You For Eternity

Chapter 1211: One twin for a lifetime (190)

Chu Chu thought, everyone said that, and she didn't say anything.

"Come to Qianyi, grandpa also prepared lucky money for you, our little Qianyi must grow up quickly!" Qian Chenghai got close and touched his head.

"Thank you Grandpa."

I thought it was all done. Who ever thought that Liu Hui and Qian Churui also gave Qianyi a package by the same person, and Qianyi was in no particular order, and thanked them uniformly.

Chu Chu's eyes glanced, dear, the thick stack of lucky money in this little guy's hand is a great harvest!

Those who were there, Chu Chu hadn't given the red envelope yet.

She didn't choose to take it with her. She had prepared the New Year's Eve money, but kept it at home. They had to go home anyway, and it would be the same if they were to give it to him.

New year's money is usually given when visiting relatives during New Year's greetings, but since she usually doesn't take Qianyi to Xiao's house, they prepared the new year's money for the children tonight.

Father and them are all smoothly.

They see at any time they want, and they just pass away anytime they want to get together. They are not the kind of people who have not seen each other for a few years.

As for Chu Chu's other relatives...

The mother is missing, and the father has passed away. She and her sister have become orphans since they were young, so where are other relatives leaving.

Chu Chu thought about it, so many people gave it, but she hasn't given it yet. I was afraid that the little guy would misunderstand that she would not give him the lucky money. She was about to explain it first. When she just opened her mouth to speak, Qianyi suddenly weighed it. After a while, he drew the thickest red envelope and handed it to Chu Chu, "Hey, little peach, for your new year money, you have to be obedient in the coming year. You can't be disobedient."


Hey baby, the role is reversed again!

Qianyi's actions caused all the people present to laugh and was amused by him.

Chu Chu burst into tears.

Little guy, he's still such a big kid!

Chu Chu is going to tell Li Hengzhi about his precious son after he returns!

Thinking of this, she was taken aback.

Aunt Su is right. It's already the New Year's Eve, Hengzhi, are you still coming back?


At the end of the meal, everyone was ready to leave.

Chu Chu looked up at Qian Churui who was opposite, and suddenly stunned.


By the way, these three words.

Isn't Qian Churui's presence very strong today?

On the contrary, I have been adjusting the atmosphere, always pretending that everyone is not separated from each other, chatting, and not paying much attention to her.

No matter, she is not interested in studying her either, so it's good to be harmonious.

The elders chatted for a few words, and it was considered as an end. At this moment, Qian Churui suddenly retorted that there was good news to tell him.

This "he" refers to Xiao Yuanhang.

Chu Chu also looked over.

Is it possible to agree to their divorce during the Chinese New Year?

Divorce is always not a good thing, but this marriage has dragged on for a long time, it should be resolved, but it is resolved on this day, there is always something strange.

But Chu Chu still thinks too much.

After Xiao Yuanhang asked "what's the matter", Qian Churui's quiet but shocking words came out: "I'm pregnant..."

! ! !

All present were shocked.

Chu Chu observed that even her mother Liu Hui looked unbelievable.

She even saw the surprise of the elders from a moment to the loss and peace afterwards.

She knows what it means.

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