You For Eternity

Chapter 155: Encountered the robbery?

Suddenly, the door in front of her opened.

In fact, I don't know why there was such a premonition. The moment the door opened, she seemed to feel some familiar breath, causing her to turn aside, her eyes closely following the door.

As soon as the door opened, a figure that made her stare and forget to react came out from inside.

The classic, timeless black suit on Li Hengzhi's body did not show any stereotyped image, but made him appear to be walking out of a painting.

He is a typical clothes hanger, and the custom-made handmade high-end suits are very docile, which faintly outlines his figure.

Qiantao was taken aback.

This man has never exposed his flesh in public, let alone a large-scale portrait, the only time...

Probably that time at the hotel, right?

But the photos at that time should have been destroyed by him, otherwise they might already have one by hand.

Therefore, those who have seen his figure...

She is one of the few.

The impression of five years ago is still imprinted in her mind. She has a fire-breathing figure and comes standard with eight pack abs. I don’t know if the bath towels around me at that time were deliberate, revealing a little bit of sexual and emotional mermaid. Line, let people imagine.

Even though she can't see him in his clothes, she has to say that from the naked eye, his figure hasn't changed at all for so many years.

No, no!

The next second, Qiantao shook her head sharply.

Why does she want to think about these to Li Hengzhi?

When Qiantao realized that she wanted to hide, she suddenly realized that Li Hengzhi, who came out of the room, did not notice her standing next to the waiter, holding a mobile phone in one hand, as if he came out temporarily because of a call. He walked straight ahead, turned a corner and disappeared.

Qiantao was stunned for a second, then looked down at her attire today: a suit that fits the ordinary OL dress of a TV station worker-a small black suit and a skirt.

Smiled angrily.

If you come out of the room, you will recognize yourself as the staff here, right?

Standing next to the waiter, I couldn't recognize it at all, it was a perfect and appropriate "disguise".

Qiantao was about to leave. When the door in front was opened, another person came out from inside. To be precise, she was a woman. She didn't look closely at Qiantao, probably because she was a woman, so she said, "Go to the bathroom with me. ."

She left first after speaking, even though she didn't know where the bathroom was.

Qiantao was stunned for a moment and looked at the waiter blankly, who reacted: "Uh, Miss Xue..."

This surname reminded Qiantao, and a name suddenly ran out of her mind: Xue Miaomiao!

she was……

Qiantao looked in the direction where Li Hengzhi had disappeared just now, a little startled.

They... are here...


Xue Miaomiao looked down at her phone, and heard someone call her without turning her head back and said, "I'm here for my aunt!"

Qiantao: "..."

Qiantao and the waiter looked at each other with embarrassment.

The waiter was obviously embarrassed when he heard those three words, and didn't know what to do, and said to Qiantao: "I'll get in touch--"

"Forget it, where is the bathroom?" She was going to the bathroom anyway to see if she could help.

"It's very close, just turn right ahead."


Following Xue Miaomiao into the bathroom, she was suddenly pulled in by her. She kicked the door, locked her with one hand and locked the door with the other, with a coercive voice: "Take off your clothes!"

"..." Qiantao was stunned, "Hey???"

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