiantao felt like she got a good vent in her heart, and she didn't feel so uncomfortable. I didn't expect that... the last person to enlighten her was actually Li Hengzhi...

Under the car lights, she could see that both her eyes were reddened and a little swollen. This only shows that she had a time when she was crying harder when he couldn't see it.

"Forget what happened today, I won't pursue it," he said, "but next time I drink it like this and open the room with another man, I don't care if you do anything, just wait for me and show you See what it means to be at your own risk."

What is a man, he still doesn't know?

Especially with her terribly drunk state, which one can control her lower body after seeing it?

The slender finger pointed at her, and finally clicked on her forehead, with an expression of "I am not threatening you", turned and left, "Get in the car and go home."

"Oh..." Qiantao babbled, stepping on small steps to keep up.

The consequences are arrogant, it sounds terrible!

Behind him invisible, Qiantao finally laughed.

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