You For Eternity

Chapter 1357: One double for a lifetime (340)

Yes, it was indeed taken back by Lan Fei now, but according to Lan Ye's character, after he was injured, wouldn't it take minutes to come back?

"..." Rarely, even Bai Yujing paused and was silent for half a second, "This is a problem."

Nian Xin turned back, and saw her Xiaobai's expression thinking about major issues, and laughed out with a chuckle.

Although the issue with Lan Ye was not trivial, this serious appearance still amused her, and there is no need to be so serious...

As she was thinking, Bai Yujing's held hand grabbed her, his eyes filled with tenderness: "It seems that our business is going to be early-before he comes back."

Nianxin froze for a second, then smiled slightly: "Okay."

"But there is still the problem, we may not be able to do it too high-profile."

"It doesn't matter," Nianxin grabbed his hand with both hands and chuckled, "I only want the right person."


Early in the morning.

The door was gently pushed open.

"Aunt~" Qianyi's voice suddenly appeared.

Nian Xin, who was sitting in front of the dressing table, turned her head and saw a gentle smile on her face: "Huh? One by one, why are you here? Wow... why are we so handsome!"

Qianyi in a small white suit, a powerful fan, and a cute and upright feeling, immediately made the makeup crew of a room personified.

"It's so cute..."

"It should be said to be cute and handsome!"

"My aunt is very beautiful." Qianyi raised her little head and looked at Nianxin.

Nianxin gently squeezed his face: "You are the best at talking, cute! Then, should something be wrong with you coming to find aunt?"

"No," Qianyi grinned. "Mommy is here too, wearing high heels. Dad is leading her to walk slowly. I'll run faster."

"Ah... yes... Sister-in-law is two people now, so you have to be careful."

This incident was accidentally discovered two days ago.

No one thought that Chu Chu and Li Hengzhi themselves, Chu Chu was also pregnant for a month, which was about the same time as Gu Tong's death, a little later.

To be specific, they don't know which day it is, 囧!

Anyway, both of them have plans to have a second child. Since the child is here, let it be the case.

As they spoke, Chu Chu and Li Hengzhi had already arrived and pushed the door to enter.

"Wow, whose girl is this, so beautiful." Chu Chu exaggerated as soon as she entered.

"Sister-in-law, don't tease me!"

"Don't don't, you don't get up, sit down, this wedding dress is so inconvenient."

Yes, today is the wedding of Bai Yujing and Nianxin, ahead of them.

Chu Chu was about to go forward, and was instructed by Li Hengzhi: "You be careful."

"Puff......" Chu Chu laughed, "Don't be funny, I'm only around here, I can't be so exaggerated. At the beginning, I was pregnant with Liujia and—"

Chu Chu was just about to say something, but in the middle of the conversation, he stopped again: "I'll talk to Nianxin for a while, it's okay, you take Qianyi baby around?"

"Okay," Li Hengzhi petted her head and said to Qian, "Let's go son, Dad will show you everywhere."

Looking at Chu Chu's back, Li Hengzhi's eyes sank.

He knew why she stopped suddenly.

She didn't mean to mention this, but when she was halfway through the conversation, she suddenly felt that it was better not to say it.

Because at that time, he was not by her side, saying that would only make him feel bad.

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