You For Eternity

Chapter 170: Marrying you back is not just to see

However, Li Hengzhi seemed to see through her mind, put her on the soft bed, and gave her a "reassurance": "Don't worry, marrying you back is not just for watching."



What kind of relief is this!

It's really "relieving"! Just tell her "will definitely eat you" but it's okay...

However, after Li Hengzhi said this almost joking remark, he did not immediately execute the act of eating her.

Li Hengzhi went out for a while, and when she came back, she lost something beside her. She looked down and found that it was her mobile phone, except for the corners and corners. There was no damage.

"Stay in the house obediently, don't go anywhere."

"Oh..." Qiantao nodded in default.

It's rare that his tone of voice is better, how dare she provoke him again? Aren't you afraid of death?

If he died today, he might be able to spare her life temporarily.

After Li Hengzhi left, only Qiantao was left in the room. There was a faint scent in his room, which smelled very well and wouldn't be greasy, but at this time, the strong smell of booze from her ankle quickly filled the room.

Now she can't walk around, if she gets better after tonight, she won't have to go to the hospital to get a bone.

Bone setting...

Thinking of these two words, she made her scalp numb.

Qiantao picked up the phone and sent a message to Qianyi.


"Brother Li...Where are you going?" Ji Xuan followed him to the door.

"I'll go out and take care of something," he buttoned the cuff buttons. "You stay with the young lady at home, stare at her, don't let her run around."

"I know..." Ji Xuan nodded, her eyes full of expectation.

Even if it's just a look, I hope he can take a look at himself.

However, even such a small request is an extravagant hope.

Without turning his head back, Li Hengzhi opened the door and went out.

When he got into the car, he put on Bluetooth and dialed a number.

"Look up where Dongshan is."

On the other end was Yan Hai, who quickly replied, "President Li, which Dongshan do you mean? The closest to Haicheng is Dongshan near the water."

"Lin Shui..."

It's really not far.

"Go and check, where Qiantao went to Dongshan eight years ago, and what happened, please tell me as much detail as possible."

Even if Yan Hai has any doubts, he will hide it in his heart and execute it when he receives an order. "It's the president, I will check it right away."

Those words she said sounded confusing, but it couldn't be without a reason. It must have happened.

Eight years ago...

Could it be related to Xiao Yuanhang?


Fearing that Gu Tong would be frightened when he went to the TV station tomorrow, Qiantao told her the matter in advance, lest she would be bluffing again tomorrow.

Knowing that Qiantao was okay, Gu Tong was also relieved. As soon as the conversation turned around, he worried about the night of solitude they were about to usher in. In her words: After so long, someone must be hungry and thirsty!

"Okay, Gu Tong! No shape!" Qiantao hung up the phone angrily, not wanting to continue talking to her.

However, hanging up the phone doesn’t change anything. Tongtong’s worries are not unreasonable. It’s already dark and it’s time to sleep...

Should she take a bath and pretend to sleep?

good idea!

Qiantao stepped on the ground with one foot, and was stunned. No, she didn't have any clothes to change...

"Knock, knock-"

"Come in."

There were not many people here, and Li Hengzhi was not there, and Ji Xuan was the one who knocked on the door.

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