You For Eternity

Chapter 1156: One double for a lifetime (135)

Li Tianyou lay innocently with a gun.

While chatting, he didn't notice what they were talking about, and suddenly the apple in his hand was snatched by Gu Tong.

He stared at the past dumbfounded: "I'm a wounded now... I'm also grabbing things from the wounded?"

Gu Tongbai gave him a glance: "Deserve it! You men don't have a good thing!"

Li Tianyou: "..."

囧, what did he do again?

He didn't do anything...Isn't he still lying in bed every day, hasn't he had time to do any bad things?

"Alright..." Chu Chu pulled her, "God bless you how innocent."

She knows what Tong Tong is so angry about, who makes them "li"?

She is 90% sure, God bless doesn't know about him.

He is a man, although he is only a few years old, Li Heng, but the city between the two is very different. Their blessed cousin can't hide things, and will write everything on his face.

"That's right!" Li Tianyou agreed, "It's better to be my sister-in-law, my wife, don't watch any TV drama news again, just kill us again, don't you talk about me, you also accidentally injured my big cousin !"

Gu Tong slammed a fist on his shoulder: "I'm! I'm not your wife yet, don't bark!"

"Oh..." Li Tianyou shrank, "It hurts... you hit my wound..."

Gu Tong didn't believe his little trick.

Chu Chu looked at the two of them and couldn't help but smile: "It's OK, there are no outsiders here, it's just a matter of status, so you don't have to worry about so much."

Li Tianyou raised his head and smiled: "Cousin, you are so kind!"

Gu Tong glared at her: "Qian Chuchu, which one are you on?"

Chu Chu shrugged: "Anyway, if you are going to marry, it doesn't matter where I stand?"


"Eh-my good sister, you really hurt him." Chu Chu glanced at his shoulder with his eyes.

At first glance, it was really bleeding.

"How come you hurt like acting!" Gu Tong was anxious and regretful, "I'll call a doctor--"

Li Tianyou grabbed her hand and pulled it back, and threw herself into his arms. He put his arms around her, rubbed his nose against hers, and said ambiguously: "It's too late, it hurts, it hurts. Give me some painkillers first."

Gu Tong is not a fool. Why can't I tell that what he needs is not real painkillers?

"Don't make trouble, Chu Chu is still there!"

Chu Chu, who was sour with goose bumps on the side, hugged her hands and said with a smile: "It's so cold...this heater is broken, I'm going to have a cup of hot milk to warm up."

After speaking, he left the ward with a smile on his face and closed the door.

When the door closed, the smile on his face gradually faded.

The more lonely I see such a scene, the greater the gap in my heart.

I lowered my eyes, really went to the vending machine to get a cup of hot milk and drank by the window.

The milk was gasping, and it should have warmed her heart a lot, but she couldn't feel anything this time. She was shivering with the cold, and she hugged her arm.

In a while, spring will come.

This cold winter will soon pass.


Isle of Man.

Nianxin was blindfolded, and Bai Yujing led to a place.

"Xiao Bai, where are we going? My curiosity is about to explode."

Bai Yujing removed her obstacles and said in her ear: "Open your eyes."

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